Tasmar (tolcapone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tasmar (tolcapone)

Fatigue, Colon blockage, Uniary retention, lethargy

TASMAR (TOLCAPONE): This medication is used with other medications (levodopa/carbidopa) to treat Parkinson's disease. Tolcapone belongs to a class of drugs known as COMT inhibitors. Many people taking levodopa for Parkinson's have problems with the effects of the levodopa wearing off between scheduled doses, causing symptoms to return or worsen. Tolcapone blocks a certain natural substance (COMT enzyme) that breaks down levodopa in the body. This effect allows the levodopa to last longer in the system so that it doesn't wear off before the next dose. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was also given a perscription of it to take home w/me for my pain after the second trip to the E.R. It did not help my pain at all. I might as well have just not taken anything. I still have lots of back pain and stomach pain and not sure if its from the toradol or from the depo shot..I dont reccomend this medication. Its a waste of ur time and money. IT DOES NOT WORK!!!

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I asked the Dr. about side effects of Lotrel and he wants to wait until after the EGD scope. I just started thinking about possible side effects of my meds and found this site. Seems a lot of other folks are experiencing the same or similar symptoms I am. I get the scope tomorrow so we will know shortly if it is a hiatal hernia. My money is on the side effects though because after thinking back, these symptoms started around the time I started taking the med but they weren't bad so I really didn't pay much attention to them. But the symptoms got worse as he upped my dosage. After this last bad bout, he wanted to put me on 10/40 but i found some 5/20 that I had saved and started taking it again. I didn't want to quit it cold turkey but the decreased dosage has caused my symptoms to decrease also. You do the math. I see the dr. in about a week and I am going to ask him to switch my meds.

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