Phospholine iodide (echothiophate iodide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Phospholine iodide (echothiophate iodide)

Extreme sweating in head, face, neck, and chest. Sudden-onset episodes of sweating, even in cool temperatures. This interfered badly with my sleep.

The med worked very well to control my eye pressure, but the side effect was debilitating. The sweating did not occur immediately after I started the drug but came on gradually, and increased in severity. I consulted both my internist and my OBGYN, both of whom seemed to be assuming this was an effect of old age, which I must learn to live with. Neither asked about new medications.

PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE (ECHOTHIOPHATE IODIDE): This medication is used to treat high pressure inside the eye (due to conditions such as certain types of glaucoma) and other eye problems (such as accommodative esotropia). It works by causing the pupil to shrink, decreasing the amount of fluid within the eye, and affecting certain eye muscles. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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