Travatan (travoprost) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Travatan (travoprost)

very dry eyes, long and thick lashes, undesireable.Have to cut them. Hard to administer.

TRAVATAN (TRAVOPROST): Travoprost is used to treat high pressure inside the eye due to glaucoma (open-angle type) or other eye diseases (e.g., ocular hypertension). Lowering high pressure inside the eye can help prevent blindness. This medication works by regulating the flow of fluid within the eye to maintain a normal pressure. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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i've been diagnosed more than 10 years, have taken paxil (which once worked but then stopped) and celexa (which never did much); am desperate for some med that will work to give me back my life (no energy, lack of concentration, short-term memory impairment). so far i am not noticing a significant effect on the depression, the feelings of "maybe i could go out and do something today" might just be because i finally got off my duff and went to a new doctor. will update in a week.

CHEW THEM AND LET THEM DISSOLVE IN YOUR MOUTH!!! I see lots of people saying that it took an hour to kick in. This must be due to swallowing the pills whole. These pills are even labelled as "orally dissolving tablets". The makers understand that anxiety meds need to kick in quickly. Dissolving the tablets in your mouth allows them to be absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth; I feel it within 1 MINUTE, not 1 HOUR! Yes, the medication can have some side effects, but for those of us with debilitating anxiety, they are by far the lesser of two evils vs. suffering through the anxiety. For anyone who has really bad side effects, I would say that either this is not the right medication for you or you have some other underlying condition. I feel like this med has helped to "reset" my brain to not be anxious if you will, so I feel like I can start to come off it now that I've relearned to not be anxious, as it is most definitely a self-perpetuating condition. Feel free to write me if you'd like. I hope this was helpful to someone.

My feet were really swollen and I had really bad dreams, but then it took a turn for the worse. SEVERE pain in left thigh area, to the point that I could not WALK. I had unbearable pain shooting through my thigh (sitting, standing, walking, even lying down)! It felt as if the muscle in my thigh had become so weak it could not hold me up, so when I would stand up my leg would collapse. I was only on the medication 26 DAYS! It progressively got worse...I started out with a limp, then dragging my leg, then literally feeling like I wanted to crawl! As soon as I realized that this was probably a side affect from the medicine I immediately stopped taking it and saw my new Physician(who had not perscribed this, and she expressed she never would have because she saw similar side affects in her other patients.) PLEASE! PLEASE! DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION!

metallic dry mouth, nausea, complete lack of appetite, extreme anxiety and panic attack, crying for no reason and feeling like I had depression or was losing my mind.

Never once made me feel better or less congested. Have not been sleeping very good, now suspect it was the Flonase. I'm pretty sure anxiety and other side effects would get worse, so am not going to take any more.

some headaches initially; eventually passed.

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I took myself off of toprol two weeks ago (slowly), and I feel fabulous. BP is very good, even low, except when I sit around for a long time before taking it. Gotta keep moving! I can think clearly again and I have gotten back into hobbies and activities I always loved. So happy to be me again.

Here's the thing. Be very careful about taking this drug. Your doctor probably doesn't know much about the side effects and if you doctor is like mine, they call it a "trade-off" - This drug was not worth the trouble. When I tried to stop taking it, I got very ill with what I can only describe as flu-like symptoms...BAD flu-like symptoms...and I couldn't stop. I had to keep taking the drug. I tried to wean myself but eventually got'the flu" again and had to go back. What finally helped me to stop was a course of prednisone that I had to take for asthma (oh yeah...asthma meds can contribute to depression...all part of the trade-off, downward spiral thing that drs could learn about if they would only 1) listen to their patients and 2) read that little circular that comes with meds but I digress) - the prednisone (another nasty little drug) sort of masked all of my withdrawal symptoms and by the time I was off the course of prednisone, I seemed to have gotten through the worst of the withdrawal. I don't recommend you do it the way I did it but it did work and by that time I thought I would be on Paxil forever....isn't that a handy little side-effect for the drug company?

Urinary incontinence, irritability, anger became my dominant emotion, wasn't fully in control of my thoughts actions and feelings, felt things that weren't real, became nauchturnal, became emotionally distant to close relatives, difficult to focus on routine tasks such as work