Ursodiol (ursodiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ursodiol (ursodiol)

PBC was caught early and my numbers have gone down. So low I don't have a Liver Stage! So keeping my fingers crossed.

Life saver! Recently had a liver biopsy and it has totally stopped any liver damage. Went from stage 1 or 2 (don't recall) to stage zero! When I was diagnosed in the 1980s I was told I would have to have a transplant in approximately 7 years. There is no cure for PBC, but the goal is to slow/stop the progression. Ursodiol did that for me.

cold symptoms with a lot of sneezing the first few days.

Has made my liver enzymes go down to normal(except bilirubin), but it has come down also.

URSODIOL (URSODIOL): Ursodiol is used to dissolve certain types of gallstones, to prevent gallstones from forming in obese patients who are losing weight rapidly, and to treat a certain type of liver disease (primary biliary cirrhosis). Ursodiol is a bile acid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Horrible, I spent 6 hours in the bathroom, It is vile, nasty and gag inducing. There has to be something better out there!

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I think I have had tn for about a 1 1/2 yrs. I thought at first that I was having dental issues, so after 2 root canals (I didnt need)and $3000 dollars of dental work and no relief my 3rd dentist referred me back to my pcp, who 1st started me on neurontin which didnt help at all! He then switched me to tegretol 200 mg that immediately took the pain away for about 4 dys, then I increased to 300 mg daily which also lasted about 4 dys, I now take 400 mg daily and that has taken the pain away completely for the last 30 dys. I am now experiencing dull pain but not as horrible as b4. I am hoping I wont have to increase to 500 mg as I am concerned about side effects. I am yet to c a specialist but hv an appt in July. I have now found a small skin rash but not sure if it is associated with the tegretol. I hv also noticed if I take my med every 4 hrs, 10am,2pm,6pm,10pm I hv no pain at all. I have tried diff time variations becuz my life as been consumed by this condition.I have alarms set 4 each dose. I have meds at home and I carry some with me as well. I hv missed a couple of doses and actually feel pain immediately???Odd. so I am really on track now as the pain is ridiculous. this is a terrible condition to have but am glad I am not alone!

dizziness/sleepiness 1 hour after dose. Irritability on days 1-2 and then extreme irritability/depression after stopping it on day 10.