Urso 250 (ursodiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Urso 250 (ursodiol)

Stayed with 1 pill a day. Two pills a day caused loose stools and some indigestion

I have polyp in the gall bladder which impeeds flow of bile into the stomach. SEVERE bloating resulted and small dose of Ursodiol virtually stopped this. Prescribed 2 a day (one @ breakfast / 1 @ dinner) Stopped the dinner pill as I don't eat a large dinner and often would cause loose stools and some minor indigestion.

Seems to be an extremely benign drug. Made the elevated liver enzymes go down and presumably slowed the disease progression but it's hard to assess that. There is no cure.

URSO 250 (URSODIOL): Ursodiol is used to dissolve certain types of gallstones, to prevent gallstones from forming in obese patients who are losing weight rapidly, and to treat a certain type of liver disease (primary biliary cirrhosis). Ursodiol is a bile acid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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