Cipro hc (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride; hydrocortisone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cipro hc (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride; hydrocortisone)

CIPRO HC (CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE; HYDROCORTISONE): This medication is used to treat bacterial ear infections. It is used to treat outer ear infections (also known as swimmer's ear) in children and adults. This medication contains a combination of ciprofloxacin (a quinolone-type antibiotic) and hydrocortisone (an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid). This ear drop works by stopping the growth of bacteria and reducing ear swelling and discomfort. This medication treats only bacterial ear infections. It will not work for other types of ear infections. Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

My condition improved but the side effects were troubling. The tingling and numbness in the extremities mainly at night and began shortly after I started the drug. The effects started in the two smaller fingers then up my arms to the elbow. The effects continued to my lower left foot with tingling and numbness days later. The numbness would subside after I awoke, but a slight tingling or burning sensation would continue after.The other symptoms were mild enough I found to be brought on if I did not eat and subsided after having food.

Both my forearms fell numb, my fingers can not grip as well, slight ear ringing, dizzyness.

I only took this product for 5 months. The inital benefits were wonderful, but then as the ingredients in this product started to build up in my body, and my body tried to purge this drug, it started to effect my joints, and then my general feeling of well being. I just felt 'not good' in general. Finallly it hit me one day that all my ailments started just after starting the Flonase. Stopped the Flonase, and now its crazy to say this but everything is back to normal!!

This pill sucks!!! I can't believe they have it on the market. I started the pill at 15 mg 1x per day, and my DR. increased it to 60 mg a day. after the 1st month, I felt sooooo disorented, and dizzy I went to the Emergency room to see what was wrong with me. They said your fine U can go home, so I did, well the spells increased then a month later out of nowhere i felt so dizzzy that I went to the ER again, this time they said that It might be the buspar.. So when I walked into my DR.s office I told her to take me off the drug cuz I can't stand to be this dizzy. I don't recommend this drug to anyone out there...

Stopped using this Poison. Fix one problem and create another substantial one and on top of that you pay the makers of their Product (Poison) big Dollars for it. When you tell your Heart Specialist or Doctor what my experinces are with the Simvastatins or Astrovastatins; They just look at you as if you are imagening it all. I have been told by more than one Doc > that he never heard of such side effects. Rubbish!! They get kick backs for promoting this Crap. Billion $$ industry. Naturepath for me to see if I can avoid any of such Crap all together.

Depression, increased anxiety (i have experienced it before because of my irritable bowel syndrome but NEVER this bad)

Jaw clenching, insomnia, excessive yawning, tiredness & nausea if not taken with food. Most of these side effects diminished markedly after 2 weeks.

on day 9 of 10 and conting the hours..

I hate Geodon just got switched to Latuda. Like much better.

my kidney stones are large and many, 4mm and 5mm...too many to have surgeries every 6 months to a year. so i pass them. flowmax relaxes the mucsles down there to allow easier passage. i only use it with an acute attack. i just wonder and am scared of where the semen went cause it doesnt come out....