Levaquin (levofloxacin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Levaquin (levofloxacin)

I'm no longer taking this medication. 3 pills of Levaquin put me in a wheelchair and disabled me completely for 2 years. My case is not "rare", unfortunately cases like mine happen often due its indiscriminate prescription. Watch out !

There are warnings issued by the FDA, EMA (In Europe) and severe restrictions of usage in the United Kingdom about this class of antibiotics. Read them and get informed before using fluoroquinolones. Your life may change forever if you have even a mild reaction.

severe pain on side of legs, while taking this med. right leg was worse then left. Then numbness set in feet and legs. Never went away like the CS rep. for the drug company said it would. 12 yrs now.....

Black Box warning for over 60 yrs old, yet still they prescribed it. Still have lots of numbness in legs and feet 12 yrs later. CS rep told me it was a temporary side effect. No one should take this medication.....

In IV, unbeknownst to me no consent

I'm no longer taking this medication. I now have, confirmed by Dr. Stefan Pieper, permanent disability (FQAD), which includes peripheral and small fiber neuropathy, tendinopathy, vitreous detachment (floater) and myriad other disorders and symptoms. Recent onset of rheumatoid arthritis and no, it's not due to something else, it's the FQ. Knowledgeable doctors agree that most FQT victims will end up with RA with 2-3 years from the floxing. Heart pounding and soreness continues. See The Flox Report for explanation of FQ's deleterious and often lethal effects on the heart.

Please search the following tags on TikTok: #FQAD #levofloxaxin #ciprofloxacin #fluoroquinolonas #fluoroquinoloneantibiotics #fluoroquinolonetoxicity #cipro #Levaquinand you will find THOUSANDS of victims on that site alone. My page is https://www.tiktok.com/@floxeado.x.quironbcn?lang=enThere are floxed victims all over the place. Here's one warrior on Tiktok who was on the verge of death:https://www.tiktok.com/@taliasmith2021?lang=enShe was recently interviewed by two TV stations:https://www.boston25news.com/news/25-investigates/i-cant-walk-today-25-investigates-finds-millions-still-prescribed-risky-antibiotic/3NOMSS3WDFAUJHM6MGJEQCFB3I/https://www.newsnationnow.com/health/uti-antibiotic-woman-unable-walk/Also see: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13115607/Bobby-Caldwell-wife-fluoroquinolone-antibiotics.htmlTHIS HAS TO STOP. IT'S CHEMOTHERAPY MASQUERADING AND MARKETED AS AN ANTIBIOTICSEE MYQUINSTORY.com They've been doing this to people for 40 years. After 20 years of the most extreme warnings by all regulatory agencies, the "doctors don't know" bs excuse DOES NOT PASS THE SMELL TEST. Of course they know. They get paid a percentage for each drug they prescribe. Read (former) Dr. Robert Yoho's "Butchered by Healthcare" - It's on fire. Banned by Amazon. Feel free to PM me. Be safe.

Headache. Fatigue, my legs felt heavy like I had been walking for hours in the desert. Thirsty, I couldn't get enough water. I felt shaky, like my blood sugar had dropped. Nausea. And diarrhea. No appetite. Overall weakness. I stopped taking it after the 2nd dose when I began itching all over and my lips blistered. My voice was hoarse. I could not sleep at night, if I did fall asleep I would jolt awake in panic with massive anxiety. I kept thinking something bad had happened to me, but I couldn't remember anything bad actually happening. Also, I have shoulder and neck pain that started with the first dose.

Avoid this "medicine" if possible

To prevent infection after simple procedure

Achilles tendonitis, bursitis of elbow, shoulder, knees, enthesitis in ribcage, electrical buzzing/popping/stabbing sensations throughout body, severe muscle spasm/contortion/muscle tear, panic attacks, inability to walk requiring mobility assistance/bed rails. Overall body pain/muscle weakness. Memory and speech difficulties, chemical insensitivity, chest pain, palpations, syncope, diastolic dysfunction, critically low levels B12 and D.

This should NEVER be taken as a preventative and only given after a culture shows it is needed. Doctors should be required to go over ALL of the risks and provide a handout requiring patient consent BEFORE given! I became permanently disabled and still have issues from taking this 8 years ago. Multiple specialists diagnosing a myriad of different conditions and never accepting the truth of FQ toxicity is frustrating and financially depleting. I pray for all who have been knowingly and unknowingly affected by these drugs.

