Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate)

Constipation, mood swings, nausea, cramping,

I was advised to try Provera instead of my usual pill to stop my period for long haul travel. I will never take a provera tablet ever again. This was a special trip and didn't want my period to ruin it as I have endometriosis and suffer badly.I took 3 days before my trip as my period was due. The cramping started along with side effects of constipation and nausea & headaches. I started spotting a few days into the trip and it got progressively heavier day by day to the point that now 3 weeks later I am still bleeding heavily.Absolutely vile medication, totally ruined my trip and have the longest period I've ever had!Be very cautious before taking this! Will never take again!!

It started with bad insomnia and constipation. While both these symptoms got better after a week of taking Provera, other side effects arose. Around day 15, I started getting very bloated, with painful stomach distention ( severe after a meal- even small and healthy meal), shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, some mild acne. Also, my appetite increased around day 15. I had some nausea ( which is unusual for me), but it only lasted few days. Water retention in feet and legs, difficulty in staying up. Severe fatigue and lack of motivation. After 19 days I stopped the pills ( I was supposed to take it for 30 days). Other mild effects are: dryness, peeing more frequently. I didn't experience mood changes ( beside being upset bcs of the side effects)

I will never take this pill again. Now that I stopped ( today) I wonder how long it will take for these side effects to go away. Not sure what to do to cleanse it from my system.

Please avoid this drug if possible. I ordered it from boots ( asked for another one to delay my period but been told to take provera as it small risk for blood clots. It worked I stopped my period from coming but the side effects are absolutely horrible. They started with headaches, 2-3 times a day and then I started to feel extremely lightheaded and dizzy. I was driving when I felt really sick, almost fainted. I had flu like symptoms for days. I thought I have a bug etc. Took me some time to realise is more than that. I stopped taking provera four days ago, still no period and still all the possible side effects. I can't leave house myself as I get confused, dizzy and lightheaded. Even after stopping taking provera I can't sleep at night, I feel extremely anxious. Please contact me if you felt the same after taking provera. Please cancerous let me know when I can expect the side effect to go away.

I have had bloating and weight gain. I also get occasional headaches

Extreme bloating, aches, headaches, and stomach pains

OMG I wish I read more about the actual side effects people have faced. I finished my 10 day dosage last week and my stomach feels like an expanding balloon! It hurts so bad, and I have been sweating nonstop day/night. So many other symptoms too (headache, feeling of pressure in the body, tenderness) but the stomach pain and swelling I feel at the front of my belly is horrible. Not to mention, I did not even get my period :( Avoid

I could not for the life of me figure out what was causing me to bloat and swells so badly and I kept going to the doctor thinking I had a kidney infection because I could not P my bladder felt full, but I would only P a tiny bit. Now I have come to this page only to finally figure out it’s this poison drug causing all the problems.

I believe this drug is poison. It gave me terrible, bloating, abdominal cramping. It may have stopped the bleeding, but the side effects are horrible. I never should've went on this medication. Please do your homework before considering this medication. I wish I had found this page or read up on the drug.

My cramps has never ever felt so strong I thought I was dying I took it twice just do see if it was the provera!! It was my periods are heavy and worst I've never felt so fatigue!! My migraine, moodswings, emotional crying constantly. I've stopped and will never take these again!!

Don't allow your gynaecologist to prescribe provera it makes you worse!!!

Headache, lightheaded, confused and irritable. I can't stay asleep and my temperature in the night is all over the place.

Heavy bleeding/Uterine Fibroid

Started having heavy duty post menopausal, bleeding due to a large uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst. Unfortunately, I think this medication is the one making me sick. I wish they would just stop throwing medicine at us and try to figure out a plan. This isn't doing anything for me. I'm stopping at on day three which is today I believe this medication cost me a headache and some low back pain I haven't had before

I would not recommend this pill. Some of these medicines are downright dangerous.

This is my second time taking this drug. The first time I took it was for my periods lasting longer than a week. Fortunately it worked for ma few months and I was back on track but my abnormal periods came back again. On it again and it stopped my period. No bad side effects but I feel really bloated and I can't tell if it's actual weight gain or water weight.

Slight spotting x2 weeks when first starting medication. Period has since stopped completely however now having constant headaches/ head pain. Anyone else experiencing constant headaches?

Very heavy period after taking tablets for 10 days. Hadn't had a period for a year so I was not prepared for this. Also seemed to exacerbate my TMJ jaw pain.

Neck pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain, headache, trouble staying asleep, extreme fatigue, cramps, dizziness, slight confusion.

I am taking this as part of fertility sparing treatment for Uterine Cancer. My previous treatment of IUD was unsuccessful as I was not receiving enough progesterone needed for my body. I still have the Mirena PLUS take 100mg per day of Provera. Overall, the side effects aren't too bad. Doc explained to me that high doses of Provera relaxes everything in your body therefore you are more fatigued etc. I am on this for another 6 months before my next biopsy to see if it is working to stop the growth of cancer cells.

