Prometrium (progesterone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prometrium (progesterone)

Felt like i was going to die, i really dont know whyI continued it for 30 days.Increased blood pressurePersistant face rash that left scarringInsominaUncomfortable feeling in uterusLow ironFelt like commiting suicide

I felt deeply depressed and felt like crying all the time. But the worst was that I got a shingles outbreak. Later, I read the side effects and viral infection can be one of them. Weird. Why would this company prescribe this to women?

My ob/gyn told me at the start that progesterone will no longer be necessary after my total hysterectomy, but I didn't listen to her and I went to a different Dr who prescribed Prometrium to me. It nearly ruined me. Turns out my first Dr was correct. I am much better off taking just a small dose of estradiol and no other hormones.

Headache when I wake up. Blurry vision even when wearing glasses. Sinus problems. Biggest problem is muscle pain all night and day. Left side of arm, legs and hip. Continually trying to find a comfortable position.

Breakthrough bleeding all the time. Always thirsty.Felt angry and very moody. Bloated and farting, stomach feels like its getting period all the time.

I was taking the topical estrogen gel and felt so calm and happy on it. Then I had to introduce prometrium which instantly made me feel angry and moody again.

It was fine at first. After a few weeks I started having horrendous Depression and anxiety. I wanted to cease to live. This was an absolutely horrible experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Absolutely love it. True, it doesn't agree with a percentage of women, and looks like they've all left a review here. Of course it depends on our individual bodies and hormone balance- but for me, it's been great. I have take it 12-14 days of my cycle for the past three months. I started with 100mg at bedtime and this made me tired and fixed my insomnia. There was some next day sleepiness but that went away in a few days. I found my mood, brain fog and energy were better. Later, I moved to 200 mg. I have to take this in the afternoons because for me it is so energizing. I notice a slight increase in HR with it. But by nighttime sleep is good. Same beneficial effects on mood amd motivation, and it balances the .25 estrogen patch I use. It also decreases my aches and pains. No bloating or sore breasts or weight gain (too much estrogen on its own did that). Still waiting to see if it will eventually help lengthen my cycle back out and decrease heavy periods, but I feel better than I have in years and wish a doctor had given it to me when I first started getting perimenopausal symptoms!

You won't know how it agrees with you unless you try it. If you're peri menopausal and don't have an intolerance to it, it can be a godsend.

Felt like I've been hit by a bus every morning - very irritable; down annoyed,'s awful! I'll try using it topically for a week and if still have these symptoms I'm going to stop.

Perimenopause and no more ovulation

All listed side affects on the warning label: tension headache, constipation, belching, numb fingers and toes, chest tightness, lack of appetite, intestinal bloating, feeling like I had a football or a hard rock instead of my uterus, both sciatic nerves felt pinched, lower back pain and hips sores, huge cystic acne, dandruff, melasma and black pigmentation on my cheeks and nose. Made my cycle go from 28 before to 21 days the second month, then 18 days, then 14 days. The worst is brain fog and feeling like I lost 50 IQ points in 2 months. I lost my cell 3 times and almost got hit by cars crossing the road 2 times. I am not taking any other HRT and my estrogen levels are still normal.Do not take this if you have ADHD. It will make all your symptoms worts.The only benefit was falling asleep 10 minutes after swallowing the pill the first week.I continued despite the increasing side effects hoping it would get better after 3 months but it did not.I was taking 100 mg right before bed everyday for the whole month.I stopped when I had lost my appetite for life, felt numb all the time, my brain asleep all day, could not get dressed and had very low blood pressure. Made me anemic by increasing the frequency of periods.I have been off of it for 20 days now and still feel foggy and crying for no reason. It seems to take a long time to clear my system. It slowed down my liver and stop my gallbladder from contracting. It stopped everything from contracting: no orgasm, no

Only take this if you really need to.If you have side effects, stop or lower the dose. Do not expect the side effects to lessen over time because they will only increase as the hormone accumulate in the body.

Horrendous!! Now I'm reading the other reviews it's the same as what I felt! So so depressed and suicidal thoughts: Today was awful and thankfully appt with my doctor and I'm now off it: I tried it orally and vaginally on two sep occasions(most recent vaginally) and not better. Not only did I feel like I was hit by a bus in the mornings, but the depressed thoughts were incredibly severe, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts were prob the worst I've ever felt. Horrible med

Love Prometrium, which is micronized bio identical progesterone. Have also started trying touche compounded biest (E2/3) and progesterone, which is also amazing. Great sleep, better mood

Anxiety and panicSweatingFrequently urinating

I tried this medication twice. I will never touch it again.First time, last month I used it 200mg vaginally at night and after two days I was very depressed.I tried it last night 200mg orally, and after one hour I woke up sweating and in panic.I had all morning full anxiety and I am waiting for it to clear my body.Why is this medication working in few women but not on so many.It’s horrendous!

Severe depression, suicidal thoughts, crying, fatigue

I have never felt the way I felt taking this medication and I have been through some tough times in my life. The depression and feeling of no longer wanting to be alive were strong. I went against my provider and stopped taking this medication. The moment you feel sad or depressed, stop taking this medication immediately!

