Vivelle (estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vivelle (estradiol)

The only problem I have is with the adesive, but I have a problem with all adhesives. I gladly deal with that to use Vivelle.

Vivelle prevents hot flashes, mood swings, and migraines. After my hysterectomy I wasn't given any hormones, which sent me into the worst cycle of migraines that could not be controlled. After a neurologist in Memphis, Dr. Deshazo got them somewhat under control, he worked with Dr. Hargrove, a specialist at Vanderbilt who prescribed the Vivelle patch. It was and is a lifesaver for me.

Does not work Was on Estraderm patch that they stoppedmaking.I was on it for 13 and felt like 18. now I feel 108. I am not the only one.All my friends agree..

Still have flashes and mood swings. Uneven delivery

was on estraderm patch for 10 years Vivelle dot was replaced since they no longer make estaderm any more A COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY, NO ABSORTION, NO RELIEF!!!

All my friends agree. They hate it!

got ZERO absorption compared to Estraderm patch which was discontinued by Novartis. More than half of my patients got no response either. Filed complaint with Novartis and FDA. Wore Estraderm patch for 23 years with no problems. RIP Estraderm. Am now using Evamist. Absorption excellent.

WASTE OF MONEY! Pharmaceutical fraud!

severe hot flashes and insomnia

the only side effect for me is back pain but versus the severe hot flashes and night sweats I will take back pain any day

Post-op uterine septum resection

Some insomnia in the beginning, otherwise nothing, still concerned if it's working as I am not feeling ANY different :)

stopped mebopausal effects such as hot flashes etc had total hysterectomy at age 31

Sensitive to adhesives but no problem so far. Bloating and digestive issues are diminishing and memory lapses,leg pain and hot flashes are gone.Sleep is much better. No migraines since starting the Vivelle Dot. I have a feeling the Vivelle Dot would have eliminated all my premenstrual headaches too. I've used BHRT with progesterone and just progesterone alone but I had weight gain, depression and puffiness using progesterone and it did nothing for my migraines. Finally decided to try BHRT without progesterone and that has made all the difference for me.

Started Estradiol/Prometrium 6/2007, noticed syptoms within 2 weeks, pain in feet. Stopped taking medication. Consulted with Dr. "absolutely no connection" was her response. Consulted with PCP "absolutely no connection". A year later still experiencing joint pain. I was totally healthy and pain-free prior to taking this medication. Beware!

I recently had a complete hysterectomy due to a tumor and many cysts on my ovaries. I was having a lot of cronic pain in my side, heavy periods, headaces and mood swings. Since my surgery all of this has gone away, It was the best thing I ever did! The patch is very easy to wear and keep up with, I would recommend it to anybody!

The Vivelle dot is fantastic. I had a complete hysterectomy in 2002 and went on the patch pretty quickly after. It nipped the hot flashes, sleeplessness, anxiety, and night sweats in the bud; my sex life is great; and my husband has noticed that I seem to be more even-keeled, moodwise.I started at .1 mg. and am now at .5 and am still doing fine. That and the hysterectomy has improved my quality of life immensely. I have had problems with my periods since the day they started--very heavy bleeding, clots, extreme pain, sometimes almost fainting, terrible mood swings, pain during/after sex, pain even when not on my period.I had a complete hysterectomy and was found to have endometriosis, adenomyosis, and generally a messed-up reproductive system. I am now pain free and enjoy my life ALL of the days of the month! For me, the hysterectomy and going on the Vivelle patch enhanced the quality of my life immensely!

I was on this for 13 years and toward the end of my use of it, developed a little redness around the patch. I would still be on it if not for that fact and the scare of breast cancer from using hormone replacement.

I was very pleased. I did gain weight, but I cannot swallow a pill and this was excellent. I was on this from 1991-2004. It adheres very well and feels most like your skin. Also, you do not have to worry about the increased chance of gall bladder problems with this patch.

Some breast enlargement and a small degree of breast tenderness. This was not problematic.

The patch is very small and barely noticeable against your skin. It adheres extremely well. I found it to be most effective when changed every 72 hours. Alleviated perimenopausal symptoms within first week: hot flashes, night sweats, bloating, "mind fog", and irritability. Also noticed a marked decrease in appetite/food cravings. I am currently using the 0.025mg Vivelle patch in conjuntion with 100mg Prometrium capsule on days 1 through 12 of each month (for uterine protection).

Vivelle dot best patch to take overall. Other patches don't stick as well and the size of vivelle is small. Would recommend changing every 3 days instead of the 3 1/2 days that is recommended in instruction insert.

VIVELLE (ESTRADIOL): This medication is a female hormone (estrogen). It is used by women to help reduce vaginal symptoms of menopause (such as vaginal dryness/burning/itching). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. When treating only vaginal symptoms of menopause, products applied directly inside the vagina (such as this medication) should be used first. Estrogens that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected may have greater risks of side effects due to more estrogen being absorbed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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awful metallic taste with very fuzzy mouth/tongue/upper trachea which makes all food taste terrible and I have no interest in eating. Difficulty concentrating. Tiredness.

Im 17 and I was bouncing off walls. I also have had poor grades my entire school career, I new I was more than capable of doing good, and don't get me wrong, i actually tried. when i got on Vyvanse, it feels as if I could focus like I've always wanted. I have cronic deppression also, so when I started to get good grades along with teacher and parent approval, it helped "soothe" it. My GPA rocketed up upwards, from a 2.4 to a 4.00. I tried others such as Concerta & Focalin. Concerta was like speed and i did do good work but i crashed into a ton of bricks when it was over, Focalin was HORRIBLE. I thoughtI was going to die, I got very light headed and dehydrated quicker than on the Concerta. Anyways, everyone has their different reactions to this drug, I can only hope it works for you as it did me. PS. if you do wrestling, or any physical sport, I highly recomend you to keep hydrated. It's NOT fun.

Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Jittery. Felt overly emotional at times and mentally unalert. Fast heartbeat, hard time breathing - of course this may be from bronchitis not the drug. Stopped taking after only 3 days of a 10 day prescription.

I now take QVar without any problems.

Lack of orgasm, yawning, tiredness, jaw-clenching.

It worked for the infection, but I had many relapses. The first after 17 days, then 25, 30 and so on.

Itching, Hypoglycemia, You must eat before taking this medication! Sleepiness

Extreme dizziness, tired, still had digestive issues

We started giving my son zyrtec at around age 2 for his allergies in the fall, his drainage was so bad that we would become sick every morning. He also started mother's day out at the same time, would cry every day and continued this into the next year would not talk to the teachers or interact with the other children. He also was stuttering when he would talk with us at home. After talking with the school I found out how he was not responding to them at all. So I had him evaluated by a speech pathotoligst and the evaluation was to take 45 min. because he would not talk to them took 2 hrs. At this time he got a severe sinus infection and the Dr. put him on a antibodic for 14 days and took him off the zyrtec during this time he did not stutter and at the 2nd testing they did not pick up on the stuttering but did have him evaluated at the school and after watching his action in the class room suggested that I have him tested for selective mutism. He has now been off the medication for 2

and a doctor told me to stop taking it I would not recomend anyone to take the drug.