Baycol (cerivastatin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Baycol (cerivastatin sodium)

Severe chest pain that mimicked a heart attack. Muscle cramps. Spent three days in hospital for cardiac evaluation.

My grandma was taking this medicine, and thanks to you, her liver has failed her. The Dr.s couldn't find out what was wrong with her until they saw that she had taken this medicine. Thank you, now she only has 6 months to one year to live!!!!!

joint and muscle pain, lower back pain. extreme weakness. verylimited arm movement now. Cannot remove tee shirt over my head. Sometimes need help dressing. medical evaluator saysit's a sudden case of arthritis...muscle pain was dismissed.

Baycol has almost crippled me. I am hoping for some kind ofimprovement. Will seek another primary care physician. Theyare sending me to an arthritic specialist saying that my "arthritis" is something to be expected at my age.

became extremely weak and tired easily. even have expereinced problems now regarding my heart. had by-pass three years ago, but in two days I will be back in hospital for more test

I am concerned on what this medicine my have effected my heart condition and that my recovery may be effected

Severe leg and lower back pain; weakness in the legs

I have been off the drug for 10 days and see very little improvement in my leg and back pain or the weakness in my legs.

Cholesterol dropped as expected. Medical evaluation satisfactory.Experiencing never before arm ache, leg ache, loss of strength. Medical evaluation: age and arthritis.

Now off Baycol -- IF aches disappear, will be very pleased and a little ticked at medical evaluator.


I am experiencing headache, severe muscle pain and spasams, joint pain, shortness of breath, lethargy, wanting to rest all the time, but can't sleep, stomach ache.... I seem to be experiencing all of the symtoms I have recently read about.

Severe muscle and joint pain. Could not recover from exercise regimine. I had to stop taking it because of the pain.

I'm concerned now how badly I've damage my circulatory system. I wasn't taking any other drugs for triglicerides however the FDA's recent recall of this drug really concerns me as to what damage I may have done to my body.

Severe,incapacitating, agonizing muscle and joint pain. Legs and arm swelling, pitting edema.

I am a jogger, 5 miles q day. On baycol was unable to walk one city block. Just getting out of bed in the morning was a major obstacle. Was taking pain meds just to get to work. This is a very dangerous drug and should be taken off the market. I have been off this drug for 3 months and still have considerable pain.

I did not have any side effects. Am still taking it with no ill effects.

My cholesterol level had reached 275 before I started Baycol; in six months my level went down to 174.

When skiing my aerobic capicity was noticeably very poor as I would gasp for breath. Two years later, I have no problems breathing even after strenuous skiing.

Side Effects forbaycol (cerivastatin sodium) - User Comments


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Feel like a 100 yr. old. Have been on the drug 7 months. I am stopping it. Took my last one Sept. 1, 2007. Started to research drug yesterday because I began to wonder if my achy joint pain could be the drug. I have felt so bad since going on the drug.

Weight gain, nausea, mood swings

Took this for bad cramping, fatigue, moodiness. Only prescribed as a ten day script. Just to help balance. Its amazing how well this has helped me. Day #3 coming in the a.m.My bleeding has slowed. My cramps are lightening up significantly and i feel great!

After trying all the SSRI's and multiple reuptake inhitbors I requested Tofranil PM specifically. I read on this site that others had good luck with this medicine. Unfortunatly I went to my GP instead of my pdoc to get it because I could not get in soon enough with my pdoc. My GP started me out at a dose that was much to high (100mg per night). It wacked my brain so hard that my memory quit working, I got lost in the middle of sentences when attempting a short interchange, I lost words that were normally a part of my vocablulary, I was like...Duh! After one week at 100mg I was able to see my pdoc who reduced my dose to 50mg per night. After one week my mind has cleared, but now I am easily agitated and fly off the handle at the most minor irritations. I spoke with my pdoc today and he wants me to up my dose to 50mg in the morning and at night for a total dose of 100mg per day. I dont want to mess with taking pills all the time so I am going to try to get a script for 75mg of Tofranil PM and work back up to 100mg. I am having some negative sexual side effects and I cant drink beer anymore, too bad. (I like German Wheat Beer...Its gooooood!) No sex and No beer is a very good reason to be depressed and anxious.

If severe addiction, divorce, unemployment, jail, getting mortally wounded or dying isn't a problem for you, then go ahead and take this drug otherwise DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG.

Taking for 4 weeks. Dry mouth and dehydration. Trying to drink more water. Lost 12 pounds. I am shaky sometimes, can't eat and have dark circles under eyes. I have a hard time controlling anger and say things I shouldn't say sometimes. This past week - extrememly vivid, scary nightmares (violent, or being chased). This seems like a rare side effect, but sometimes I hear things - like someones moving in the next room but no one's there or breathing next to my ear, not in a scary way, just weird. Never happened before. And sometimes, feel like I see things out of corner of eyes. Has helped with energy and I have stopped compulsive activities like binge-purging, and alcohol abuse.

I've had great results with Yasmin. My breasts got bigger, my periods a lot lighter, no more cramps, my skin was clear (I suffered from the occasional cystic acne which takes forever to go away) and my mood swings, although still there, were not so bad. However, the breakthrough bleeding was just continuous it was ridiculous! I only had one "bleeding free" week so I had to ask to try other pills. I've been on Diane-35 (severe depression) and now on Mercilon (does not work against acne). I will try another pill after Mercilon if others don't work out well I will go back to Yasmin. Maybe after 3 months the breakthrough bleeding will stop.

Dry eyes; regular noises (sink dripping, etc.) seemed REALLY loud, decision making ability completely gone, emotions were totally flat except for occasional outbursts of anger or wanting to cry.

I have constipation. Sometimes nausea. Sometimes stomach cramps. I feel tired all the time. Sometimes dizziness. Sometimes blurred vision.

Have lost about 2-3 kgs so far and haven't really been eating all that healthy.. It makes you pay for it.