Cipro (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cipro (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride)

CIPRO (CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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rapid heart beat, panic/anxiety attacks, bloating, loose stools, chest pressure, feet swell, wrist pain (thought this was from work), gas, cold symptoms

I have had asthma since I was 13 years old. I've been on numerous medications to try and control it, and the only medication I've ever taken that as worked better than Ventolin is Xopenex. This medicine keeps me breathing, and allows me to live a normal life. Thank God for this medicine. I can live with the skeletal reflexes (the tremors). We all have to live with them. This stuff literally gets me through my day sometimes.

acid reflux/indigestion/heartburn

I started celexa 6 weeks ago, I really tried to give it a chance to work and thought that the side effects would work themselves out but they did not. I felt uck from day one of this medication that my doctor gave me for my bouts of anger and depression. I felt horrible, I was tired constantly and yawned about 83 times a day I had to make myself get up and do anything it actually made me feel more depressed and did nothing for my 'temper issues' I know each medication is different for everyone but from my point of view I am glad to be off of it and trying something new (zoloft) and so far (a week now) it has been so much better

Chronic nausea .CONSTIPTION! Even with laxatives. Smooth move tea and tons of fiber and water. Random pain in joints and abdomen. Pins and needles. Heart palpitations worse than I had before. Neck, jaw and shoulder pain. Sweat like crazy and hot flashes with awful b.o. Zero appetite. Brain fog/ memory loss. Vision /vertigo problems. Some times the room would shift. Insomnia.. Anger and crazy mood swings. I felt bipolar.... I got mad at my kids for things I would normally not care about. It was awful. Every time they upped my dose I got more and more awful symptoms. Finally one day I stopped taking them and all these symptoms left. These pills should be illegal.

I have just stopped taking this drug after reading this page, they have been trying to find the cause of all the above symptoms for months now after me undergoing chemo for 6 months and now in remission but feel worse than ever, this has to be the cause and the doctors must know this, 2 days off and feel slightly better

I had heard this was a good drug for people having adjustment problems with T4 only for hypo. My psych was not happy with mood and other hypo symptoms (the usual ones) and my TSH level being stuck at 3.8 (0thers were in range). He talked with my GP and they agreed to try T3, 5 mg per day. First few days were really great; mood picked up, constipation gone, energy up and weight loss was good (12 lbs in 2 weeks-had been 3-4 lbs a month). But, maybe due to the low dose, had horrible depression and other issues after 4 days. However, I know this is confusing (at least to me) I suddenly seem to be feeling a bit better than prior to taking T3. From what I see so far it seems that a dose increase might be in order here. Was wondering how others out there had experienced with their initial T3 dose and how the treatment has panned out for you. Thanks.One more thing, my hypo kicked in last April, about a week after I quit smoking (35 years). It took my GP until August to finally agree to test for hypo, where my TSH was 10 (other normal). He sent me to a Endo (short for that long name I can't spell) who put me on T4 25 umg a day. By October I was totally bonkers and felt like I was going crazy (in addition to a lot of other symptoms) and got my GP to increase the dose to 50 umg. My TSH had gone up from 10 to 17 taking T4. By Dec the endo has increased the T4 to 8 50 umg tabs weekly, which again didn't do it. So, I again increased my dose, this time to 75 and then 100 um

loved it at first cos there were no periods occasionally sore heavy breasts, and a little cramping and I did gain about 10lbs but compared with the way I was it was great. after a few months seeing the doc with numbness and tingling, now nausea, weepyness fatigue and generally feeling low and anxious he reccommends I give it a rest as all my problems could be related to the micronor, so im on the second day without it and to be honest I do feel a little less weepy and not so bloated. Hopefully it will get better and better will give it a couple of months and add another comment, or you can email me

Excellent for anxiety, it's unfortunate that tolerance builds so quickly. I take 1mg at bed time and very occasionally during the day if my anxiety gets on top of me. I am about to taper off it, as my antidepressant has started to become highly effective at controlling my anxiety. A great drug to use while you're in an acute state and are waiting for an antidepressant to take effect. I have no idea how you could use it on its own though, as you get used to it so quickly.

I think this medicine saved my life. I've struggled with episodes of major depression and hypomania since 14 years old.Since that time, I experienced "anxiety attacks" that caused depersonalization and dissociation. The lamictal has had no affect on the dissociation and depers., unfortunately, but within a month I found myself crying at feeling happy. I still do on occasion very unexpectedly. I have never felt this way before in my life. Maybe at moments but not like this. I feel like I connect with other people now; I'm able to think more clearly and my thoughts feel "cohesive." I still get depressed and slightly "up," but it's amazing how the highs and lows seem to stay in a more normal range relative to most people around me. It's like I now have a ground to stand on and a roof over my head.