Vivelle-dot (estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vivelle-dot (estradiol)

Eliminated night sweats and headaches. Completely awakened my sexual desire which was a fun bonus. I am not sure if it's helped with insomnia because I now wake up every 3 hours to touch myself. Not complaining! Also very very very intense orgasms.

Free your schedule by day 3 taking this and enjoy the ride.

Only side effect is that patch gathers lint around sides but it is a necessary evil in order to get estrogen into my body. I take the medicine for gender affriming hormone therapy (GAHT). Basically I was I was born a female.

The side effects I experience with Vivelle are the same as the other patches, pills, and creams. On any form of Estradiol I experience EXTREME anxiety, with no external cause whatsoever, along with dizziness, insomnia, roaring and ringing in the ears, memory loss, confusion, cognitive difficulty, and more. Hysterectomy has indeed destroyed my life. The symptoms I experience are the same as with no hormone replacement, except at least I don't have hot flashes when using Estradiol. I wanted for nearly four years for the hit flashes and insomnia to stop, while taking no estrogen. It never got any better. If you have no ovaries, you cannot take estrogen without these horrific side effects, and you cannot get past menopause (meaning the symptoms never pass) what are we supposed to do? I've suffered from SEVERE anxiety, but not depression. However, after several years, it's wearing me down. Living this way is no life at all. No doctor has been able to help me. Also, it is important to note that I tried progesterone and it made me feel even WORSE. I seem to be having the polar opposite / a parodoxical reaction to any kind of hormone replacement therapy. Herbal and alternative therapies don't work for hot flashes at all. If anybody has any suggestions, or if anyone else has experience something similar, I'd love to hear about it. So far, I literally cannot find even one person who reported the same kind of experience.

This is barely better than the generic, in my experience.

No side effects of vivedelle dot.. at all..went to get a refill and more they are on backorder from the manufacturer..ive tried mylan from wal mart brand which sucks doesnt help at all .and so then tried dotti which sucks big big time dont bother with im at the mercy of whatever or who ever im so sick of this..i just want to be back normal i miss my vivedelle symptons getting worst and on top of that i have anxiety not good

Post hysterectomy mood swings hot flashes

A little dizziness in the mornings, possible weight gain, but have been over eating since Thanksgiving

This patch gave me my life back! After 4 hours I felt calm and happy, in love with husband. I've had low or no libido for 10 years. Had hysterectomy 6 months ago. Decreases asthma. Hot flashes which started 2 years ago are gone. I love this patch. .05 mg on a 130 pound, 5 foot 2 woman is the right dose for me. Lower dose made me irritable, bloated and brought on asthma. Careful with coffee or chocolate, it seems to over stimulate me, more than before.

No side effects - I feel great and have lots of engery.

Hot Flashes menopause symptoms

amazing just amazing. I can sleep, no hot flashes, sex life again and less pain in my body. I will say that I got a refill once at Walmart that did not work. Their Generic caused me breast pain and moodiness. Went back to Meijer to get their generic and back to awesome.

If I changed the patch only twice a week then I experienced migraines on day 3 of patch as the estrogen wore off. By changing the patch 3 times a week my estrogen level stayed steady and stopped the migraines from coming.

Started on the Vivelle-dot. Switched to the Sandoz generic version. Sandoz is the generic pharmaceutical division of Novartis (who makes the vivelle dot). It is the same patch and is made in the same facility as the vivelle dot.

After using the brand name for many years, I recently started using the generics. Three months of the Mylan brand and for a month now on Sandoz. Both generic brands have worked just as well as Vivelle-Dot. Only reason I like the Mylan brand more is because they made the rigid protective liner larger than the patch. Makes it easier to remove from the patch from the liner.

If you experience itching and irritation where the patch is, squirt a little Flonase (or similar nasal allergy spray) on the area and let dry prior to putting on the patch. I had terrible itching from the patch and this solved the problem for me.

Total hysterectomy 20 year ago

I have used this patch for years and loved it. However, a generic is available so my insurance won't help as much. I have tried the generic last year and again now because of cost. I will be dishing out the money for the name brand as I have horrible side effects from the generic. Breast tenderness that is painful and depressing mood swings. I have tried this each year for the last 2 years and get the same result. Not worth it and frustrating that insurance now won't pay as well for name brand.

Hysterectomy/Menopausal Symptoms

This drug cause gave me to get bilateral Pulmonary Embolism that cause me to go into Cardiac Arrest.

hysterectomy/oophorectomy 2003

Was on brand name Vivelle-Dot for 12 years. Worked great! Insurance pharmacy sent GENERIC (by Sandoz) Vivelle-Dot patches for my recent batch (without consulting me or my MD). So I tried them and symptoms of menopause returned after 6 weeks. Finally I (recently) removed the patch from my body and did not replace and the fuzzy headedness cleared quite a bit within an hour. I won't put those on again. Horrible dullness of mind with intense sadness, hot flashes, and insomnia.

Today I requested Brand Name Vivelle-Dot from MD (which now requires prior authorization) and hope my insurance will continue to cover brand name as before. The GENERIC is just hitting the market. So watch your symptoms if you use the generic form of this patch. It is cheaper but may not manage menopausal symptoms as well as the brand name/non-generic Vivelle-dot. If it does work that is great because it is cheaper. But be aware.

Had severe headaches, bloating, weight gain, high blood pressure, nausea, constipation. I'm deciding along with my family dr to discontinue this med & resume Estradiol pill form .75 daily which I took for yes with no problems. I was told to take Vivelle dot to avoid issues with blood clots in the future since I'm getting closer to 60.

None except the larger patches were making the area sore so went to dot. No issues.

I would recommend this to anyone for hot flashes or early hysterctomy .

None except the larger patches were making the area sore so went to dot. No issues.

I would recommend this to anyone for hot flashes or early hysterctomy .

premature repoductive, failure

I have not noticed any.maybe more headaches

It seem to help with the sweats and other things my body was going through

Severe migraine, vertigo and nausea

Had to take a progesterone with it

VIVELLE-DOT (ESTRADIOL): This medication is a female hormone (estrogen). It is used by women to help reduce symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. If you are using this medication to treat symptoms only in and around the vagina, products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. This medication may also be used by women who are not able to produce enough estrogen (for example, due to hypogonadism, primary ovarian failure). Certain estrogen products may also be used by women after menopause to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). However, there are other medications (such as raloxifene, bisphosphonates including alendronate) that are also effective in preventing bone loss and may be safer. These medications should be considered for use before estrogen treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My tastebuds are destroyed from taking this oral med. the pill itself is large and extremely bitter. Very difficult to mask the bitterness.

I have gradually updosed to 500 mgs per day. I have experimented with the time I take it. Currently 300 mgs around 7 pm and the balance at bedtime. I still get RLS episodes every night. I find it helpful to elevate my legs and do a modified yoga shoulder stand (to improve circulation) and to wear elastic bandages around my calves. I tried a deep tissue massage (did not help) and will be trying accupuncture soon.

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