Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride)

Slight dizziness, slight headache, slight abdominal pain

First and far most, after reading all the horrible things that was felt and said about this antibiotic, I was scared to take start taking it! I decided after 2 weeks later after I had the prescription filled, to start! Well it like I was waiting for severe side effects to happen, and it was NOTHING compared to all the " hoopla" that I read about. Bottom line, it's one of the top of the line antibiotics for UTI, and it worked well for me!

Experienced shortness of breath (went to the ER), had muscle weakness, fatigue, dizziness, trouble swallowing depression. Labeler is West-Ward, Inc. Was prescribed this due to a urinary tract infection.

I discontinued the medication and took Cranberry capsules instead (for a urinary tract infection).

post surgery and IV during surgery

I am afraid of what cipro is doing to my joints, serious pain in shoulders, fingers and tenderness in all other joints. I just read warnings last night. This was my 2 nd surgery in 6 weeks for female problems. Cipro was given to me to prevent infection. After the first surgery I ask my doctors what could have caused me this pain, I knew it had to do with my surgery because I was having ARM pain right away. No answers from 3 doctors.I questioned them what could make me fill like this. I stopped taking my new vitamin packs, Nano lifepak, nope it wasn't them. I am back on them.The 2 nd surgery I received cipro I V again, the doctor prescribed ciprofloxacin 500 mg. again. At this time I read the pharmacy papers that came with the prescripition... Sure enough the number one side effect states tendons problems. It's the weekend so I am not taking these pills and will call my doctor Monday morning first thing. Oh also I called the pharmacists and he had nothing to say about joint pain and cipro

urinary tract infection - stone

Extereme gas, diarreah, stomach cramps, dehydration

Blew my digestive tract out pretty bad. Took this because of passing a kidney stone. The effects of the cipro were worse than the stone (3mm calcium cutter). I should have read the warnings before taking but at 3AM and 6 hours in the ER I was lazy, never again. Upon talking with my GP he was a bit concerned about me having taken it. He is in the process of treating a patient that suffered major damage to both achillies tendons as a known side-effect of cipro. The scary part is that this particullar side-effect is transient but lasts for up to a year after one course. If you must take this (there are safer alternatives) be extremely careful with your feet for at least the following year. That means things like don't run, ski, hike etc.....

extreme fatigue, nausea, headache, shaking, over all body aching, depression, not functioning well, sleeping most of the time

I had been on name brand Cipro before with minor problems but I could still function so once again I believe that it the generic medication causing the problem. The one I am taking now is manufactured by Dr. Reddy's Lab. I will not take this brand again! I will ask for the name brand. I believe that the sinus infection is gone but the medicine makes me so sick.

Danger, this medication is poison.I have been taking this med on on off for years because of Diverticulosis. It always made me dizzy, emotional, disoriented but I just assumed that it was because of the disease not the med. I was always happy to stop taking it when my RX was through. This time I took it for a UTI. I stopped taking it after a week. The usual syptoms showed up along with EXTREME PAIN in my achilles tendon along with a huge knot. I had nightmares,cried for days and just could not finish my sentences.My brain was in a fog. My body had weird twitching at night in my abdomen. Then I got a wieird mark on my arm, I wouldn't say it was a rash more like blood rising up to the surface. My fingers ache, my wrist ache. I got up one morning after not sleeping due to nightmares and googled achilles pain not thinking it was the cipro because I stopped taking it days before the tendon stuff showed up, anyway, low and behold all this information comes out about Cipro and tendon damage

I was active person until taking this drug

Side Effects forciprofloxacin hydrochloride (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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immediate strong stomach pain, agitation, anxiety, feeling detached from body, extreme sleepiness. Next day, body numbness, panic attack, heart racing, dizziness (ironic?) more agitation, everything dried out (eyes, mouth, nose etc...) chest heaviness, metallic taste in mouth. trouble concentrating, pain, Just feeling downright awful.

I have to get off this stuff. I'm so mean and angry. I can't live like this, I swear I'm going to get a divorce if I don't stop acting this way. Not worth it. I would rather be a scatter brain.

Like many others, I reported these symptoms to my physician, asking him if it could be the Diovan, and he said no. Well, I had always been exceptionally strong and healthy,so I looked up all the side effects of Diovan, and their literature states RARE muscle pain, also kidney and liver problems. I discontinued Diovan after approx. 3 months. I have been off it now for 1 month and am beginning to improve. I am able to walk better, the leg pain is less and my strength is returning. As a sidebar, I should tell you that my blood pressure is ALWAYS increased at the doctor's office, but not at home. There is nothing wrong with my machine as I took it to the Dr.'s office and it registered the same. At home my BP is 125/52 normally, and at his office it can register 160/70. I must be irritated in the office, I'm certainly not scared as I was an RN .I have no reason to be prescribed medication for hypertension.The above symptoms are in no way RARE as the pharmaceutical company states. I will i

Had severe periods, anemia and PMS. My family (and I) were happy that I went on it. Felt like a new person with lighter periods and hence more energy. Helped with the mood swings. Still on it as a mild estrogen therapy.

Three months of Actonel changed me from a normal, healthy person into a WHEELCHAIR bound person. Still trying to regain ability to walk now!!!

Nothing to complain about. The benefits outweigh the side effects, which are minor. They include loose stool (which has improved over time) and decreased sexual function.

To all who are currently taking DOSTINEX: PLEASE let me know where you are getting this drug???? When I tried to renew a prescription in April,found out it was recalled by Pfizer. The generic is not working for me and I am having daily headaches. I have heard others complain that the generic has caused even more serious problems. I have called the company repeatedly and no one knows what the real story is and when it will become available again. One story I heard was that the little packet that is placed in the bottle with the pills, was not controlling humidity and affecting the shelf life. Tired of waiting over 6 months for an honest answer about availability, I finally wrote a letter to the CEO of Pfizer and said "GET REAL" - if this is the problem why are there millions of other little pills in bottles, through the world, that do not have a problem with humidity. Dostinex is packaged, and looks the same, as the generic Cabergoline. What's the problem??? I will let you kno

started out taking 1 pill (150mg) a day, no problem, day 2 noticed sleep disturbance day 3 3 hours of sleep day 4 increased to twice a day uncontrollable crying even woke up crying day 5 still crying....stopped taking Zyban

Tried Wellbutrin, Effexor, Prozac and did seem to kick my depression. Tried Viibryd and truly think this is a miracle drug for me. I have so much more energy and my relationship with my husband has drastically changed for the better and so has my academic experience.

I have only been on ortho tri for about 2 weeks and the last week I have cried like 10 times a day everyday. I kept thinking it was because of my boyfriend and I would snap on him for no freakin reason which I have never done. I'm cranky, sad, emotional, depressed, and my breast hurt so freakin bad. Do not take this!!