Pentasa (mesalamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pentasa (mesalamine)

Toilets visit 12 times a day sometime more anything I Eat them I'm on the toilet flu like symptoms breaking wind and it smells terrible don't take these 5 years of hell it was came off them it was like coming off any drug being on it so long but after 2 weeks big improvement

Don't take these doctors Don't know enough about the side effects

Had a mild case of ulcerative colitis. Decided after a long time to try medicine. 10 minutes after first dose I went to the toilet and been there 15-20 times every day since. It worsen my colitis so so much and I still havent healed after two weeks. So much blood. I think I had some kind of allergic response and regret so much I started this "treatment"

Possibly some skin reaction. Abdominal discomfort.

No real significant benefit evident. Hard to swallow even when dissolved to granules.

About 3 months after I started taking this drug I woke with chest pains. About another month after this I woke with chest pains and they kept coming every few minutes.. By 6 months in to taking this drug I had to be hospitalized 3 times with horrible chest pains, I could not walk or do anything. I was certain I was going to die. On my last visit to the hospital the pharmacist checked the drugs I was taking and realised that Pentasa can cause myocarditis. I stopped taking this drug and I got better each day. I am off it now for 10 months and my heart recovered well.

Doctors fail to check the side effects of drugs, when symptoms appear they try to treat symptoms and not the cause. Should always be aware of the side effects. Side effects are often gradule, symptoms can take months to show.

I was on Lialda for 6.5 years, ($1900 up front, then $50/3 mo, so $2050/yr out of pocket) but lost my insurance. Then I moved to France. They have 1000mg Pentasa pills here; I take 2 in am, 1 at night. Was on a slightly higher dose of Lialda, but working just as well. Meds are cheap here! $2.50/day (so less than half my cost in the US, but I ran out of my HSA money to pay for was pre-tax...but probably still a deal here).

After about a week I started to notice I wasn't going to the bathroom 5 or 6 times a day .it was more like every 2nd or 3rd day .My dyahrria has slowed down then to no dyahrria. These meds are a god sent. I pray to God these meds work for me for a long time.My doctor also make me take 2000mg of vitamin D a day !! Just after a few weeks of taking them meds. My mood have changed I have so much more energy. Could not believe what he'll I was living in for 3 years until I was dignosed with colitis it almost became normal for me to always run to washrooms. Feel tired. No energy. Want to stay in bed. Hair falling out in chucks at one point.. broke out in shingles at 30 years old. My knees and wrist aching all the time ..I thank God that even if there no cure for colitis that there is some hope for us !!! Be strong think positive. It's okay to be scared but u have to push through it ...Thanks brittany

Severe rectal pain and bleeding

severe neck and head pain, exhaustion and hair loss.

I had taken it many years ago without issue but this time (combined with enticort) it's been terrible. My gastroenterologist took me off it two days ago but the symptoms have not lessened so far.

Hair thinning but came back after time. Headaches when dosage exceeds 2000mg a day.

I've been on pentasa for 20 years. I couldn't go beyond the number 10 in the block. It's worked great for me.

Helping with condition somewhat. Have my hair thinning and falling out. Still have a few side effects. Not too sure if it is pentasa working as i take around 35 pills in a day of various medications. Bottom line is i feel slightly better but still trying to force it back into remission.Ps. If you have crohns talk to your doctor as pentasa is not for you as many toxicology reports suggest

None, to my knowledge....or that I can trace to Pentasa.

I have been taking it for 8 years. I have been in full recession for about 2 years. No surgery. Addmittently I do miss a dose here and there but there seems to be no repercussions. I stoped eating dairy for the first 5 years, but not I dont even watch my diet really (i am a healthy eater though). I dont even feel like I have it, only flare up after I drink alchohol possibly. Although I am having issues loosing and weight, I am at a steady 150 and it almost never moves to matter what I do.

Hair thinning but not enough to worry

It's completely helped to keep me in remission for seven years. I take it with another medicine as well but we've finally got close to the right amount to keep my Crohn's in check. It's surprising. I can't drink dairy sometimes because I'll get a stomach ache, but I feel like I don't even have a disease.

Annoying headaches... Bad hair loss that I am not sure is related... Bloating still

Was originally put on 2x500mg 3 times a day which seemed to control my Crohns, a few years later i was decreased to 2x500mg 2 times a day. It seems to control my Crohns, i still have the odd flare up but it is managable.Seem to have increased flare ups when eating salad type foods and dressing (sauces).

Hair loss, but not sure if it's the Pentasa.

I have been taking this drug for about 1.5 years now. This was the only drug I was on for a few months and when I was having no improvement, my Dr. threw in some Entocort. The Entocort really helped but when I tried to wean from the Entocort, my symptoms returned. This gives me the impression that the Pentasa was doing nothing to help my Crohn's. My Dr. is going to take me off of it and try something new.

I took it for years with no noticeable therapeutic effect. I stopped it when I found it was promoting the growth of kidney stones. I now take LDN at night and Omega-3 fish oil with meals and it seems to help. Pentasa and 5-ASA drugs are on-label for colitis and are sometimes prescribed off-label for Crohn's disease. They were never helpful for my Crohn's.

PENTASA (MESALAMINE): This medication is used to treat a certain bowel disease (ulcerative colitis). It helps to reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis such as diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and stomach pain. Mesalamine belongs to a class of drugs known as aminosalicylates. It works by decreasing swelling in the colon. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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HOSPITILIZATION, huge rash all over my body, shortness of breath, gall stones that lead to a gall bladder removal, pain in my legs and swelling in my ankles and feet, the most unrest in my head, just gross.I was in the hospital for 4 days. They never put people in the hospital anymore

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Lexapro is a fantastic drug that saved my law school career. I loved my mental state on the drug, but it created a horrible gastrointestinal symptom - flatulence. It was so bad that my physician thought I had developed Crohn's Disease. Once I stopped Lexapro, my flatulence stopped.

weight gain (13 lbs), sleepiness, and no more depression (even though that was not why I was on it.)

A lot of red spots and zits on both bottock cheeks...Still outbreaks, but smaller in size, earlier the infected areas could be an inch and a half, several places on my butt, but now it is usually one, the size of a 10-cent coin. Embarrassing with all the ugly red spots.

Irregular/rapid/pounding heartbeat. Tightness in chest. Very impatient and jittery. Was ACHING with hunger about 4-5 hours after taking the medication. I wolfed down an amazing amount of food before the hunger abated.

Lost 30 lbs. in four months and BMI lowered from 39 to 33.

I hated it. The day after I switched to Naturethroid, all side effects were gone. I still have to build up to enough of a dose, but experiencing great relief. Levoxyl gave me hyperthyroid symptoms, even though I was not clinically hyperthyroid.

I read on this site that some had relief from acupuncture and someone said they got relief from Apple Cider Vinegar and someone said Isotonix. I've tried all of this for the last few months. I recently started the isotonix and am finally feeling better. My legs don't hurt nearly as bad. I hope good health for all of you.

A little constipation. Feeling full earlier than normal when eating.