Trulance (plecanatide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trulance (plecanatide)

Diarrhea, extreme gas, stomach rumblings,SOB, cough, runny nose, general malaise

Stopped taking drug, not worth feeling like crap

Freezing, then sweating and on fire!! Just feel like I have the flu all the time, feel strange like. Chest hurts, swollen glands. Just feel sick, oh, and exhausted all the time!!

Gas, bloating, feeling of weeping, uncontrollable thoughts anxiety. Overall not myself. Not really having consistent bowel movements.

Not worth the mental aggravation.

Watery diarrhea.. Headache on day 2, dizziness day 3, severe nausea day 4 late in the evening. Sinus pain, felt like a cold coming on... nope, side effect. Sudden upper left abdominal pain under ribs, and bloating. Never felt completely emptied out.

Took in the morning, worked within 20-30 min. Worked continuously for about 2 hours. Never any solidified bowel movements, all watery diarrhea. Fatigued and drained feeling.

I tried this out last year and didn't see much difference except bloating. I tried again hoping it would work since I was out of my Linzess 72 mg caps. At first worked well. But as the days went on it caused weird pains and dizziness in the morning. Hot and cold, bloating and then electrolyte depletion so much so that I'm just sitting in my recliner at 12:00 pm unable to function. I drink plenty of water too. I had cut the 3 mg tablet in half hoping I wouldn't lose so much liquid but it's just getting worse with each day. Irritability seems to be an issue as well as short of breath. Felt quite good on Linzess. Will get my Linzess refilled.

Outlet disfunction constipation

Fatigue and depression 12 hours after dosing. Dehydration after all cleaned out with watery diarrhea.

This is a wonder drug. It empties my bowels so I can sleep without cramps and bloating.

About 1 hour after taking, my stomach bloats and becomes weak, gas feeling. I have lung disease from covid, and 2 days ago I noticed being SOB. (short of breath) Why? Other than that, I have had a regular BM daily just unhappy with the bloating and stomach pains I am having.

It hasn't worked as well as I had hoped. Taking it 5 days and only had one bowel movement.

It helped bring down the bloating but made me have diarrhea & I lost an extremely amount of hair. I do not recommend it.

It worked great to start out. Then after 2 months was too strong. I cut the pills into 1/2 then 1/4. Still to strong for ever other day.

I'm now taking 1/8 every other day. Not sure if I'll continue or stop at this time.

My hair is breaking off and falling out. I have extreme hot flashes. It causes diarrhea at times. This medication is extremely expensive. They wanted $400 at the pharmacy. I finally found a coupon and got it down to $25 but still it's not worth it. I'm going to stop taking it. Taking magnesium two pills once a day was working better than this.

Chronic Idiopathic Constipation CIC

This medicine is extreme .. Took about 30 minutes to work and you are constantly in the bathroom .. I've seen reviews of people ruining their clothes 7 times a day and was nervous .. It made me sick., nauseous, exhausted and dehydrated and the stomach pain was the worst. I will never take this medicine again I do not care that I've tried all the others and they don't work .. I would rather suffer in pain .

If you can go without it I would recommend it .. it is the worst !

I could not take this medication while I worked, it caused persistent diarrhea, horrible stomach cramps, and exhaustion. I stopped taking because I went from constipation before taking Trulance, then once I started I couldn't leave the bathroom for hours! I felt better being constipated and that's not saying much!



Worked in the sense I had some soft stool, but never had a satisfying bowel movement. Made me feel very bloated, very gassy and weird muscle pains throughout my body.

I will not be continuing with it.

Very painful intestinal cramping

I'm done-too expensive for not working at all

This will make you have watery diarrhea, but still manages to make you feel constipated. Gave me a hemorrhoid, too! The bloating and had pains made me feel like I needed to go to the hospital. Just awful!

TRULANCE (PLECANATIDE): See also Warning section. Plecanatide is used to treat certain types of bowel problems (chronic idiopathic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome with constipation). It works by increasing fluid in your intestines and helping speed up movement of food through the gut. Plecanatide may improve stool texture and lessen symptoms such as straining and feelings of incomplete bowel movements. This medication must not be used in children younger than 6 years because of the risk of serious side effects. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I made sure to avoid alcohol completely and after one bout of bad nausea, made sure to eat a decent amount before taking each pill (tea and toast is NOT enough). Found the side effects ok and worth putting up with in order to clear up the infection this med was prescribed for. Unless the side effects were extreme, I would not stop taking any medication without my doc's advice. Better to ask if you can take a lower dose more times per day. Sorry, but some people here seem to be complaining about next to nothing. Try dealing with chemo side effects and then see what you'll put up with to get better!

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