Eldepryl (selegiline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Eldepryl (selegiline hydrochloride)

I can't think of any because the benefits were so great, I didn't even think about side effects. However, my pharmacist and doctor both warned me that it was an MAO inhibitor, so I was extremely careful about drug interactions and my diet.

By the time I started taking it, a generic was out and it was simply called selegeline; I hope this is the brand we're discussing. It helped the tremor in my left hand within a few days and the stiffness in my legs. Taking sinemet caused the most dramatic reduction of my PD symptoms, but selegeline caused the second most dramatic improvement. The doctors and I were amazed. I've since switched to Azilect, which is also an MAO inhibitor, as there's a possibility that it may slow down the progress of the PD. I've not noticed any side effects with it. Since starting the selegeline and replacing it with Azilect, I've been able to cut back on my sinemet.

Side Effects foreldepryl (selegiline hydrochloride) - User Comments


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HORRIBLE! I have been having a migraine for a couple days now. I decided to take one pill and man o man dizzy, nauseous, shakey, nervous, blurry vision, and panic attack is horrible.

Feeling maybe a bit better, but experiencing apathy still and some not so cheery what-if type suicidal thoughts. I'm looking forward to seeing how this helps eventually in combination with psych therapy.

makes me really weird when I wake up during the night - seeing double, sleep walking - and foggy/fuzzy-brained in the morning.

All went well at the beginning. Mixed the solution with Crystal Light Lemonade. After about 1/2 through the gallon got sick of the taste, had to force the rest down. It did do what it was supposed to (clean out). Started prep at 11am, finished much later than anticipated 6pm. It came back with avengence around 11pm with nasseua and extreme headache.

I have been taking the shot for 3 years now. It is amazing. If you do your research in the begining it does warn you about all the side effects that could happen but I have only experienced one. (The hunger) But even that is mind over matter. You get a shot once every 3 months and it works incredibly! I would recommend it to anyone!!!!

I have stopped using it for 2days now and all of a sudden i am constantly yawning - so i guess thats a signal my sleep is coming back to me.

I was fine for about 3 weeks. At 3.5 weeks, I developed a horrible & splotchy rash all over my body. My hands became bloated and itchy. My upper lip looked like one of Angelina Jolie's lips, but not in a good way. (Think Octomom!) I had to go to an urgent care center, but even the meds I got did not work right away. It took a full 5 days for the itchy, splotchy rash to go away after I stopped taking the pills. My podiatrist said it was probably my sun exposure that caused the itchy rash. (I do have sensitive skin.) I was really shocked this happened b/c I had never, ever had an allergic reaction to anything in my 45 years of living. I was very disappointed to have stopped this medicine b/c it was working. (I can see a little bit of pink coming out!?) I now have to go back to covering up my nails with nail polish. I am sad. :(

Severe jawbone pain leg pain constant

have taken it several times, works great, no side effects.

nausea, heart palpitations, drowsiness