Sulfasalazine (sulfasalazine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sulfasalazine (sulfasalazine)

SULFASALAZINE (SULFASALAZINE): Sulfasalazine is used to treat a certain type of bowel disease called ulcerative colitis. This medication does not cure this condition, but it helps decrease symptoms such as fever, stomach pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. After an attack is treated, sulfasalazine is also used to increase the amount of time between attacks. This medication works by reducing irritation and swelling in the large intestines. In addition, delayed-release tablets of sulfasalazine are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Sulfasalazine helps to reduce joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with sulfasalazine helps to reduce/prevent further joint damage so you can do more of your normal daily activities. This medication is used with other drugs, rest, and physical therapy in patients who have not responded to other medications (salicylates, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-NSAIDs). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My ears have felt stopped up and loss of hearing, but not sure if it is from modalert (provigil) would like to know if anyone else has had this symptom while taking it. I took it for three months before symptoms were bad. other than that, no side effects and it helps me stay awake

This medication put me through a nightmare. Side effects kicked in after about 6-8 weeks. The anxiety was constant and got to be full blown panic attacks daily. I have long hair to my waist and I was losing so much I thought I would have to cut it short. I thought I was losing my mind and until I read this board, I never connected the anxiety to the Diovan. I would not wish this drug on my worst enemy.


This drug I've taken before about 2 months ago and didn't feel anything, then this time after 3rd day I feel all the side effects, I believe it eventually builds up in your blood stream enough to cause the adverse effects, If it wasn't for the pain in my neck by my throat, And the pain in my temple I wouldn't of taken this drug, but this drug did help with the pain of the infection but the side effects are horrible to the point it's not worth taking it, this drug is not for everyone and should honestly be moved off the market unless of emergencies.

helped me lose weight, less of an appetite, but helped a lot with mood swings and overall I think it works very well.

Feeling heavy, horrible heart palpitations, anxiety, upset stomach, pooping a lot, even worse coughing.

I am writing to offer condolences to the woman who discovered she'd slept with her son's friend after taking Ambien with a glass of wine. My heart aches for you! You must accept your innocence even if others don't. At first I thought Ambien was a wonder drug. I had to sleep in an arctic field camp (with continuous summer daylight, heat and mosquitoes) sharing a weatherport with six other people, and between the Ambien and earplugs got the best two weeks of sleep ever. Then on vacation in Hawaii (where I slept on the Murphy bed in the living room because of my husband's snoring and my light sleeping) I took it one night after a glass of wine and walked down to the water. All I remember after being at the shoreline was waking up the next morning fully clothed in bed with my husband. Thank God I'd found the right unit, and was in bed with my own husband, but it could have all come down so differently and I wouldn't have known or remembered a thing. I have not taken Ambien since.

The first day was the worst. I was really sleepy and tired and experienced joint stiffness. In the next day I did feel better but I still couldn't attend college.However at 4th day I got jaw pain and I don't know how but I caught cold so now I have running nose as well.What worries me is that it seems that these pills don’t help. My cheek is still swollen; affected gum is still red and swollen.Tomorrow is the last day of treatment and I’ll book appointment with my dentist again.ANNA

Instead of calming me when I was upset, it made me more upset, even threw me into a fit publicly.

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