Sinemet cr (levodopa; carbidopa) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sinemet cr (levodopa; carbidopa)

It doesn't do anything for my tremors which is the only issue I have. I do not have the 3 triggers.

When I first started it made me yawn a lot, after a year or so I have no side affects.

You do have to get your particular dosage right for it to be affective and you have to take it the same time everyday.

Parkinsons - right hand tremor

Hard to attribute side effects to any one medicine since I am medicated for diabetes, Congestive Heart Disease, Severe Anemia of unknown cause, as well as Parkinsons. I am having swelling and weight gain, and I sleep more than 8 hours each day, but these could be caused by several meds.

When it wears off, the tremor returns, so I think it's helping.My Neurologist has suggested I change to Requip or Mirpex. I don't want to do this since both have swelling, weight gain, and sleepiness, as common side effects. I don't need any more of any of those.

this medication I will describe as a double edged golden sword,for the patients, it is not a cure it is a "TREATMENT" - I have been treated for this freakin disease for over 10 years,I have been appreciative for this treatment because the Pharmas own the FDA and they won't allow us "a cure!"but then again - I'm an idealistic thinker, and this world is not an ideal place/utopia?yet it could be a helluvalot kinder...sincerely,lavendera pd patient -stuck in treatment land!

it needs to be taken in the smallest doses that help because it is likely to cause us great harm in the long we must - make others aware of this fact!

helps even out wearing off and wearing on of regular sinemet doses.

I am able to move much better, don't freeze up and have much better balance.

some on/off symptoms, sleeplessness, needed sleeping tablets,

taking 2 erly morning to get me going and then 1 every 2 hours often did trick but sometime required additional sinimet LS to keep me going.

SINEMET CR (CARBIDOPA; LEVODOPA): This combination medication is used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease or Parkinson-like symptoms (such as shakiness, stiffness, difficulty moving). Parkinson's disease is thought to be caused by too little of a naturally occurring substance (dopamine) in the brain. Levodopa changes into dopamine in the brain, helping to control movement. Carbidopa prevents the breakdown of levodopa in the bloodstream so more levodopa can enter the brain. Carbidopa can also reduce some of levodopa's side effects such as nausea and vomiting. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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dry mouth, insomnia, grinding teeth, bad dreams (when missing a dose)I also kick in my sleep.

Less energy, less mentally alert. Within 36 hours of ceasing to take it my energy and mental alertness improved no end.

Lost my taste after approx. 8 weeks - horrible experience since 1 week's sudden loss of taste, everything tastes bitter, salty and chemical. I wish I'd done better research first - I do not recommend this medicine.

Random dizzy spells, believed to have occured since I had a cocktail on my day off. I use to help myself to a cocktain in the late evening every nite, but now I'm not interested.Also, my left eye lid twitches.I don't go for seconds @ dinner.

Stay away from benzodiazepines. I took .75mg for just four weeks. Worked amazing but when I stopped cold turkey after one month, I almost died.I ended up in 4 different Emergencies rooms where they kept giving me 2 mg and 2 mg again. The last hospital wanted to give me gain 2 mg. I refused and left shaking and went to my family doctor asking for Propanalol because my heart was pounding. My blood pressure indicated 180.Day after I ended up at CAMS in Toronto for three days. They stabilized me and I kept taking .5mg Klonopin for next week then tapper it for next month till zero.I had the worst withdrawals for one month. Depression, OCD, anxiety, numbness on my hands, tinnitus, bruises etc...I'm still suffering.Just got on Prozac 10mg starting dose.I think benzodiazepines are demonic.

ringing in the ears, visual disturbances, trouble sleeping, hair thinning. initially, the joint pains subsided, and i felt good about taking the drug. but after 2-2 1/2 months, joint pains came back, and i decided no way, not dealing with the pain and the side effects. i've started taking zyflamend (herbal type remedy. been on for almost two weeks, not alot of response yet, but am hoping.)

i began this med on sept. 5, an this is sept 9, i was discharged from the hospital yesterday, all night last nite every time i coughed i had terrible pains on the backs an sides of my knees,. it was like a sharp pulling of muscle or tendons, but it is hurting when i cough.;

I've used zyrtec on and off for 2 years and i recommend that you use it to relieve short-term allergies, it works brilliantly, however I would hesitate before taking it for longer periods of time such as an entire week as this is when the side-effects seem to develop.

My Dr. advised me to stop. I will stick to supplements but he did want to try a nasal spray. Why are these drugs so dangerous? Everyone has a different experience but I am praying this is out of my system sooner than later.

weight loss at first, then gain, horrible migraines, ridiculous appetite, spotting