Mirapex (pramipexole dihydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mirapex (pramipexole dihydrochloride)

I'm still taking this medication. Some weight gain and increased appetite and nausea

Have tried stopping but am unable to function normally due to muscle spasm etc returning

Restless legs, anhedonia, focus issues

Constantly felt sick, weak, and even more fatigued due to my quality of sleep decreasing while on it. Although I could get to sleep, my sleep quality was a 0 out of 10. Always ended up waking up early and couldn't get back to sleep even though I was still very tired.For men specifically: I did end up having erections again after having trouble with them, so take that as you will.

I stopped taking mirapex and found that Kratom entirely resolved my restless legs, but it has a profound withdrawal component after using it for a while for some people, so be very careful if you seek to use it for restless legs.

Extreme bouts if depression and crying. Constant worry of death, Tremors, and sharp needle like pains in toes.Dropped 16.5 lbs during the usage of this medication which was less than 5 weeks!

I used Klonopin successfully for 12 years prior when they stopped the medication to give me this. I've had to stop use of this medication.

I started taking Mirapex 2012. It worked great for my RLS. 2019 I started getting very nauseous to the point where I couldn't get out of bed. I stopped taking it until a couple days ago. I talked to my doctor about how it made me very nauseous in the past and she said to take a half a pill. So I did. I woke up around 3 o'clock in the morning because my RLS was very severe. I took a half a pill. I woke up at 7 o'clock in morning and I was vomiting until 3 o'clock the next morning. Terrible.

Sudden onset of extreme drowsiness. I have fallen asleep in mid -sentence. Obsession with sex. Issues with erectile dysfunction.

Worked great for RLS but it started making me feel extremely nauseous after month 1. I didn't realize it was the medicine bc it never made me sick before. I was getting sick through the night and then sick all day the next day. I went to the doctor thinking I had major GI issues. They told me stop the mirapex for the night to see what would happen ... tadah .... it was gone ... nausea and vomiting gone. I have had to take it a few times since then when my RLS is super bad but I take a zofran with it and it works beautifully. I took it not long sho without the zofran bc I didn't have any and bam... puked all night and felt sick the entire next day.

Take a zofran with this is it makes you nauseous.

Treatment-resistant depression

At first I experienced tingling/ticklish sensations throughout my body along with feeling lightheaded. I had orthostatic hypotension also and some mild headaches and ringing in the ears. To counter this I got up slowly and increased my sodium and fluid intake. I also take cetirizine (Zyrtec) if I experience nausea and this resolves it.The side effects dissipated after a few days and increased the dosage very slowly over the next few weeks. My depression and anhedonia went into remission and I finally have my life back again. I'm currently taking 0.25mg t.i.d.

I don't understand why some people experienced obsessions or compulsions because I haven't. I just feel normal and very emotionally stable now. Pramipexole is now being used by some psychiatrists for treatment-resistant depression.

This drug almost killed me. Stripped me of my dignity and my humanity. I was not warned of these side effects. I developed impulse control disorders, compulsive shopping and painting, cross dressing and acute suicidal ideation.

Compulsive-Impulsive spending; Hyper-sexuality; gambling; theft; reckless driving; binge drinking/drug use; legal trouble

The drug is a "MIRAcle" for the condition itself, but not worth the hell you go through personally or put others through with the crazy side effects. Try Neupro the patch for RLS.

Compulsive gambling, spending, hypersexuality

I took it for 2 years without a problem until recently it started causing extreme itching every time I took it.

Horrifying. Hallucinating. Confusion. Loss of space and time. Cold like stuffiness. Couldn't remember what day it was.I've lost my job because I couldn't think straight. This is after just four days.A killer drug. Shouldn't be on market.

Stop the nonsense drugs. This was just as bad as Ambien. There ARE drugs that work, like Ropinerol, without causing a person to go insane. I cannot say ANYTHING good about this drug at ALL.

Chest pain, headache, numb and cold hands and feet, major muscle spasms, sleeplessness, restless, body pain....it was way worse than the flu!!! I thought I was having a heart attack!

I wasn't taking a high dose....with all my symptoms, I have no clue if it helped RLS. I'd rather live with RLS than these meds!

Coughing all day every day ,throwing up white foam.But has no taste.