I had Pain and swelling in elbows, knees, hips, ankles, shoulders and fingers. Shooting Nerve pain in fingers/arms - this was after taking pill one day, but but had no idea it was the med. Finished the 5 day prescription, Unable to sleep or even pick up coffee cup. This was in 2006 and the doctors were baffled. I researched on my own and finally found a doctor who was willing to check into side effects instead of discounting me. After 8 months on pain meds, most pain was tolerable, and I stopped pain meds bc my kidneys were affected.That was 16 years ago when I was 64. My left elbow tendon still “clicks” with movement but doesn't hurt. Horrible medication.

Extreme body pain, could not leave my bed for 24 hours after only one dose, couldn't eat for 24 hours, fatigue, extreme weakness.

I only took one dose of this medication. Within hours I was up overnight with excruciating body pain, I could not get out of bed. Called the on call Dr who told me to stop taking it. Was prescribed something else. Today is day 2 and I feel a little better but have awful pain in my sides and back. Worst medication I have ever taken.

Chest pain after 7 days. 1 month sever low back pain headache pain

My husband was prescribed this medication for a bacterial upper respiratory infection. Once he started taking it, his symptoms worsened and he developed other more serious symptoms. He ended up hospitalized and was put in ICU. He was seen by several specialists, including infectious disease specialists but none of them could figure out what was wrong. He then developed jaundice and his organs were shutting down. Thank God I thought to research this toxic medication and insisted that they stop giving it to him! Once he was taken off of it, his symptoms gradually started to subside. This medicine is poison!

Pulled or strained glut muscle. Wary of continuing use?

Tendon popping, tendon pain, rotator cuff pain. I took 1 pill of levaquin at the hospital for a uti that refused to go away. I trusted the doctor that gave it to me and did no research. Once I had gotten home I told my husband and we looked it up. I was shocked. We picked up the prescription the next day not with the intention of taking it but to see the warnings list. Mind you that same day I had woken up I felt very tired almost like I had been hit by a truck. My legs started to tremble uncontrollable. My calfs felf like they were on fire as well. Over the next 2 weeks I had almost lost all use of my legs I could NOT walk!!! I was taken to the e.r. where they stated it wasn't from the levaquin but to stop taking it. I told them I only had the one dose and didn't plan to take anymore regardless. I went to my regular pcp and she wrote on my chart I was to not take these class of medication anymore. It's been almost 3 months now and I can walk again my legs are staring to get better. But the damage is done the pain is still there and I have ptsd now when my tendons have a flare. Unfortunately now I am experiencing right shoulder pain with a stiff neck. Please do not take! I only had 1.

This medication is dangerous. Luckily I have been informing myself on herbs and vitamins to try to repair the damage caused and lessen the pain.

Horrible stomach cramps, powerful watery diahrrea. I had the dry heaves so bad I burst a blood vessel in my sinus. Weakness.

My son had the same symptoms after taking levaquin. We were both were tested for c diff, and all tests were negative.

Headache, nausea, tendon tears (especially if you lift or sprint) dizzy, faint, felt terrible.

This drug should be banned. Honestly it is the worst antibiotic of all time. The Dr's prescribe this without knowing the side effects. I suggest you steer clear!

Back pain, dizziness, cracking bones, headache

Horrible tendon pain-in elbows.couldn't sleep.Burning in hands and joints all over body. This lessened after 8 months. This was before the black box warning and i saw several specialists who had no idea what was wrong.

I started levaquin yesterday by taking 1 pill of 500mg once daily. I have taken a total of 2 pills. 1 yesterday and 1 today. The first night of taking levaquin I could not sleep. I thought it was strange that I went to bed at 10p.m. and woke up at 2a.m. I could NOT sleep a wink not matter what I did. I spent most of the day today sobbing about absolutely everything and felt like I was seconds away from a full blown panic attack. My heart was pounding, I was suffering from crippling anxiety and I literally felt like I was drowning in despair. I took my second dose of levaquin this afternoon and my emotional symptoms got so much worse. This evening I have been dry heaving, shaking, crying, and suffering for the worst anxiety. I am still unable to sleep or find rest at all. My stomach is in knots along with my mind.If you have the slightest bit of depression or anxiety literally RUN AWAY from this medication. It has amplified my minimal anxiety to the point I feel like I am suffocating.

