Alphagan p (brimonidine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alphagan p (brimonidine tartrate)

Fatigue, light-headedness, redness, dryness in eyes.

I was diagnosed with Normal Tension Glaucoma a year ago. I had serious side effects on Cosopt and Xylatan, so the Docs switch me to this one. So far this drug has helped me keep the pressure down to 10 in my eyes and my Visual Field Tests have not changed. I don't appreciate the side effects but in light of the alternatives, I can grin and bear them.

control symptoms of corneal dystrop

Possibly sleepiness and more eye dryness than without.

It's done fairly well against symptoms of Fuch's endothelial corneal dystrophy, but for several weeks lately I've felt like an eyelash has been in my eye. An optometrist suspects allergy to ragweed, but I am beginning to suspect the Alphagan-p even though it's better for me than regular Alphagan. This is because the Alaway allergy drops the O.D. gave me a sample of are not really controlling the foreign body sensation in my eye.

irritation, itching, pretty bothersome

I'll try to tough itout. I had such a bad reaction to Xalatan, that I'm willing to try this one for a while.

very red eyes right from the start, felt grittiness in eyesall day, dryness, constant need to rub eyes; called M.D. I wanted off this drug; no longer take it.

ALPHAGAN P (BRIMONIDINE TARTRATE): This medication is used to treat open-angle glaucoma or high fluid pressure in the eye. Lowering high fluid pressure in the eye reduces the risk of vision loss, nerve damage, or blindness. This medication lowers pressure by allowing better fluid drainage from within the eye and also by reducing the amount of fluid formed in the eye. It is known as an alpha agonist. This drug is not recommended for use in children less than 2 years of age due to an increased risk of serious side effects such as very slowed breathing. Ask the doctor or pharmacist for details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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