Sinemet (levodopa; carbidopa) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sinemet (levodopa; carbidopa)

My Mom has severe depression and anxiety. She was originally diagnosed with PD and given Sinemet to help with slight tremor and balance issues. Has become addicted to Sinemet and can't come off of it. takes 4 pills a day.

Don't believe that perscribed Sinemet has ever worked for her slight tremors. I believe it has only made things worse for her.

Only side effect has been some nausea but have learned how to deal with that. This drug has helped me get rest at night by keeping my legs still. Highly recommend this drug for RLS.

Hallucinations, confusion, increased falls, not recognizing family, non responsive, no appetite.

After being admitted to the hospital and doctors reducing and then taking me off of this drug, I'm just about back to how I was before taking Sinemet. After seeing what I went through, my family would never recommend this medication. I don't remember a lot of what I went through other than the increase in falls and now having a broken clavicle.

Severe, chronic nauseaFrequent vomitingSevere fatigue starting 30 minutes after each dose

If this medication were not saving my life, I would never, ever take it.

Have had a queasy feeling in stomach for 2days but not sure if its the drug.Have a tremor in one arm and its almost gone.

fatigue, want to sleep, insomnia, dry mouth, imbalance, fall risk, can't walk, right hand constant grasping, can't write any more, speech slurred

diagnosed with PD 39 years ago

I have all the side effects that you have with Sinemet also I take Comtan along with the Sinemet.. the last few years I have a lot of sweating as the drug wears off & before I can take the next dose. As the next dose takes affect my sweating just stops instandly until it starts wearing off again .That is the worst side effect that I have after all these years.

Like somebody has aknife and wants to kill her

Hot flashes and I don't know for sure but I have short term memory loss

Hot flashes and I don't know for sure but I have short term memory loss

totally addictive - brings on parkinsons symptoms, this is the worst drug I have ever taken

Difficulty walking right leg leans toward left leg. Had left hip replacement and is doing well.

Just lately last few days started taking flexerell and also celebrex foir back spasms.

My husband had major side effects: hallucinations, paranoia, increased anxiety, screaming fits, throwing himself out of was terrible. But after awhile, seemed to adjust. He began with it 3 times a day, but is now up to 7. I think I read that the max that should be given is 8 which he is quickly approaching.

He takes an anti psychotic drug (Seroquel) and antidepressant (Prozac) in addition to the Sinemet which seemed to eliminate hallucinations etc..Sinemet seemed to decrease drooling and mask like facial appearance. His hand writing is still extremely small, his voice very soft. He is in a wheelchair and unable to walk. My understanding is that he is in the Advanced stage of Parkinson's.Recently, he has increasing dystonia on the left side (leaning), and left foot twisting.

Dad is experiencing acute hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia with dosage increase. Thinks there are children in his room along with what he describes as "a menagerie".

Weaning off/stopping med. and hoping the hallucinations will subside. His tremors and shuffling are minor compared to the side effects he has been having. Not glad that others had these symptoms but relieved to know Dad wasn't alone in his experience.

ideopathc young onset parkinsons

start of dose dyskinesia and severe dyskinesia at end of dose (evenings)Very tired during day,lack of energy and self motivation.. have now developed a new symptom -over-breathing whilst having evening dyskenesia which leaves me breathless till I fall asleep.I presume it is from all the exertion and ballistic movements.

i still have relatively good results from my sinemet (high dose)I have a lot of freezing episodes now lately even if i am "on"I know there is no way I can reduce my dose because if I start fluctuating, I will experience these horrible dyskinesia's.I know most pd patients that suffer from dyskinesia gets the peak dose variant-I get the diphasic type which come in effect when my brain reaches certain (low) levels of levadopa (dopamine).There is no effective treatment yet and it leaves most specialists puzzled,The doctors always say to come down with the dose, but it is wrong to compare this type of dyskinesia with "peak dose" dyskinesia as it seems to work just the other way around. amantadine also has no effect on this type of dyskinesia.Lowering the dose of sinemet is also disastrous because then I experience more fluctuations and dyskinesias.My Doctor once made the following remark." we'll have to come way down with your dose,you don't need to be Tarzan the whole day"My word! As I still contribute to the household as a whole and my sinemet still carries me through the day albeit a high dose,I cannot go into total freeze- up, or suffer with the low dose fluctuations/dyskinesias I am afraid adding agonist medications will just prolong the dyskinesia when I take my last dose of sinemet in the evening. I know there is some research going on long time in finding a treatment for this side effect,and that some anti epileptic medications shows pr

My husband took this many years ago and had extreme hallucinations--swore that things happened that no one else saw, but he wouldn't believe us when we told him that. His doctor gave it to him again recently, saying that it should be okay on this low of a dose. Not true--he started getting extremely mean, agitated, hallucinating. Pills went down the toilet--NEVER AGAIN!!

Severe start of dose and end of dose dyskinesias

Makes me very tired during the day

Side Effects forsinemet (levodopa; carbidopa) - User Comments


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uncontrollable mood swings, depression, severe break outs, no energy, vaginal dryness, weight gain

some light headedness at first but that went away after about 2 weeks.

It helped with water retention but caused some unwanted effects. Such as brain fog and short term memory issues, leg cramps, joint aches and racing heart rate.

If you can handle the first few days, it gets better, although day 1-3 is bad!!. for acne it does clear it and i have had very bad acne to the back, still suffer slight wind / upset stomach, need to judge what eating / time of taking drug.

I'm on warfarin until 2/11 due to a massive bi-lat PE & DVT caused by the Yaz BCP. So far, my side-effects on Warfarin have been minimal. More than anything I'm adjusting to no longer being on BCPs, which I've been on for 15 years. After reading this message board I was seriously concerned about weight gain, but I've actually lost a few pounds by really watching my food intake and getting back into the gym as soon as my doctors gave me the go ahead. Hair loss is my other big worry, but so far I haven't noticed more loss than usual. I've always been an active dreamer, but this med has punched my dreams into overdrive. They've actually become a topic of cubicle conversation for me at work. We all get tea and I tell them about the latest wacky dream. It's only been two months since I started Warfarin and I'm hoping I don't develop any additional side-effects, but I'll submit an update if I do.

No side effects.. even after 12hrs of taking my first dose, I see a major improvement and swelling relief. Maybe some of these people who have written negative reviews about shortness in breath/fatigue should consider blaming they're lack of being physically fit rather than a drug that actually really works!

On Effexor for 12 years, told my Dr. I wanted to get off..5 months of weaning off was a nightmare..Having said that, getting off was the worst thing I could have done. Anxiety has been a nightmare. Been off for 4 months, just called my Dr.,went back on so I'm going through the beginning side effects, spacy, exhausted, insomnia...I'm looking forward to getting through this. I'll never come off again.

i feel better emotionally than i have for years and i have not had any side effects to date.

Hasn't happened until recently, but side effect I'm not experiencing is my head getting fuzzy/cloudy after about 20 minutes. But that feeling is better than the piercing pain of a migraine!

teeth clenching, tiredness, migraines for the first few weeks, some insomnia