Alphagan (brimonidine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alphagan (brimonidine tartrate)

Red irritated eye, very teary, dry mouth, very weak, very sleepy, puffy eye lid which makes it droop, brain fog, wake up in the middle of the night.

It was hard for me to figure out what was happening because I had an eye surgery and went on 4 NEW eye drops at the same time. Now I'm off 3 of them and down to all the Brimonidine. The side effects are so severe, I felt like my body was shutting down and I probably wouldn't live much longer. I NEVER connected these symptoms to an eye drop. I've been on Betoptic for my glaucoma for many years with no problems. I took my self off the Brimonidine yesterday and hopefully I'll get my life back!

Please do more research on glaucoma eye drops thanks.

Only took in right eye, pupils uneven. BP spikes, dizzy, headache, double vision. MD, said eye drop not the problem, took myself off and all symptoms resolved in 48 hours.

Red eye, puffy eyelids, sharp pain and drozzy. My eye was normal before applying this eye drops.Alphagan P - 1 drop /3x per dayTimolol malate - 1 drop/2x per dayXalatan - 1 drop every night.

Suspected glaucoma, normal IOP

Horrible persistent headache. Noticed the eye pain as soon as I put drops in. Thought it might be coincident with new sinus problem. Took two more doses, pain just got worse and caused nausea. I think this is what migraines must feel like. Also, woke me up at 2:30 am and whether it was the meds or the pain, the result was the same... Never could get back to sleep. This may work great for some, but if you have problems with dryness AT ALL, I would NOT recommend..

Aching muscles, foreign body feeling in both eyes, bloodshot eyes, constant tearing and may have been associated with DVT in lower leg.

Shocking to believe that low dose version is marketed over the counter to "whiten" eyes!

It lowered my eye pressure to normal

Extreme grogginessDisturbed sleepLowered BP

Drowsiness, fatigue, tender, red eyes

I wish to discontinue these drops,eyes feel worse than before.

Alphagan helps to whiten my eyes which are bloodshot from taking Timolol (twice/day)and Travatan (once/day). No other side effects.

Tachycardia. Also, left arm and leg went 'heavy' and felt like they had bloodpressure cups on them. That lasted 2 weeks.

One drop in right eye and 1/2 an hour later I was on my way to the ER for the worst cardiac incident of my life. Huge Tachycardia and I think I must have had a mild stroke as well.

Alphagan P lowered the eye pressure but caused VERY bloodshot eyes, puffy, red lids and extreme drowsiness...almost like narcolepsy. I've had the SLT (laser surgery) in one eye and will have SLT in the other so I won't have to take drops.

I took the drops about 6 weeks and the doctor told me to stop a couple weeks ago. They also caused anxiety. Go to webMD to see all the side effects. Some are severe.

I forgot to add in my previous review that the AlphaganP SPIKED my blood pressure which had been under very good control with clonidine HCL. On Alphagan my BP went to 173/105 !! I had to increase my BP meds to 3 times a day.

Alphagan made me very drowsy and so does clonidine, so the increased dose of clonidine to counteract the elevated BP caused by AlphaganP made me fall asleep suddenly at any moment. Now that i've stopped the Alphagan, my BP is slowly coming down. I didn't realize that Alphagan could increase my BP until i read it on webMD

This was prescribed as an addition to Betoptic suspension as pressures failing to respond.The Alphagan caused red, sore eyes within a week of starting and a feeling of something in the eyes. Vision was blurred which gave me a slight feeling of disorientation.Constant waking up in night,also felt depressed. Initially pressures decreased from 24 to 18, but thereafter actually increased to 28 and 30.So what's the point.

Extreme allergic reaction: red, itchy, oozing eyes, fluid-filled pouches under eyes, severe blurring of vision.

Also tried the supposedly less allergenic Alphagan P. Same problem. After 1 drop, I turned into the 100-year-old woman.

Ocular pressures were in the low 20s - so slighly above normal. Opthamologist prescribed Alphagan P - blood shot eyes causing blurriness. Finally went to another Doctor who diagnosed the problem and it took 6 weeks for the blurriness to resolve itself. New doctor is taking a let's watch it approach to my pressures and changing my contacts.

Red, itchy, burning allergic eyes; very dry sinuses, nose and mouth, throat -- uncomfortably so, but got better after a week. The red, itchy, burning allergic eyes did not improve at all.

I took aphagan and was very allergic to it. Later, I tried Alphagan-P, which has a different preservative and is less prone to reactions. I still had allergy problems and dryness with it. It also didn't lower the pressure any.

To reduce Intra-Ocular Pressure (IO

Added to Timolol to reduce IOP. Disturbed sleep; would wake up twice a night. Affected metqboloism, felt sleepy. Discontinued after 4 weeks.

Dry mouth is also a common symptom as is lack of energy probably due to reduced sleep.

ALPHAGAN (BRIMONIDINE TARTRATE): This medication is used to treat a certain skin disorder called rosacea. It works by narrowing blood vessels to reduce redness. Brimonidine belongs to a class of drugs known as alpha agonists. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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