Artane (trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Artane (trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride)

1st week with some hallucinations. But I still occasionally seeing things out of the corner of my eye. Constant dry mouth. Awful. Put up with problems because it did work on trmors at first,but hand tremors are starting up again.

Intolerable side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, scary hallucinations, confusion, short memory loss, disoriented, hot flashes, random and sometimes frightening hallucinations, anxiety, nervousness, breathing harder than usual on occasion while resting, blinking more often on occasion, taking longer to fall asleep (eg: 1-2 hours vs 15-30 minutes), can't multitask, trouble swallowing on occasion, nauseated at times and have restless leg syndrome. I refer this drug “stupid pill” which is not worth taking. This drug did not help with my current symptoms. Slowly weaning off as instructed by my neurologist.

Artane had no impact on hand tremor. Noticed memory impairment and confusion 2 months of starting medication. 4 weeks of discontinued and still don't feel like myself. My confusion and memory loss is negatively affecting my familyas well. Hopefully this medication gets out of my system soon

My neurologist didn't explain possible side effects of Artane.It would be wise to google before taking this medication.

Memory loss and confusion and did not help tremor

Euphoria 1st dose, large pupils. After a week or so terrible anxiety. Anxiety stopped as soon as I stopped taking it. Tried going on it a 2nd time stepping up dose more slowly, still caused anxiety at 1.5 weeks even at 1/3 the dose.

Seemed to help a little at first but then my symptoms would get worse, having to take it just to get back to baseline of before I started it. Took a month off it to recover from the 2 weeks on it

Beginning side effects; high anxiety, hallucinations, stuttering, immediate forgetfulness. After short adjustment period; dry mouth sometimes, blurry vision sometimes, if taken on an empty stomach: see beginning side effects.

This med has helped with my tics, however the first time I took it and it being on an empty stomach for lack of better words I was higher than a kite.several yrs back I was prescribed 30mg oxycodone every 4hrs for a horrible abcest and that med was like taking sugar pills to artane. I first thought someone put LSD and amphetamines in my drink, I was caught totally off guard. My only comfort was that I had only made it 1blk before it took effect.I quickly learned to eat before taking med, not during, but before. If you have found yourself prescribed artane, I recommend you eat before taking, and your first time taking artane ,no matter your prescription strength, feel it out before you go out. Or you may be in for a long day. If you have any questions and I can help from strictly explaining my experience with prescribed artane send me an e-mail

I was taking this for Cervical Dystonia, but it didn't really work.

I stopped taking it since it didn't help out the Cervical Dystonia.

Shaking hands, body, and memory los

Nightmares, words see different possibly caused by medicine or chemical imbalance as I am on a lot of prescription medicine. Found myself clumsy at times intermittent as it does not happen all the time. Delusions caused by my mental illness that are difficult to deal with. Emotion problems, pimples even at my age, and loss of interesting in this I like and lack of interest in sex and feel like I cannot do anything right and loss of confidence and unable to drive a car.

Every medicine has side effects, even food. Each person has a different body and brain chemistry. What I have as side-effects others may or may not. But I am surving this as even if I am disabled and very sick I am there for my family and friends even if it means I suffer side-effects and am in pain. I studied many methods in prayers and mediation to develop a positive attitude instead of negative attitude and thinking caused by my mental illness and if not then the other prescription medicine I take.Sometimes I am doing great and the slightest distraction or noise or whatever slips my mind out of a positive state and into another one that has me suffer more and in pain. While I need to go to a hospital I am sacrificing my own needs to help my family and friends. But not everyone understands my mental and physical illnesses make me this way and it is not the real me. The real me is kind, gentle, compassionate, but the me with these medicines and illnesses has created delusions that I am other people and many things I say I am sorry for and apologize. I am not making excuses or faking I am surviving it as best I could. Even if the medicine I am taking as directed or suggested (I cannot remember what) by my doctors who are the best in their area I have faith and believe I can get better if I am wrong and I die or get very sick and unable to function at least I did what I could to help others and not sure what will happen to me.

Terrible, constant delusions and irrational fears, confusion, off-balance

Worked as intended but not worth feeling insane.



Each time I took an Artane tablet I would feel some tightness in my abdominal region. I also had some irritation in the lungs, dryness in my sinuses and nostrils, and dry mouth the next day. I read where Artane dries the mucous membranes, so I think that is one reason I had some lung irritation and dryness in my sinuses. About two hours after taking my third tablet of the day, I felt extremely spaced out (disoriented, mental fogginess, etc.). I decided to lay off of any Artane and I felt better within 24 hours. I don't plan on taking this drug again due to these side effects.



side effects of anti psychotic meds

To go with blankity-blank Navane

My guess is that I would have experienced plenty more side-effects without it (see my dim view of both Navane & Thorazine).

Prescribed to cut down on side-effects of the unnecessary Navane I was given on an out-patient basis starting in fall of 1977. 1 pt. just for being part of the pill program. 5 pts. for any help it might have given me and for being cute. Average is 3.

Dry mouth, sore mouth and tongue, slight anxiety.

Definitely helps lessen the extrapyramidal symptoms. I can drive a vehicle and go out in public with minimal embarrassment due to decrease in head, neck and shoulder tremors.

mixed with alcohol it makes you feel all floaty & lightheaded.There were no side effects i found but i thought it was rather dangerous to take other peoples medicine.I took it once a week for a few months.

has kept my Parkinson's under control for 4 years

I am taking a low dose - limited use.

Side Effects forartane (trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride) - User Comments


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-Very gassy -Constipated -Extremely vivid dreams -Can't sleep through the night -Nasuea immediately after taking pill -Occasional leg muscle cramps

Gift from the Goddess. Makes sex incredible.

Couldn't stop feeling the need to shake my leg, extremely shaky

Symptoms started with a sore throat and general overall flu-like symptoms and then a horribly itchy red rash all over my torso, back, arms, thighs, and butt. Never felt well while taking them - acutally worse than my regular disease symptoms.

Cellulitis infection in leg above a

Initially, his Gastroenterologist advised that he would not become dependent on Miralax. Sometimes bloating occurs. Usually, he takes 1 capful, then I decrease it 1/2 cap, then 1-tsp, then 1/2 tsp daily. Just depends if you're consistent.

Memory Loss, anxiety attacks, numbess / tingling hands and feet, heavy arms, weightloss, dry mouth, lack of appetite

No matter what dose I'm on I get an awful rage just feel so angry & tired. Not myself at all. Don't know if I'm having to much or not enough. Just gone upto 4 months see how it goes.

Allergies / Getting Allergy Shots

I got on this medication (.5 mg 2X daily) when I was 17 and experiencing constanst panic, incessant anxiety,severe depression and suicidal ideation because of the anxiety. I still had anxiety, but it lessened a bit. I was able to return to school and start socializing again.Still had panic. Became pregnant 2 mos after starting meds & quickly weaned off. experienced no withdrawal. I didn't start them again after the birth of my child since I was nursing and I didn't put much stock in the drug's effect anyhow. But 3 yrs later I couldn't stand the lie I was living- trying to convince every1 that I was functional when really I was in full panic mode every day. Finally I called my Dr. in desperation. 1st time I took them I got high. My system was more pure than it was as a 17-yr old party girl because I really felt the effects- & my speech was so slurred I was embarrassed to talk. After a couple days this effect lessened. I thought "oh my God! I'm ME again". My anxiety le