Panic attacks gerd constipation

An awful experience (life threatening).Prior to this I had been on bio-identical hormones for 10 years after peri-menopause left me with no readable levels of estrogen, progesterone nor testerone. Advised that I'd be taking hormones for the rest of my life I chose bio-identical. It worked brilliantly - I'd remained slim, energised and happy and with no side effects whatsoever.Then my doctor suddenly retired and its a 6 month wait (in sth-east Qld, Australia) to get into see anyone who works in bio-identicals. So I opted for an online service in the interim, that replaced the bio-identical troche, with a Prometrium tablet, claiming it to be 'body-identical' yet the side effects are shocking.Its been an awful 3 monrhs. Although the first month of high nighttime anxiety and daytime dizziness has gradually lessened, I still wake every morning feeling like I've been hit by a bus. Groggy tiredness, heaviness, apathy, no energy, no libido, (NIL alcohol while on this because the waves of depression become suicidal), a constant headache and brain fogginess. But the worst side effect is the respiratory struggle, even after the slightest exertion. I'm now 'living' on an asthma spray (20-50puffs every day) and can't go anywhere without it. Some nights I wake hardly breathing. Exercise is out of the question.The prescribing service suggested doubling the estrogel to try to balance it. Now they've had me cut back the Prometrium to every second night. I certainly don't wake feel

There is another webite showing reviews of prometrium as all extremely positive. Clearly sponsored. What a shame for those that ready that site for guidance.

Skin rash that looked like chicken pox. Red itchy blisters which then changed into smaller itchy spots and by three months were less frequent but still appearing. I did some research and found peanut oil is in the ingredients of Prometrium. I am highly allergic to peanuts!!!! Why anyone would include peanut oil in a drug is beyond me.

Horrible anxiety, panic attacks that I had never experienced before, waking up every hour at night with anxiety, crying, over emotional, loss of appetite, felt I needed to eat every few hours, dizziness and nausea. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. Two trips to Er for them to tell me everything was fine. Thought I was going crazy until I read many reviews of women experiencing the same issues.

The one positive thing to come out of taking this was it made me bleed which thinned my lining.

Horrendous depression and anxiety.Dizziness, weight gain.Apathy. Chest pain, muscle spasm.

Please be careful when using this drug.I didn't know what was wrong with me and had no hope of recovery. The most scary experience ever.

constant headaches, nausea, constant thirst, frequent urination, bloating, lethargy, depression, brain fog, decreased response to estrogen replacement, dry skin and brown spots on skin.

Just awful, this drug actually prevented my body from using the estrogen pills/cream I was using and gave me added horrible side effects. No matter how much estradiol hrt I took I still had low E symptoms. 100mg progesterone for some of us is much too high a dose. Stopped taking prometrium and felt so much better, symptoms mostly resolved, in about a week and my hyperpigmentation is going away. I had endometrial ablation 10 yrs ago so my risk of endometrial cancer is almost zero and the risk of endometrial cancer is the only reason for taking progesterone hrt. Btw progesterone actually increases breast cancer risk and causes hyperpigmentation of skin but doctors don't tell you that.

About an hour after each pill I feel insanely dizzy and weak. I can't move my eyes or head quickly or I feel like I might fall over. I honestly feel like I'm drunk. My anxiety is at an all time high. I've been thinking my vitamin d was critically low until reading these comments. My hands and feet get numb and I get really cold after taking the pills and I am never cold.

Absolutely will never take this again. I only made it to day five and I feel miserable. I've regularly taken other progesterone with no side effects. 0/10 would NEVER recommend.

Severe anxiety depression, suicidal thoughts. Should be taken off the market shockingly horrific drug nothing like the bio identical natural progesterone that is compounded that I have always used..

PROMETRIUM (PROGESTERONE): Progesterone is a type of female hormone (progestin). This medication is similar to the progesterone that your body naturally makes and is given to replace the hormone when your body is not making enough of it. In women who are not pregnant and not going through menopause, this medication is used to restore normal menstrual periods that have stopped for several months (amenorrhea). Progesterone is also used as part of combination hormone replacement therapy with estrogens to reduce menopause symptoms (e.g., hot flashes). Progesterone is added to estrogen replacement therapy to reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus. This medication is not for use in children. Progesterone must not be used to test for pregnancy. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This was the first time I actually felt like my old self after 2 months of severe sleeping problems and trying many different medications with very bad side effects. I don't think it was just the medication that made the difference, but a lot of faith and prayer on my part and from others, that God has been and continues to work mightily on my behalf to turn my situation around! I give all the glory to God, my Father, and to His beloved Son, my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who sacrificed everything so that those who believe in Him can be forgiven of sins, receive eternal life, and also be healed in this life, too! Scripture says, "by His stripes we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24. By faith, I know that VERY SOON I will be off all medication, ready to serve God even more than I had before!!

SHINGRIX (Zoster Vaccine Recombinant, Adjuvanted) is the WORST vaccine EVER!! I got it yesterday and a couple of hours later my arm was hotter than my oven and I had body aches all day today, so bad that Chris wanted to take me to the emergency room. Ugh. NEVER MORE. Shingrix Adverse Reaction. @SHINGRIX SUCKS. give me the shingles any day--I have had them twice and they are nothing compared to the Vaccine.

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i have woken up from it on 3 occasions.

Very relaxed during my seven hour dental surgery hardly remember much of the surgery no real sense of time. Like sleeping but I was awake. Great drug.

heaviness feeling in back of knees/hair loss in middle of head/ mustache grows if too many days pass between patch replacement

it does not give you a boner!!

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It has helped me quite well. The side effects are manageable as long as I have no flares I am happy

Jittery hands, tapping foot, wanting to clench my jaw tight, hand musles want to tighted an loosen kinda like a tick only really annoying, sleepyness, with draw, memory loss