Feeling weird and dizzy. Bloating, water retention, headache and nausea. Stomach cramps. Strange pains in legs and joints. My carpal tunnel came back while I was on these then went away again after.

I started to get sick on day 3, vomiting, nausea, just feeling terrible. Contacted my doc and they said to continue if I could. Finished my 10 day course. Still 2 months later no period and since day 3 I have cramping, and it's getting worse. I have had to call out of work. They say it's not related but I disagree completely

Back pain, wrist pain, hip pain, tiredness, headache and insomnia.

Headaches, leg pain, nausea, extreme fatigue, confusion, blurry vision, eye pain, drowsiness, anxiety, mood swings, insomnia.

I would not recommend this drug.

Did nothing- stopped 4 days ago. No period. Waste of time

Heavy, irregular menstrual periods

While on the medication, I experienced headaches, leg cramps, tiredness, random crying spells and moodiness. After I decided to stop taking them after concerns for the side effects of breast cancer and blood clots, I started bleeding non stop, with heavy bleeding, large clots, lower abdominal pain, back aches. I have been bleeding for for 14 days and there is no sign that it is going away. I have even taken Tranexamic Tablets for the required 5 days and I'm still bleeding. I would not recommend this medication. I believe that it was not good for me to take being obese and 49. My Gynecologist, told me that my Cardiologist will probably tell me to stop taking it, so why would she even prescribe this to me if she feels the Cardiologist wouldn't want me to take it and told me this after I had taken it for a month. I will never take this medication again, my bleeding is worse than before. It was just heavy before and lasted about a week. Now it is constant, heavy, cramping lower abdominal


Pre menopause and Bleeding problems

Stopped my bleeding, but after I finished my first dosage circle (14 days) 3 days after I was having some pain and a day after a heavy bleeding with blood clots I change pads every hour and a lot of pain ., but the third day my pain was extremely bad. I won't never take provera again.

PROVERA (MEDROXYPROGESTERONE ACETATE): Medroxyprogesterone is a type of female hormone (progestin). This medication is similar to the progesterone that your body naturally makes and is given to replace the hormone when your body is not making enough of it. This medication has several uses. In women who are not pregnant and not going through menopause, this medication is used to treat abnormal bleeding from the uterus and to restore normal menstrual periods in women who have stopped having them for several months (amenorrhea). Medroxyprogesterone is also used as part of combination hormone replacement therapy with estrogens to reduce menopause symptoms (e.g., hot flashes). Medroxyprogesterone is added to estrogen replacement therapy to reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus. This medication must not be used to test for pregnancy. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Severe headaches, dizziness, mood swings, anxiety, feeling of something bad going to happen all the time. Diarreah, nausea. Insomnia, nightmares, crying spells for no reason, can't wake up in the morning once I get to sleep. Very bad taste in my mouth.

absolutly the worst med ive ever taken,,i was a zombie,,in pain constanly,,could not get off a chair or raise to my feet,walked with a cane,,couldnt roll over in bed,,had to get out and back in,my hubby had to lift my legs onto bed,,i was ready for a psyc hospital,,it was terrible,,,,

Seems to work for me, but I do walk a lot, lift weights.

I struggled with a misdiagnosis for 2 years, cfs fibromyalgia etc until someone noted my low blood pressure and investigated. Upon starting cortef Iimmediately felt extremely hungry on my initial dose of 50mg and put on 25kgs in 1 month! But there was good stuff too. I could shower without collapsing. I could get away with less sleep and wasn't zoning out in the middle of a conversation! I could move around without becoming breathless and easily tired. Sadly I could never get back to the gym addict I once was coz there's not enough energy for extra things. My dose has been tapered to 10mg in the morning 5mg in the afternoon and 5 at 4pm. Apparently taking it at bedtime could keep you awake. I struggle with abdominal pain every now and again. Not sure if that's from cortef. Can't lose the weight even though I try. Overall effect is good. If I forget a dose I relapse into achy joints and severe fatigue and it takes doubling the doses for a day or 2 to get back to normal!

Intense burning and itching swelling painful experience!!! NEVER again!!!!

Heavy bleeding for more than 2 mont

My legs itched so bad I literally ripped the skin off itching so bad. My legs bled and now scabbed over with severe bruising. I would ONLY send this to Guantanamo Bay or anywhere else they torture prisoners.

Although the zyprexa really helped with pain it has caused some nasty side effects. The sugar cravings are torture I feel like an addict. I have gained 50ib and think about carbohydrates and surgary foods constantly. I had to drop out of college because I was not as mentally alert and find it difficult to do anything but sit in a chair and watch T.V. Doctor has refused to change my medication and if I stop taking it the pain gets really bad. I feel miserable just hoping guaifenesin will work, have heard great things.

I had bad skin lesions on my upper and lower legs, it took a while to link it to crohn's. I was put on prednisone which did nothing for my skin condition. After about a month and a half of being on imuran the lesions slowly began to heel. I am still on imuran and have been on it for about 10 months

to counteract the Depo Lupron shot