Pamine (methscopolamine bromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pamine (methscopolamine bromide)

Made me so drowsy I could not take it during the day if I needed to be alert and had to concentrate on driving. Almost nodded off just while sitting on the loveseat one afternoon after taking it. Made vison kind of blurry and hard to focus. Also, after taking several times I got urine hesitancy---it was just hard to urinate whe I got the urge. Also my urine had a strange odor to it after taking the pamine. I was hesitant to continue taking it as well when I learned it decreases sweat/perspiration and our summer temps were over 100 degrees. Some of the side effects listed for Pamine included constipation and bloating too---the very things I was hoping to GET RID OFF that were caused by IBS. Will not continue to take this medication.

I don't sweat much on it, so I have to watch that I don't exert myself on hot days.

I take on dose in the morning, and I am good for the day. It slows things down enough that by the time the one dose (supposed to take it every 12 hours) I take a day wears off, I have normal movements -- for the first time I can remember!

my body functions stoped working and i was sick enough to dieafter 3 doses in 3 days.

my stomach cramps were gone and my husband started giving me grape juice, apple juice and whatever liquid he could get down me. I was very weak but he wouldn't let me die, he thought i was going to, and wrote down the children's phone numbers, so he could call them.

The first few days, I experienced some confusion and had a hard time working. I reduced my dosage and instead of taking it on an empty stomach 30 minutes before, I acutally take it at the same time that I eat. That seemed to cure the confusion. I do experience dry mouth, and my eyes are very sensitive to the light but chewing gum and wearing sunglasses is better than being in pain after I eat. I've been able to eat for over a year now anything I want and as much as I want pain free and without having to make a mad dash to the bathroom every time I ate. I suffered 10 years with IBS and Pamine has given my life back. I can now go out and eat, watch a movie, travel, and not have to know where the next restroom is or how long the pain would last. Thank you Pamine! Lisa

Always Stomach upset, Always Nausea, Never Ending Headache, Sometimes Dizziness, Always Drowsiness, Extremely Dry Mouth, Dry Nose.

I took this for IBS-D to prevent attacks and it actually triggered my attacks. I took it for a week and couldn't handle it anymore. Not satisfied! I'm on Levbid now and it works much better!

I have had esophageal spasms for a long time. Feels just like a heart attack. I have ended up in the ER several times with it because I also have heart problems and it's tough to tell the difference so they have to run tests to make sure it's not my heart. A doctor gave me a few samples of Pamine to try and I guess it soothes the spasms. When I take one Pamine the pain is relieved within minutes and I know it's not my heart. Has saved me several trips to the ER and I haven't had any side effects. I only take one when I have these attacks.

Stomach turned acid. Could not release gas. Completely stopped all elimination functions.

Worked great the first 3 days. Woke up the morning of the 4th day & was so sick I couldn't take it. Tried one more day at doc's advise...just couldn't do it any longer.

PAMINE (METHSCOPOLAMINE BROMIDE): Methscopolamine is used with other drugs to treat a certain type of stomach/intestinal ulcer (peptic ulcer). This medication may help relieve stomach/abdominal pain. However, it has not been shown to be effective in healing these ulcers, preventing them from returning, or preventing other problems caused by ulcers. Methscopolamine works by decreasing the amount of acid in the stomach. It also slows the natural movements of the gut and relaxes the muscles in the stomach/intestines. Methscopolamine belongs to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After a few days my head gets foggy and I seem to miss words in sentences or mix things up.I only take it for short term so it's all right.Overheating too.

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