Ciprofloxacin (ciprofloxacin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ciprofloxacin (ciprofloxacin)

I took this drug in 1997 before all the major black box warnings came out for severe irreversible tendon rupture, CNS damage, and heart problems. IT RUINED MY HEALTH AND LIFE FOREVER. I have basically been rotting in a room for the past 2 decades severely ill and waiting to die. Multiple tendon ruptures, 10/10 pain 24/7, my life is a nonstop real world nightmare, something you can't even imagine in your worst of dreams. I cannot wait for death and I don't see myself being alive much longer. I hope someone one day bombs Bayer headquarters as justice to all of us suffering for the rest of our lives. While these despicable pharmaceutical businessmen become millionaires and billionaires off the lives and blood of our suffering...I am on disability, unemployed, bedbound, in constant torturous agony. ROT IN HELL BAYER

I took this drug before the black box labels were on it and before the internet was a thing where people researched drugs. i was naive but there's at least some excuse for it. It you took this poison in the past few years AFTER the black box warnings were listed for permanent CNS damage, tendon rupture, and heart problems then I'm sorry to say but you're a complete idiotic fool and you deserve the suffering which you brought upon yourself. Enjoy

I live in Tasmania, Australia. I was prescribed Ciprofloxacin by a urologist without any mention of possible side effects. I Initially experienced pain down both shins (3 days into taking Ciprofloxacin). My legs also felt weak/heavy. By Day 5 the pain was considerably worse and had begun to spread to my ankles and feet. I decided to stop taking any more Ciprofloxacin tablets as the timing seemed to be too much of a coincidence (had now taken 10 tablets - 5 days of 2 tablets per day).Over the next few days the pain continued to spread into my heels, ankles, feet, toes, shoulders, arms and elbows, with shooting pain in my tendons and muscles. I also started experiencing tingling sensations in various parts of my body - like little shocks of electricity that continued to move about the body - particularly limbs and face. My legs started to lose strength and I had difficulty walking. I also began to experience numb feet and toes. I have also experienced brain fog and considerable

Two weeks later my condition deteriorated rapidly. I was at work (I am a high school English teacher) and was walking to my classroom when my left ankle begun hurting much worse than I had been experiencing over the last few days. I was barely able to walk. I went to my GP and was admitted to hospital A&E.I continue to have ongoing side effects. The pain has become more concentrated in my joints, especially ankles, shoulders, elbows and wrists, but I continue to have pain down my shins and arms. Just walking from my office to my classroom is difficult and painful as my ankles and lower legs become increasingly sore and weak with walking. Simply holding light objects such as a book for any period of time causes increased pain in my shoulder, arm, elbow and wrists. One of the side-effects that only emerged two months after the initial toxicity is a severe shivering/skin crawling that is very uncomfortable and bordering on painful (perhaps this is due to the weather cooling). I am taking the pain-killer amitriptyline (Endep) daily.I have had to make the difficult decision of reducing my working hours to try to cope with the effects of this toxicity and give my body a greater chance to recover.

I lost all feelings inside. I went numb couldnt feel my abdomen, couldnt feel when I need to go to the toilet. I lost à lot in wheight and get terribly cramps. It hurts so bad I felt like. was strengled. I still have problems 3 mounths öster.

CIPROFLOXACIN (CIPROFLOXACIN): This medication is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This medicine has not taken away my innitial concerns and I am looking for a new medicine from my doctor in two days. I have had a better ability to concentrate, however, I am still anxious, worried and depressed. I have cried more on this drug than before I took it. I think I need to find a better match for me because I have no sex drive, a very unstable appetitie, and an unexplained weight gain. I have made great progress in my therapy, but nothing worth the side effects. I want to go off of it but i am scared to because of reading about all the horrors of discontinuing or skipped days. I dont recommend this product

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Make sure your Dr dose not try and talk you into taking it- it isnt necessary, its just to cover his ass, at your comfort.

Terrible hot flushes and night sweats. Migraines, emotional and moody. Severe joint pain. Bad acne on face, back and shoulders (still not gone after 4 months off treatment). Hairloss, my hair literally started coming out in clumps. Short term memory loss (still not any better). Trouble sleeping.

This stuff stays in your system for months even though I was given it for supposedly psychotic feautures accompanying depression for 2 weeks. My brain was left severely out of whack and the only way I felt ok again was to take an ssri called celexa (citalopram). We are all different and I had to go through a few ssris before I found one that would make me feel human by raising up serotonin again. I swore after risperdal I was through with psych drugs but really needed the extra help to get over the horror drug that is risperdal. Best advice I can give is to try ssri to take you out of the hollow pit of despair that this drug brings. I noticed a positive difference very quickly.

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Pain is controlled. But terrible headache was never there before. Only for last 1 month pounding headache with nausea. I am having long period of remission presently pain came back after 2 years. I do not take med when in remission