Tri-norinyl 21-day (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tri-norinyl 21-day (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone; norethindrone)

I have taken this for 16 years, with a change to nursing freindly bcp and yasim (yasmin terrible) for a couple of years. Started getting migraines so went back to TriNorinyl, the migraines have eased up some but still having them during placebo week.

I've had very few side effects on this bcp. I feel much better back on it than during the Yasmin time, even thought I still get migraines for several days during my period.

extreme weight fluctuations and moodiness in the beginning, COMPLETE extinction of my sex drive.

I was switched to Estrostep from a triphasic pill (which I liked) because of an increase in migraines. The first 3 months of the Estrostep were horrible. I would gain 5 pounds in 2 days, then it would all drop off in one day at the end of the pack. My sex drive is so gone that it is becoming a problem. I have NO desire at all or even any thoughts relating to it. If I am not going to be having sex, then why am I taking a $30 a month drug? I could save the cash and abstain if that's what I wanted.

Headaches - Welts - Tightness in Chest

I became extremely moody, dry and empty inside. I became very sad and lost any sex drive whatsoever. I developed 5 huge welts on the back of my neck. Intense headaches, nausea and tightness in my chest.I might have allergies to BC.I've taken Ortho-tri cycline as well and broke out in a rashNow I'm on Avaine (generic for Alesse), and it immediately took away the headaches and nausea. However, now I'm breaking out badly.

I have never had any side affects with this medicine. I have tried 2 other kinds (depropervera & other newer pills) and I either gained weight or had other issues. This is the best one ever.

First four days of new pack, wake up at 3am, nauseated, sometimes vomited and could not go back to sleep. After first four days, I was fine and I actually lost weight!

I thought I could stop the nausea by taking at night before bed, or eating a snack when I took it. It worked for about 2 months and then it didn't work anymore. Went off and started Alesse- figured that if I was going to have morning sickness, I might as well be pregnant. Alesse was even worse in totally different ways. Switched to Estrostep and quitting that after a month of the most tiredness i've ever experienced. Trying to figure out what to do about BC- these pills seem to be ruining my body.

worked from the first...I've been on this product for 16 years now and it's been excellent.

Birth Control/Irregular hormones

Very nauseated at first, but went away without reoccurence.

This is the best birth control pill I've ever used. It has cleared my skin and evened my cycles. I've had bad experiences with other Birth Control pills such as Ortho-Trycycline, but Tri-norinyl keeps things in order!

Side Effects fortri-norinyl 21-day (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone; norethindrone) - User Comments


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Excessive sweating day n night n headache

I wouldn't take again on a bet!! Severe itchy rash ALL OVER my body!

I have extreme pain in my legs, feet swell(top) shoulder pain, index knuckle and thumbs hurt,hips hurt,elbow pain, stomach cramps

dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue. Felt awful in general.

To doctors: DON'T prescribe this as a mood stabilizer. I am NOT bipolar. I just need to get off this and talk to a therapist.

I smoked for approximately 35 years. I have been addicted to nicorette and committ for almost 4 years. I have experienced severe hair loss. Today I am quitting nicorette and committ and pray my hair grows back. I would have never even used these products had I know the horrible side effects.

I started my first dose yesterday evening and took the second dose this morning and I already have the folliwing symptoms. Extreme agitation. Short temper. I don't know whether to scream or cry. Tired. Dizzy. Bad taste in my mouth. Shaky.

did very well on 1/2 of tiny pill with just SLIGHT hangover in morning...


Doctor told me she prescribed it as a substitute for xanax.If the govt won't cover it for veterans how was passed byFDA.