Actigall (ursodiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Actigall (ursodiol)

When I first found out I had cirrhosis my doctors were pretty sure I would need a transplant. They decided to up my dosage and since then the swelling went down and there has been no additional scarring on my liver. I should probably say that I am helping the cause of it remaining healthy because I do not drink nor have I even tasted alcohol.

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Severe fatigue at 9 pills per day.

For a drug known for its lack of side effects, be careful at higher doses. I had been taking six per day for about six years and never realized how lethargic it was making me feel. When the Dr. increased the dosage to nine per day, I could barely function. Without it, my liver enzymes go off the chart, so for now I take four per day which is tolerable.

prescibed by gastroenterologist

Relieved the itchiness that comes with this disorder.

Lowered the dosage and the hives went away

ACTIGALL (URSODIOL): Ursodiol is used to dissolve certain types of gallstones, to prevent gallstones from forming in obese patients who are losing weight rapidly, and to treat a certain type of liver disease (primary biliary cirrhosis). Ursodiol is a bile acid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Do not drive until medicine wears off. Similar to 3 martinis.

It took at least nine months and convincing my doctor to keep me on it, but I finally have the good colesterol to where it need to be and the bad is better than it has ever been. Triglicerides were never a problem.

I am 44 and have taken Vyvanse along with my 2 adult kids for the past 5 years. We all started at the same time for ADHD. We all had great results for the first few years. They did much better in school and I did MUCH better at work... we all felt like we were like how normal people were supposed to feel. After a few years though it seemed like the effects of our organized thinking wore off and possibly replaced with more forgetfulness and worse thought processing than we had before. I have seriously wondered if it has killed some of our brain cells. I have owned 2 mortgage companies and have been in the top 10 realtors in my area... I have had a successful career for 20 years and now after 5 years on vyvanse I feel like Im loosing it... like my brain doesnt work anymore. Also my son who was on it started having delusions 2 years ago and has now been diagnosed with schizophrenia... he remains on vyvanse because it helps with his negative symptoms. My daughter who is on it is a ray of sunshine whom everyone adores but I feel like she is loosing her mind too - she is 22 and every day she has a different idea of what she wants to do with her life and cant make a decision about anything. One might say we all have something hereditary thats making us like this but by the time I was their age I had a car paid for and a great job AND went to college. They can barely take 9 credits and cant hold a job. So we all went down hill together and are spinning our wheels wondering if its because

Doctor prescribed because of a suspected UTI due to severe dehydration in the ER. started feeling severe side effects, mainly excessive anxiety, and couldn't figure out what was going on. Got on the internet, saw all of the patient reviews, and it clicked. Never had this experience with antibiotics before. Was prescribed for 7 days and I only made it to the fourth day. Can't continue feeling like this. Horrible drug, would never recommend or take again.

Zoloft has worked wonderfully--no issues at all.

I'm very angry this medication was ever approved. I have treatment resistant depression so my Doc added this to Effexor. Nasty, nasty medicine.

I will never take this drug again. I sent me to a very dark, scary place.

This website is a God send! I just took out my Nuvaring. I have been experiencing these side effects for the last 2 months; coincidentally they began about the same time I started using this med. It wasn't until a conversation with my friend 3 days ago that I realized my virtually non-existent sex drive was because of Nuvaring. I read all of your postings and now it all makes sense. I thought I was crazy. Thank you all for helping me and my husband.

Our 5 year old son has been on zyrtec off and on since 1 y/o. His dose was increased to 10mg/day for worsening symptoms in the spring of 2005. He started becoming increasingly angry, irritable and anxious. It got to the point that he wanted to hurt himself, run away, hurt us and he became a totally different person. He would cry so hard and ask us why he was so angry. Physicians told us that children with allergies tend to have behavior disorders. He started counsiling, we kept food diaries, sleep diaries, looked at everything he did to find a cause for his behavior. Finally we found this web site and found all of the other children who are reacting the same way to zyrtec. We took him off of his zyrtec and singulair immediately. Within 3 days he was a different child. You could see happiness in his eyes. He laughs again, he can concentrate - before he couldn't sit still to play with cars or do a dot to dot. Now he can. The transformation is amazing. Not one physician ever told us to watch for this potential side effect. He lost almost a year of his life and maybe more because of this drug. After two weeks he is back to his old self. The little things that would set him off into a violent tantrum are now no big deal. My goal now is to let as many people as possible to know about this side effect so that parents don't have to search like we did. We have no doubt that he would have ended up in special ed or labled as the child with the behavior disorder. I would be happy to talk to any concerned parent about what we went through. Please e-mail me at [email protected]

I began taking Nasonex and within a month I stared experiencing heart palpitations - up to 10 occurrences in one day. I also had a lot of anxiety at night and subsequently, trouble sleeping (I normally sleep very well). I went off the drug to see if that was what was causing the palpitations and sure enough, they went away. Then, to rule out any coincidences, I started using Nasonex again. The palpitations came back immediately. I went off it and will never use it again. I have not had another palpitation since.