Akineton (biperiden hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Akineton (biperiden hydrochloride)

I used this agaist stiffness in the back and arms, caused by side-effekts of Haloperidol.

Side Effects forakineton (biperiden hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I have a prior surgery for an obstruction in my stomach in January of 2021. I am now having problems again. My upper endoscopy revealed stenotic pylorus. My GI doc insisted that I have this small bowel follow through. The gastrografin was not diluted at all for me to drink. The tech poured 2 bottles in a cup and told me.to drink it. It was beyond awful. My belly swelled up, I was nauseous, had a headache, gas, stomach pain, and generally felt just awful. It took almost 4 hours for this to reach my colon. After I got home, violent liquid diarrhea and cramping. Im stuck on the toilet...literally. Every time I move, more liquid diarrhea. This is just awful on top of the stomach issues that I am already suffering from.

I had a dvt/pe in May 2007 and went on coumadin for 6 months. In January 2008, when they took me off it, I felt like a veil of fatigue had been lifted. I knew I had been tired while on coumadin, but it became very evident when I was off it. Unfortunately, I've had another dvt/pe in February 2009 and I am back on coumadin (warfarin, really) It's been 2 months so far this time and I'm feeling tired, I seem to be depressed (although almost dying twice and being off work for 4 weeks could have something to do with that?), I have normal moments and then severe down moments - crying etc. I have some join pain - but I've been stepping up exercise, so that could be from the exercise.

Biaxin is somthing you never want to be taking. I have already been diagnosed with high anxiety, to where after taking biaxin xl I started having suicidal thoughs. The first night of taking it I hallucinated seeing my deceased father as an angel. I dont not recomend taking this drug! My mother has taken it three times and now scares me of how her behaviour is, thinking the devils after her. I dont know why this medication is still subcribed. It helped with the fluid on the lungs, but the hallucinations are become far worse than it ever was and I only took it for five days today is day six.... please dont take it!

I'm an RN. Work in the ER. I see people coming in for Vicodin refills for their fake "back injuries" all the time. They're addicted and it's sad. Kinda funny watching them squirm when the doctor gives them only 15 pills. Boy, they get pissed. At least tell the truth when going into the ER, say "I'm an addict and I need a refill" the nurses may have more respect for you then!

no libido, unable to achieve orgasm, very tired, no appetite, napping regularly, stiff muscles

Muscle aches in my legs after injection(goes away after a day or so) hot flashes, night sweats and minor headaches.

This drug needs to be taken off the market. As severe as I feel my reaction was, it apparently does not hold a candle to what other people are suffering. This is a dangerous drug and the first step is for the doctors to stop prescribing it. For those calling others hypocondriacs- count your blessings that you did not have a reaction.

took 10 mg one night. It made me very sleepy which was good. Didn't seem to help my muscle spasm. Maybe it would have helped had I kept takng it. But this med messed with my head big time. I thought I was going to die at one point. Lost my temper on my wife and small child, thought there was smoke in the house because of clouded vision, the list goes on....this all happened the day after I took my first and only dose. BAD STUFF!!

I felt SO much better on this medication. However, due to the rash I had to discontinue it. I am now taking lamictal and having side effects on that too.

I was taking Celebrex until ineffective, then Vioxx, then Lodine, and now Arthrotec...I realize that a knee replacement is inevitable, and I need the medication, but the stomach pains are aggravating although bearable...