Triphasil-28 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Triphasil-28 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel)

Depression, anxiety, loss of appetite, low sex drive,

I do not enjoy sex anymore my libido is constantly low,Hoever my periods have became less painful and i don't get any pre-menstrual symptoms anymore.

Tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite

My acne is getting better I'm happy, the pills give me a glow and I'm never gonna stop taking them. I once forgot to take a pill but it was only once and I took it later on apparently I was spotting.

Makes me feel like I'm pregnant, my breast are sore, feel nausea, feel tired and got mood swing, got a strange feeling when im hungry, its like am hungry but i don't want food cos im thinking after eating I'll vomit, itchy body and feet i thought its allergy maybe i ate something kanti its these pills

The main reason i was taking triphasil is because i have anemia and have overflow at the same time, so i felt like im losing lots of blood which is not suppose to be happening, so i thought taking pills will stop the period atleast for a month or so just to avoid losing blood but after 10 days of taking triphasil i feel sick i even went to the doctor cis i had flue anyway but i felt this other feelingIm stopping to take them shame can't deal with the side effects

Mood Swings, depression, weight gain, my acne went from bad to worse, huge blood clots during my period, crying unexpectedly, pain during my period

I hate this pill please please please dont take it

nausea, headaches, stomach pains, breast tenderness, anxiety, depression (very horrible), appetite changes, always tired

It feels like i'm pregnant but i'm not and I hate it so muchbut it did clear up my skin

Nauseous, vomiting, headaches, swelling feet first_2nd month then 3rd month huge blood clots, cramps, spotting, heavy periods

Nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, feeling tired, lightheaded

Depression worsened ten fold, the mood swings!Extremely painful and heavy period.Mimics pregnancy symptoms before period.

Started taking it as a way to regulate my hormones and the side effects almost ruined my life.Would honestly recommended a thorough check up before starting them.

Headache, moods,low libido, dry, weight gained

After 4 months of not seeing my periods am currently bleeding non stop for 2 months now.. did pelvis scan shows am normal and did pap smear results came trying to conceive and they are delaying me now

Mood swings, irregular period, cramps are worse than when I was off it, constantly nauseous, severe nausea

Do not like this pill but I'm forced to take it by my mother although my period was regular when I was off it and I wasn't so moody and I don't have sex let alone unprotected sex....

I have never experienced any side effects

Bleeding non stop I hope it will end

Mild mood swings nothing I couldn't handle in the first few years .I was constantly in the mood for love making.

Since using them I had a clear skin,no acne but few years back I started having pimples now and again,I realise now they gave me balance with my hormones and skin .I'm going to use them again only for my skin now.My husband had a vasectomy yah .That's my story.

Headaches, bloating, overeating, mood swings.

Headache, fluid retention, metallic tastes in mouth ,gums bleeding, nausea, feeling tired ,painful sore breasts, depression the list is endless

Wouldnt recommend it to any one

Birth control and balance my hormone

Headache, period pain and non stop periods it's been 4 weeks now worse part now it's heavy bleeding and clots i had to change pad every three hours it's really hard but i hope it will pass soon

Nausea,feeling tired, bloated, like early signs of pregnancy and headaches

Nausea,feeling tired,bloated,like early signs of pregnancy and headaches

Prevention and regulating my cycle

Tender breast, headache, nausea and vomiting, irritable

Will try for two months if the symptoms persist I will leave it

Instead of clearing up acne it only became worse

Side Effects fortriphasil-28 (ethinyl estradiol; ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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I was prescribed Microgestin to take continuously as a way to treat endo pain, however, I was given Junel Fe as the pharmacy alternative. The first couple of weeks seemed to be improvement, aside from the frequent headaches. My endo pain was definitely decreased. I noticed a slight weight gain and kept strict track of my diet/caloric intake but my weight refused to drop those few pounds it gained. By the 3rd week of taking this, I was bleeding daily, going through 2 to 3 regular pads or tampons. Around this time, my right leg's calf muscle seemed to have a permanent Charlie horse albeit not so severe that I was unable to walk. I also got low pelvic area cramping. My sex drive went from desiring intercourse a couple of times a week with my husband to having absolutely no desire for sex at all. The bleeding started as a dark brown discharge noticeable when I would cough or wipe but it developed into red blood and it seemed much heavier than any "breakthrough" bleeding I'd read about.My doctor assured me to give it time but I decided to face the more predictable endo pain rather than chance the increasing side effects from taking this medication. I am very disappointed.

This drug has ruined mine and my partners life, as soon as she got past the withdrawal symtoms

Couldn't fall or stay asleep .

Backache, Sore feet, especially after sitting/laying, sore throat, low energyuncoordinated hand movements, like it's a little difficult to do normal things like the dishes. (especially when it's wearing off, like right before my daily dose) Panic attacks-mild but definitely not something I had before.I discontinued and after 36 hours had nausea, severe vertigo, shortness of breath. Made the connection, did two sprays, and felt immediately better.I'm tapering off now.After reading other reviews here, I'm very concerned. I've been having lots of back pain and physical therapy isn't helping- actually seems to make it worse. I see that other people have been experiencing new back pain while on flonase- so idiotic. Why do I ask my doctor for help with anything.I'm tapering off now. Never again. This stuff is crap, and I think it makes you dependent.

Insomnia, over-sensitivity, stress

No side effects experienced. Works great for me!BP of 130-140 / 85-90 (High for me) went down to 100/70!

I had taken Cipro before so I didn;t expect any problems. Wrong! I had to go to the ER because I had uncontrollable diaherria, and could not stop vomiting. They said it was the Cipro. I can't ever take it again. What a nightmare

now having other problems and not sure if that was a cause.

For the first few months, I would wake up very sweaty, but that has ceased. I really can't say anything else is very prominent as far as side effects.