Cipro xr (ciprofloxacin; ciprofloxacin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cipro xr (ciprofloxacin; ciprofloxacin hydrochloride)

chest pain, heart palpitation and light sensitivity

after 3 days of taking the drug, the side effects started but it helped reduce the size of my cyst, which is actually turns out that the side effects of cipro were more life threatening than my illness...i often experience chest pain and difficulty in breathing and my heart beats faster than normal like its going to pop out from my chest..there are times that i experience too much light sensitivity that my face hurts like its already scary...not highly recommended..

Side Effects forcipro xr (ciprofloxacin; ciprofloxacin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Migraines, chest pains, low sex drive, mood swings

Vyvanse has greatly increased my attention and focus at work and home. I am able to sit through meetings, listen to others without interrupting and concentrate on my tasks. I am finally able to fall asleep fast and stay asleep until morning! I have my happy disposition back! I have tried Dexedrine, Methylphenidate, and Concerta, all with very negative side effects (grumpy, easily agitated, zoning out, argumentative, insomnia, headaches, nervousness and overeating.) Vyvanse is by far the best for me. It has been a Godsend! My only concern is the increased blood pressure. I started on 30 mg, which is too strong for me. I now take 20 mg. Perfect! If other meds haven’t worked for you, keep trying! This works for me, another may work for you. Don't give up!

Ketek cured my sinus infection but other meds probably would have done the same thing without the dangers. My Doc is too free with the samples from the Pharm. Cos. I was not a happy patient and let him know not to do that again.

I had taken the drug for years, but when my depression intensified, my psych upped the dose to 300 mg. Felt MUCH better and lamented that I had not taken the higher dose before. Actually, I was experiencing hypomania. My psych screwed up and missed several warning signs over 3-4 months (including rapid cycling) that I was heading for mania. The psych, though, has excellent credentials which shows that all docs are fallible. Beware. Now Dx of bipolar type 1 even though I'm 62 and never had mania before, nor has anyone in my family been bipolar. Due to mania, taken off Effexor cold turkey. Because I dropped into severe depression, I have no idea how much of the horrible experience was due to withdrawal. Effexor is notorious for causing mania.

First dose, upper left arm/deltoid, administered at doctor's office by nurse.

Child was fine except for constipation before taking miralax. Followed Drs orders and now has much worse problems than before we started it. Keep asking about allergic reaction to miralax but docs have bought in hook line and sinker - keep poo pooing that idea. I say maybe good for some but test before using large doses.

Increased suicidal and other intrusive thoughts. Racing thoughts. Hyperactivity. Increased paranoia. Increased impulsivity. Decreased sex drive. Decreased appetite. Weight gain (20-30 lbs). Marked unusual changes in personality, behavior, and mood. Emotional numbness and inappropriate expression of emotions (especially smiling and laughter).

A little jittery in the morning, mild nausea. No other side effects yet~

I think, but I'm not sure, that it is exacerbating arthritis in my fingers, wrists, and other joints. Has anyone else noticed a similar affect?

I didn't have a lot of the issues health wise I see on here for taking this as long as I have. Much less than when I was a hard core smoker. But this drug is just as addictive as any other form of Nicotine. And there is no social stigma attached. It's a dirty little I still smell good secret that is too easy to do. You don't even have to stand outside on a cold winter day.I used the last step of the patch for about 10 days and now quit nicotine all together for 4. It sucks but it gets better, and it is not as bad as quitting cigarettes. I just wanted to quit the dirty little expensive habit once and for all and especially quit giving these companies my hard earned money.