Pro-banthine (propantheline bromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pro-banthine (propantheline bromide)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Had stop due to side effects on eyes and alsoStopped medication due to side effects with my eyes

I'm no longer taking this medication. Dry mouth

Wow, I wish I had known about this medicine years ago. I've suffered from hyperhydrosis for as long as I can remember. I tried topicals such as drysol and even Iontophoresis. While those two worked, the sweating would migrate to another location where I didn't previously have sweating. I finally came across pro-banthanine and it has literally changed my life. I now sweat like a normal person and it affects the entire body so I don't have to worry about the sweating migrating elsewhere. I usually set my alarm 1 hour before i wake up and take the medicine and by the time i wake up, i am very dry (almost too dry). Then I drink coffee and eat a small breakfast which alleviates the dryness and the tiredness that comes with pro-banthine. As long as I do this, the drug lasts me all day. If i have an excessive amount of caffeine in one day then sometimes I do notice that my sweating comes back a bit more but really is still within the range of a normal person. I highly highly recommend it!

Dry mouth. Slight constipation. First eased using oralieve gel and spray. Second sorted with lactose as required.

I've been taking this for three weeks. Suffered from hypothermia in January. Soaking wet for a day sweating while wearing insufficient clothing in an attempt to stay cool.Endured years of embarrassment, dripping hair and visibly wet clothing. My life has totally changed. Hair and make up lasts all day and I no longer smell like a wet dog!

The only side effects I experienced was dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention but all were manageable and didn’t effect my day to day life.

This has helped me so much. I suffered with severe sweating from the most minor activities thus affecting my social life, I hated leaving the house due to the embarrassment of dripping with sweat. I'm 20 days into taking these and I have went from never leaving the house to being able to walk for an hour 3 times a day with my new dog, being able to enter shops and cafes etc without much sweating at all! Due to an 8 month stay in a psychiatric hospital I had muscle waste and lots of chronic pain from the dehydration of sweating and I have been able to build up muscle in such a short time that I am fitter than before I went into hospital. This medication has literally saved me, I am so much more happier.

Took oxybutynin previously for a number of years but suffered with bad vertigo so GP recently changed me to pro-bathine. Worked immediately but the dry mouth I am experiencing is almost unbearable - can anyone help with how to counteract this?

I loved them changed my life. Now can't be got anymore. Doctors left me Buscopan today for same thing. Can anyone else tell me what to use. I don't want to go back to my hands sweating. Tortured all my childhood over it.

Brilliant and can't be got anywhere

Side effects are dry mouth, severe constipation and incredibly dry skin. I can cope with the first 2, but the dry skin is driving me mad. I would appreciate if anyone else had this and has been able to get anything to help?

Just starting taking them as I have excessive sweating on hand and feet

Severe hot flushes with no sweating. Insomnia. Dry mouth.

Had to stop taking it as had to go to work with no sleep at all after having hot flushes all night and most of the next day

Just collected my prescription today. Yet to take my first dose.Anyone similar to my age, please feel free to message me with any experiences you have had!

My hands and feet are dry, I never experienced sweeting until now

First day excessive dry mouth but now I have a mouthful of water and drop the tablet into my mouth making sure the tablet does not touch my mouth

Lifesaver as I previously had Botox for under my armpits however this was cut on the NHS and did not help the other areas that were prone to sweating- hands, feet, back and neck Pro Banthine has worked very well for me

I take 30mg in the morning on an empty stomach and it works for about 4 hours. It's the best thing I have tried as I've tried oxybutin and it didn't work. I do get a really dry mouth so I don't eat like toast for breakfast because I cannot swallow it easily. I usually take another 30mg in the afternoon too

Eyes and skin feel dry. Slight headache. A bit tired at end of day

Took it 20 years ago and was effective before becoming not so. Moved to Oxybutynin which is a bit hit and miss. After 15 years have tried Probanthine again but only for a few days so far. Has seemed go well again and the fact you feel the skin tightening and eyes drying actually gives you confidence. Looking forward to see how it goes but will take note of other people's advice about taking on an empty stomach.

Only side effect I had was on really hot days if the tablet worked too good I could not sweat at all and the blood would rush to my face untill almost purple. Long term use had effected my eyes, and left me with sore red and sunken eyes. My blood pressure is increased after taking a tablet.

I have been taking the tablet for over 17 years. I was told it does not cross the blood brain barrier and i tried various tablets like catapess which had no effect on reducing my sweating and just put me to sleep. I was first prescribed 6 tablets 2 times a day but have worked out this is excessive and doesn't work. 1 tablet in the morning on an empty stomach works best. Takes about 45 mins to kick in and sometime I can feel tingles in my hands when it starts. This has saved my life massively. Although with exercise or hot days U will still sweat it's made sweating normal or controllable for the most part. If your going out at nightime I would suggest another tablet about an hour before you get ready cause you can still sweat in your going out clothes If the morning tablet has worn off. Usually I can last the whole day on one tablet but in social situations sweating can make you worry and it makes you sweat even more. So always carry a tablet in your pocket. I usually get 200 tablets with 5 repeats but when U get into the rythem you might only need 2 or 3 purchases per year which is about $25 - $32 AUD a purchase depending on your chemist. Any questions feel free to email me.

Only side effect I had was on really hot days if the tablet worked too good I could not sweat at all and the blood would rush to my face untill almost purple. Long term use had affected my eyes, and left me with sore red and sunken eyes. My blood pressure is increased after taking a tablet.

I have been taking the tablet for over 17 years. I was told it does not cross the blood brain barrier and i tried various tablets like catapess which had no effect on reducing my sweating and just put me to sleep. I was first prescribed 6 tablets 2 times a day but have worked out this is excessive and doesn't work. 1 tablet in the morning on an empty stomach works best. Takes about 45 mins to kick in and sometime I can feel tingles in my hands when it starts. This has saved my life massively. Although with exercise or hot days U will still sweat it's made sweating normal or controllable for the most part. If your going out at nightime I would suggest another tablet about an hour before you get ready cause you can still sweat in your going out clothes If the morning tablet has worn off. Usually I can last the whole day on one tablet but in social situations sweating can make you worry and it makes you sweat even more. So always carry a tablet in your pocket. I usually get 200 tablets with 5 repeats but when U get into the rythem you might only need 2 or 3 purchases per year which is about $25 - $32 AUD a purchase depending on your chemist. Any questions feel free to email me.

No major side effects, other than the really really dry throat and mouth.

I pop my tablet now into a jelly sweet and make sure the tablet is well covered. Seems to help not actually allowing the tablet to touch the inside of my mouth.

Dry mouth, noticeable abdominal pain/cramps, mild constipation, sometimes hard to pee

Suffered with HH since I was a child, was told by drs/nurses nothing they could do, till one good dr. The tablet has been a saviour, its nice to not walk around with soaking wet under garments and be uncomfortable.Most effective on an empty stomach and go as long as you can without.I put the cramps down to being a woman... you know but thinking its more likely the medication, currently sat with heat on my stomach to ease the pain. Will soon ring the drs, but if they say to stop taking this then i wont. id rather put up with the abdominal pain and dry mouth to be sweatfree!

PRO-BANTHINE (PROPANTHELINE BROMIDE): Propantheline is used with other medications to treat peptic ulcers. It works by decreasing the release of acid in the stomach. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Congestion, drowsiness, hypotension, dizziness, sedation, cognitive impairment, memory loss