Asacol (mesalamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Asacol (mesalamine)

Sleeplessness. Only sleep 4 hrs at a time unless really tired. I do however suffer from mild insomnia so maybe exacerbated it. Cutting down to 4 pills a day from 6. Did help me get off prednisone. Have joint pain in shoulders but i was diagnosed with some early osteoarthritis before so again may have exacerbated it.

1 to 2 BM a day. My normal is 1. Still sticking to srict diet. Minimal consumption of red meats and no lactose.

Kidney injury, jaundice, migraines, fever, depression, joint pain, stomach cramps, brain fog, weight gain, hair loss.

This is not meant to be a maintenance drug. Many doctors would rather keep patients on the drug, than take the time to wean a patient off and risk a flare up. Most doctors prescribe the same dosage for a large male and a petite woman. It’s easier for them to keep to a routine. It’s up to the patient to try alternative care or lifestyle changes. Regret not concentrating on my heath earlier in life.

Upper chest pain front of both shoulders and anxiety

Been taking ulcerated colitis for almost 25 years on and off I stopped when I was in remission I would stop taking it and if I thought that was getting a flareup I would continue taking it it has changed my life and made me feel a lot better sometimes I get some headache side effects nothing too crazy just afraid of long time affects I'm thinking of maybe coming off trying something else

Been on it a little bit for about 25 years and never had any problems I'm just a little frayed now of people saying about the long time side effects

After taking this medicine my husband got a plastic anemia he was healthy except ulcerative colitis

Tried a few other meds and they did not work. Asacol is the only thing that keeps my uc in remission. Have taken it for about 25 years.

Flu like symptoms and sharp abdomen pain.Extremely dry mouth

I actually don't think this is doing anything for me in fact seems to make symptoms worse.Felt so much better when I skip a few day's of taking them just to see if it was them making me feel so run down.

Painful peripheral neuropathy in all extremities!

This cleared me right up after having issues for a year. Now I'm nervous because of all the bad reviews. I never liked taking so many pills but my Dr. Always said it was like putting a bandaid on a sore.. And it didn't get absorbed into the blood so it was fine to take. Really want to learn if a better diet could help wean me off the pills.

Took about 5 months for my body to adjust to the Asacol after having been on Sulfazine EC for nearly 20 years. Since Jan. of 2015, have passed 20 kidney stones and all appear to be directly related to the Asacol and not diet related. After having an "all-clear" with both kidneys on 5/28/15, passed two 7mm stones on 7/2/15 and 7/17/15. They are being formed way too quick to be from any other source.

My Crohns has been moderate, but meeting with Doctor to switch back to Sulfazine EC. Visits to ERs to help with kidney stones is not worth it as I'm not any better on Asacol than on Sulfazine and symptons aren't bad enough for Humira.

22 months
800 MG x 2 2X day

With in one week of taking the medicine my arm started hurting so bad i can't even lift it to wash my hair..i toss and turn all night with the pain..Just going to stop taking the meds to see if the pain will ho away

After taking ASACOL for over a year and with the condition not really improving.... toilet 20 per day etc, think everyone knows the script here. Also on steroids etc. nothing working!! One day for whatever reason my doctor gave me some saline washes to use (1994) with-in one week i stopped going to the toilet, i.e. i didn't wake up needing the was like a mircle. Can't imagine the feeling. I'm writing this now because i've just had a flare up. I'm going to try the same thing again as I'm pretty sure that these washes cleared me up last time. I don't really want to take this tablets again as they didn't really improve the situation that much before.

I've been taking asacol for about 25 years now, started in elementary school. I've never had any of the side effects listed in other reviews. Maybe some joint pain in my knees occasionally, not sure if it's related or just part of getting older and putting my body through hell for years.guess everyone reacts different to it? It's not a cure, but it makes life livable atleast.I can atleast get through the day without thinking about where the closest bathroom, port o let, or patch of woods is at.I would recommend it.

Hair loss, liver enzymes on the serious rise, skin breaking out, ulcers in mouth, kidney pain, only minimal relief from bloody diarrhea

ASACOL (MESALAMINE): Mesalamine (also known as 5-aminosalicylic acid) is used to treat certain types of bowel disease (distal ulcerative colitis, proctosigmoiditis, proctitis). It does not cure these conditions, but it may relieve mild-to-moderate pain and decrease the frequency of diarrhea/bloody stools caused by irritation/swelling in the colon/rectum. Mesalamine is an aminosalicylate anti-inflammatory drug. It is believed to work by blocking the production of certain natural chemicals that may cause pain and swelling. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Why is this med still on the market with so many people complaining of bone/joint pain?! I'm not sure I will take another dose.

took it for 10 days. Slight cramps while on meds, but after period started, had extreme mood swings and irritablility. All side effects went away after stopping the pill and having a period.

suddenly developed rashes under breasts and abdomen. Stopped taking it, not sure if it was from this drug. Ive been vomiting all week. I may have a bug. This med was good at lowering my cholesterol though.

It made me a bit drowsy, so I tried to wait and take it close to bedtime. Slept GREAT and woke up with a little anti-depressant buzz. If I take the full dose at any time, I become agitated and jittery, can't handle it. So I cut them in half.

I am so happy that I found the Dostinex .I hope that mi life will go on. Before, i was very depresd

I do think this drug is safe, as long as you do not need to get up quickly and are not woken up suddenly... it is regularly used by leaders and congressmen... ABC has a report on this here:

Never take this at all. You will never be your old self.

I am on 150mg of Wellbutrin XL and get frequent bouts of temporary insomnia. Rozerem helped me fall asleep but didn't keep me asleep...I still woke up once or twice during the night. The next day, I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life and that awful, disconnected, woozy feeling didn't go away until later on that afternoon. The next night, I was so worn out by the side-effects that I fell asleep on my own!!!

Have been on Cymbalta (30 mg) for 7 days due to chronic ear pain. Noticed difference on day 1. Felt no pain at all and experienced happier moods. However the uncontrollable shaking really scared me. Have quit this drug before things get worse.

Weight gain. I was prone to that anyway but I have less motivation now to deal with it! More skin problems (dermatitis etc) But it has made me a better person, better mum and I no longer suffer terrible depression. I'm also much more sensible and rarely ever drink now (Lamictal hangovers are not worth it!).