Having fibromyalgia, I should never have started this drug to begin with. Burning skin, intense nerve and shooting pain all over. Side effects of drug worse than infection. Called doctor and got new prescription. Will not use this drug ever again.

Every time I took this medication my fever spiked to 104. Constant sweats, burning skin, shooting nerve pain all over. Sent firomyalgia symptoms into hyper drive. Insomnia and loss of appetite.

Do not use this drug. I will never use it againI had my prescription changed to something else.

Nerve and tendon pain, vision changes, sense of smell changes, joint pain, joints popping and cracking, insomnia, depression.

Had turned down Cipro for previous bouts of diverticulitis after reading the black box warning. Made an ER visit for a bad bout and was given Levoquin via IV. I didn't know there were a number of fluoroquinilones with the SAME BLACK BOX warning. Doctors should not be prescribing these drugs short of no other options just like the black box says. My doctors don't understand how serious the adverse affects are and THERE IS NO TREATMENT. 3 months out symptoms still ongoing.

On the morning of August 11, I took one pill 250 mg Levaquin for my UTI prescribed by the family doctor ,I suddenly fell heavy headache, dizzy and hard to breath and find it hard to walk, my feet so heavy and almost pass out. Finally call 911 and stay at ICU for 17 hours, almost died. Now come out of hospital still struggling with serious effect. And go to see different doctors and various ultrasound and Ct test. And shows some heart problems. And my life will never be the same as before, this medicine totally destroys my physical and mental healths

It is a poison rather than a medicine, no one should take it .

LEVAQUIN (LEVOFLOXACIN): Levofloxacin is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Horrible drug that gp won’t change as it’s keeping bp down but at what cost to my quality of life. If you look at this drug on healthlocker. You see other users call it the devils drug.

Works fine, regulated my periods and cleared up my acne by a dozen. However makes me eat a lot and slight digestive problems and emotional problems. However does it's job. The residue when taking off is gross and the process of replacing it is a little painful. Everything else is all good!

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bloating, thorough blast cleanse...lol

Moderate to severe eye pain, dryness WORSE, nose dry, sinus pain, INSOMNIA, headache, feeling abnormal- ugh.. hope this doesn't last long.. I stopped taking yesterday and still having same symptoms today!!

This drug changed my life. It was the 5th medicine I tried and had fantastic success! I have started hormone therapy (to try to undo 10 years of synthetic birth control damage) and it has helped me while trying to get balanced. HOWEVER ... I think I have to stop now and go the rest on my own, because based on what I have been researching, it must be lowering my Estrogen level and working against my hormone replacement! Thanks for all of your comments, you have helped me take another step on my journey to being well and normal and happy!

My problems didn't start at first. In fact while I was taking it I didn't notice too much, just a little nausea. But after 5 days I started getting some mild cramping and after I finished it I started waking up every morning with stomach cramps and end up in the bathroom for an extended period of time. I don't have diarrhea, but weird skinny stool as others have described. This has continued for over a week after taking it so far. I expect it to stop, but I am concerned after reading the comments here. I won't be taking this again.

I want off but I am affraid to get off, I might have a heart attack.BP is and has always been about 117/73 until I have to wait 30 min. to get in to have it checked, then it is 119/86..Oh its high she'll say.. Take your Toprol, I wished I had never took the first one.

Took this pill after having it on my table for 4 months...Was scared, as the list of side effects was so scary sounding. Then I finally took it one day when I got brave and OH boy....18 hours later I got a pain/ache in my lower back side...It felt like it was in an organ.....went to bed and I could not turn my body or sleep on my right side as it hurt so much. Could hardly sleep and at 6am it spread to my back...just that quick. Then it spread to my hip and joint area and the pain was so severe I was having like I have never had before...Like in the core of my very bone...I could not walk, or sit as the pain was so intense. My Dr. gave me Vicodin to take every 2-4 hours for this #10 on the scale pain......What a poison pill this crap is and approved by the FDA....OMG the most severe pain I have ever had. Long lasting for a week...on Pain meds. Never take this pill ever again. POISON use at your own risk...should be labeled on this medication!!!