Betagan (levobunolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Betagan (levobunolol hydrochloride)

I have used this since I was 27 yrs. old I am now 49 and have never experienced side effects.

Have taken Betagan for nearly twenty years without apparent side-effects, but am now concerned that it has produced arhythmia.

BETAGAN (LEVOBUNOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat high pressure inside the eye due to glaucoma (open-angle type) or other eye diseases (e.g., ocular hypertension). Lowering high pressure inside the eye helps to prevent blindness. Levobunolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers and works by decreasing the amount of fluid production within the eye. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Vyvanse really helps my focus and concentration during school, my mind still likes to wonder off, but I continue to understand and comprehend what is being taught/lectured during class. The worst part about taking vyvanse--for me--is that from the moment I get home I am not the same person. I get easily irritated when spoken to (friends or family) and just want to be left alone. The loss of appetite is a bit of a problem because I'm tall and thin as it is. I usually have to force myself to eat, or I will eat before taking the pill. If I try to eat after it has kicked in I hardly eat much of anything, and end up throwing away most of a good meal. Overall, vyvanse work great while I am at school, but once it begins to wear off, I don't like how it makes me feel--with the feelings of being depressed, irritated, and isolating myself from everyone at home.

Great! Miracle pill! My son is on it with Prozac. Still taking it. Been taking it for 1 month. Wow! What a difference!!!

right after I take it I feel sick and then comes diahrea im so miserable!!!

As I am reading this forum, I noticed one or two (maybe same person)people using bad language & "dissing" the use of Zoloft. Personally I have had success in using Zoloft and feel that if a person has an honest opinion, then by all means, express it. But, words like this person is using (you know which words I am referring to) simply confirms that this person is sorely uneducated and is ignorant of the fact that the english language has many more options than what they are aware of. My suggestion is to get a Thesaurus & a Dictionary & get studying! (and leave this forum to those who want to help themselves & others)

I feel I should have been warned about these side effects. I felt perfect before, have not felt the same again.

My daughter was on singulair and zyrtec for about a year and a half before I started to realize that it was negatively affecting her grades at school. She was unable to remember things from day to day, concentration seemed to be an issue, and at home I noticed her becoming more irratable and sensitive. Once I realized that the medicine could be the cause of the symptoms, I discountied both. Things have improved in all areas. Before taking these medications, my daughter did not exhibit trouble in school.

It simply didn't work for me. There was some early relief, but it peaked so quickly and tailed off to nothing in a few months. My doctor kept telling me to wait, but there was no real help after eight full months.

I took the once a month Boniva for only 2 months. The last dose was January 2007. I had all of the side effects, including bronchitis,acid reflux,severe back spasms, joint pain, root canals and crowns. For 2 years after quitting the drug, I continued to have problems. I have not had back spasm for over a year now. I still have the daily reflux if I don't take meds. Still some stiff joints but is better than it was. Just finished having 7 crowns done. My teeth have turned inward. But I am much better than I was. I don't know why it has taken so long to get over this junk. But I do feel it is finally leaving my system.

Wonderful drug. Takes about 15 min. to kick in - miracle drug for anxiety and panic. No withdrawl symptoms and did not become addicted or dependent.

I feel very clear. I was taking Zoloft for about 7 months and was a zombie. I wasn't sad. I wasn't ANYTHING. I was still depressed ie; lacking motivation, no joy in my life. I think I've found an anti-depressant that WORKS!