My life has been horrible for the last year while taking Mirapex.I cough until I throw up.I stay sick at my stomach. Really doesn't help my R L S.

Low bp 90/60 and high heart rate of 120.can not say if these side effects are due to mirapex. Since last 5 days when i started taking mirapex i feel i got anew lease of life. My life had become miserable. I was in constant pain and sleepless since last 4 years. The medication that doctors tried on me during last 4years were 1. amitriptyline 0. 5mg 2. chlordiazepoxide 0.5mg 3. gabapentin 625mg 4. pramipexole 1mg

I found mirapex as a wonder drug. Can not say if the low bp and high heart rate is due to mirapex or these are the withdrawal symptoms of the drugs that i have taking all these years. Presently i fell as if i never had rls. Mirapex has helped me to that extent. How long it will work only god can tell.

Somewhat worked for rls but caused diarrhea

I started at .25 mg 3x/day and increased to 1.25mg 3x/day to control tremor. CAUTION: when discontinuing mirapex due to compulsive eating and decreased tremor control, I was told that I could just swap out Sinamet for the Mirapex. I had major withdrawal symptoms; depression, anxiety, frightened, nausea, diarrhea, tachycardia, uncontrollable crying, seeing flashes of "things" in my peripheral vision that weren't there, sweat pouring off me...it was horrible. Called the neurologist towards the beginning of symptoms and was told that my body just needed to adjust. He called back the next day, profusely apologizing, and had me go back on a 1/2 dose of Mirapex in conjunction with the Sinamet. 2 weeks later I am off successfully off the Mirapex.

I could NOT survive without it!!

I am so greatful for Mirapex! It has made such a difference in my life.

MIRAPEX (PRAMIPEXOLE DIHYDROCHLORIDE): Pramipexole is used alone or with other medications to treat Parkinson's disease. It can improve your ability to move and decrease shakiness (tremor), stiffness, slowed movement, and unsteadiness. It may also decrease the number of episodes of not being able to move ("on-off syndrome"). This medication is also used to treat a certain medical condition (restless legs syndrome - RLS) that causes an unusual urge to move the legs. Symptoms usually occur at night along with uncomfortable/unpleasant feelings in the legs. This medication can decrease these symptoms and thereby improve sleep. Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist that works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (dopamine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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For some reason the doctor started me on 40 mg/day after years of unsatisfactory results with provachol. Flu like synptoms started immediately-then numbness in my shoulder, gas, headaches,diarhhea, dark urine them debilitating joint and muscle pain. I can barely walk-took for only 10 days. Have been off for 4 days with no improvement-I am terrified. Went to the doctor and he did no additional tests - just said to stay off lipitor. When I asked if I would feel better-he just said he hoped so-what is that supposed to mean?? Has anyone had any advice from their doctor on how to reverse these effects?

Heart racing, headache, fatigue, anxiety, shaking. Just felt horrible.

Been taking XL 150mg for 4 weeks. Results are mixed. It certainly helped me get out of bed in the morning and gave me more energy and drive to get things done. However, there are days where my feelings of anxiety about things are much more intense than before, I seem to compusively dwell on my recent break-up. Seems to dull the effects of alcohol but hangovers are worse, wouldnt recommend alcohol. Not sure if this on-and-off general feeling of anxiety will subside, can anyone offer any guidance?

dry mouth, diffulty sleeping (had to adjust dose time), anxiety (at first)

At first felt great, lost 40 pounds from my 4 pregnancies. Tons of energy which was great with 4 kids to take care of. Loved it and loved that my skinny clothes were fitting and my husband was more attracted to my body. 3-4 months into taking it my long full curly beautiful hair started breaking off and then falling out horribly. I dread washing it. My appetite came back and probably put back on 20 pounds. I started to not feel anymore affects to the medication and wanted to come off. I was scared about withdrawals, did it anyway. Only if the first 1st or 2nd month could have made me feel like the way it did and didn't cause hair loss and helped with weight loss like metabolite did in the early 2000's.

Less side effect with activie lifestyle.

No weight gain. Great mood. Anxiety is under control. Better control of my temper now.

Cramps, thick clumpy discharge, upset stomach, lethargy, slight burning

menstrual problems/contraception

I've become irritated, sore muscles, tired, ifeel that I'm fighting low blood sugar, possible some confusion