Azopt (brinzolamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Azopt (brinzolamide)

Cold extremities, drooping eyelids, extreme darkening of my under eyes,blurred vision,floaters,and eye mucus.

I put 1 drop in my eye's it didn't take but 1 minutes my eyes was burn s and my left arm's started to hurt and i feel like i might pass out this eye drop cost 530.00 it sure not have any side effects why they sell this that not good for you

Can someone help us to get a eye drop with no side effects or that does not burns your eyes or makes you feel you going to pass out

Blurry vision. Tightening of chest. Fatigue. Cold extremities. Stomach ache. Spontaneous vomiting. Red patches on face with infected pores.

Dizzy so bad could not get out of bed blurred vision sick to stomach this med sucks dr is upset that I seem to complain about all meds but he is not the one having the side effects td

I was on Xalatan for a week and my doctor added Azopt. Seems like both have the same side effects: chest tightness, body aches, lethargy, post nasal drip, my GERD resurfaced,depression strikes again.. its the overall feeling of not okay that bothers me..

Good news is the medicine works well with Latanaprost!

Pretty intense Nausea, it is so pronounced it interfering with exercise fast walking mostly. Especially in the AM. vomiting increased sensitivity to light, some possibly unrelated cataract And scarring growing, (previous eye anomaly not created from medication) I wanted to note, vigorously exercising showed how MUCH the nausea impacted my day. Vomiting after reasonably quick walks, that's not normal for me!

It is a chemical cousin of trusopt. To my understanding adopt added the milky-like suspension that does reduce the stinging upon application you should use this eye medication every eight hours. It is short lived so to speak. Anything less frequent I was told by my eye professional it would not work. Keep up with the instructions from your Dr. Try to remember the times to take it!

Tiredness. Depress.Fell unwell.Backache pain Laser treatment unsuccessful. Dr want me to have Eye Surgery. Yikes. Thank u.

I have a blood pressure problem of which I take Labetolol and Qinaprel. Blood pressure is steady at 123/70. Blood pressure rose to 195/72 for 2 days after Azopt.

Was dizzy and nauseous. I could not get out of bed for 2 days. After that, my blood pressure went back to normal again.

felt like i was dying, low pulse, sores in head, beyond tired, cold hands, cold feet, went from my bed to my chair, it did not hurt my eyes-and eventually did not keep my iop low enough for dr. -i am still ticked off i was not warned by dr, the terrible effects on heart etc.

Anyone taking this should be told by dr all the side effects [if you want to call them side effects, to me they are direct effects, re heart--they are medications used for lowing blood pressure, slowing your heart,, yet eye specialist doesn't take your pulse--hello..bradycardia

This is the second drop I have tried. Gave me headaches from the first day and increased my neck pain where I have an injury (strange). The headaches where sharp and I had them 24-7. Just stopped them last night, no headaches today.

Really disappointed because everything else was find. I never did get my pressure checked for obvious reasons. And it did not make my eye red (which was a huge plus). Gee, what will they put me on next?

General sense of sickness, upset stomach, depression

I've tried every glaucoma drop. All of them, except Azopt, have made my eyes extremely red to the point where I couldn't go out in public. Azopt is the only exception, although I'm only 7 days into it. It does make me feel unwell, depressed, and tired most of the time. I have to fight to keep functioning at work and home. I'm going to my opthalmologist in another week for a pressure check, and will update the efficacy.

This drug has made my eye so dry that my lens is so foggy that I cannot see at all

How long will it take to clear up?

Bad tastte in mouth. Blurry vision. Chest pain, heavyness. Congestion. Headache. Dizzyness. Nausea. Cough. Tiredness due to not being able to sleep well. Backache. Pain in kidneys.

I have had problems with all the eye drops that have been prescribed to me. I recently stopped taking my drops for a week because I had a bad cold and I couldn't breath. When I started to get better I was reluctant to start taking them again because I started to feel well for a change. However have been taking them for a week now and realise how ill they make me. I work full time and have a 2 hour commute from home to work each way. I drive and suffer with dizzyness on the road. I feel sick and depressed as well as everything else. I am going to stop taking them as they badly effect the quality of my life. My glaucoma is getting worse anyway.

Am having a pressure check on Wednesday. I have noted periodically blurred vision in the right eye (in particular)

Foul taste in my mouth. Blurry vision, at first only after taking the drops but later throughout the day.

The drug had very little effect on my ocular pressures. I used it simultaneously with xalatan. Alone, the xalatan reduced the pressure to 17/18 mm. With the azopt it was down to 15/16, not much of an improvement. I quit taking it.

tieredness of eye, stinging on taking drops, decreased growth of eyelashes

consistency of drug difficult to administer

Insidiously increasing dyspepsia. Started out with mild "acid" feeling in stomach after eating. Eventually became frequently recurring severe heartburn to the point where I was scheduled for an endscopic exam.

Neither opthamologist nor gastroenterologist knew about this side effect. Chance question by eye doctor's assistant led to discovery. Quit the drug and all symptoms were gone within 3 weeks.

Blurry vision for about 30 minutes after application. I think this is due to the fact that Azopt is the viscosity of 90 weight gear lube.

I've tried all the glaucoma drops over the last two years. Each one seemed to affect me in a negative way. From lower back pain to complete lay-in-bed-because-you're-too-dizzy-to-stand. The tear ducts provide an excellent path for eye drops to enter your body. It's just like an IV. Azopt lowered my IO pressure from 17 to 11 and it's a tolerable drug for me. No stinging like most of the others, too.

Blurry vision for about 30 minutes after application. I think this is due to the fact that Azopt is the viscosity of 90 weight gear lube.

I've tried all the glaucoma drops over the last two years. Each one seemed to affect me in a negative way. From lower back pain to complete lay-in-bed-because-you're-too-dizzy-to-stand. The tear ducts provide an excellent path for eye drops to enter your body. It's just like an IV. Azopt lowered my IO pressure from 17 to 11 and it's a tolerable drug for me. No stinging like most of the others, too.

AZOPT (BRINZOLAMIDE): Brinzolamide is used to treat high pressure inside the eye due to glaucoma (open angle-type) or other eye diseases (e.g., ocular hypertension). Lowering high pressure inside the eye helps to prevent blindness. This medication works by decreasing the amount of fluid within the eye. It belongs to a class of drugs known as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Very hard to get out of bed in the morning, but once I force myself to get up, I don't have any lasting grogginess. It just feels so good to be at rest.

Onle side effects I have is non stop back to back dreams which are always great..Heck sometimes i can't wait to goto bed and see what movies my mind will uhh ok..dream up for the nite lolI am being totally honestlyand due to 2 severe auto wrecks. one in 85 and one in 86 and being held together by buts and bolts i have been on strong narcotics. starting out w Tylenol 3 then 4s then loratab then percocet then oxycontin then dilaudid then opana aka oxymorphone and said this is enuff as i could chew up and swallow 5opana 40s and not even feel it as of me being on narcotics for several decades my tolerance. is just to high for much of anything to work so i told my dr to put me on ultram and elavil in which he did and if u know much about drugs..well ultram is a very weak non narcotic pain reliever but greatly reduces ur wd,s of opiate. narcotics. and the elavil really.makes me sleep and seems i can focus much better.i love this med and give it a 5*