Progesterone (progesterone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Progesterone (progesterone)

Bloating, bad digestion, reduced intestine motility, dysbiosis, increased insulin, weight gain

The doctor has prescribed me this as I was approaching menopause and my periods were longer. I did not tolerate progestin (Progevera) very well. I used progesterone vaginally for ten days. After being absorbed it has provoked me huge bloating and almost paralyzed my small intestine, I felt a bit better with my sleep for some time (pill or patch are probably still the best options for insomnia). It provoked my last period and sent me to menopause. I am still struggling with my digestion, but it has finally improved after four months. My belly was like a rocket ball. Having history of digestive problems, this was awful to me. Bioidentical hormones are still an enigma and we know little about them - except for the huge marketing behind them. They are also synthetic and can have the same risks as other hormones. The worst side effects are definitely digestive problems and insulin spike in case of only taking progesterone without estrogen. The doctors do not pay enough attention to patient's medical history and possible side effects. I still rate the progestin better.I have not decided about the HRT, but trying out some hormones and seeing their side effects, I am not very encouraged. I do not want to have my endometrium activated again. I am less concerned about long-term risks as they are not very conclusive and depend on each person's history. My advice. Check all side effects before you decide to take any medication.

I started out on 25mg, which helped me get off the oral hydrocortisone I had been taking for the previous 3 years. Later, 25mg turned out to be too much as time went on after stopping the hydrocortisone. So I continue to take the progesterone troche since it helps me sleep, but I have lowered the dose to 12.5mg per night. Otherwise I suspect it raises cortisol if I take more.

I've always had mild anxiety but it has intensified under stress beyond belief. When I first started taking it I didn't experience issues that were noteworthy but eventually my 10 day dose stopped assisting with my menstruation so it was as if I was taking it for nothing. I experienced a rash, night terrors that consist of very simple matters, panic attacks which came from no where, extreme drowsiness and, feelings of hopelessness and dread. I'll be following up with my doctor. This is not the medication for me.

Dr said it was low after blood test

Moodiness! Very irritable, grumpy, sleepy. Yes, it helps you sleep deeper but hard to wake up in the mornings.

Everything was fine for about a year. Started feeling dizzy with ear issues which I assumed were sinus. All the sudden, took one night and became very lethargic. Almost seemed like what I've seen with a drug overdose. Couldn't stand without help. Low BP. Family took me to ER. Doctors thought I was having a stroke. Heavy limbs, couldn't follow a light with eyes, slurred speech…. They did CAT, (2) MRIs and bloodwork. Everything came back fine. I was completely fine within about an hour and a half. Followed up with doctor and they couldn't explain it other than a "fluke." Fast forward a week. Same scenario. Didn't last as long, but I've taken my last progesterone.

Severe anxiety, panic attacks, internal tremors, dizziness/off balance, headaches, fatigue, fears, emotional

When I started on progesterone the first 2 months things were going well! I said to myself wow! Progesterone really is awesome! By the third month I was walking and all of a sudden I felt so dizzy and lightheaded! I almost fell! It scared me half to death I rushed right to urgent care. Of course I'm fine and they sent me on my way! That night I put my cream on and went to bed. I woke up with a panic attack and felt like I was going to hop out of my skin! I instantly knew it was from that cream. It's been 53 days since I've taken the cream and I'm still suffering it's almost unbearable around ovulation and time of the month. I am unable to live this way. I know most of these posts were from many years ago but if anyone can shoot me an email I would greatly appreciate it!!! I have no idea what to do at this point or how long this will last. I'm so uncomfortable..

Spacey, dizzy, full ears, extreme depression, internal rage, wild dreams, baby brain like pregnancy, tender breasts, oily skin, bloating, HUNGRY, no sex drive and pains in hands and tingly arms/skin. NAUSEA. Pms x 1000.

Second attempt at the cream. Compounded and also over the counter fail everytime

Extreme irratability, mood swings, sadness, tired all the time, negative thoughts about myself...

EXTREME anxiety, panic attacks, uncontrollable crying, hyperventilation, body shakes, leg cramps, anger, depression, memory loss, confusion, feelings of unreality/psychosis, insomnia

I used a 20 mg cream twice a day for a few months and didnt feel like that was doing anything so I started 100 mg oral capsules once a day for days 12-25 of my cycle. I didnt feel like that was helping either so I increased it to 200 mg and within 2 days of that I felt like I completely lost my mind and developed all of the symptoms listed above. It has been 5 days since my last dose and I do not feel any better. Im currently on medical leave but that expires in a month so I will have to quit my job if I do not improve. I genuinely feel like I have poisoned myself. Every second that I am awake is utter torture. Im not suicidal but if it were possible to fall asleep and not wake up until my symptoms have resided I would gladly do that.

Low Progest fibroids, heavy periods

Very bad Nightmares, extreme fatigue, heart palpitations, extreme hunger, nausea, depression, anxiety, weight gain & irregular/missed periods.

I would not recommend this drug to anyone.

I was told by my Obgyn progesterone is the "happy hormone" and that it would help me sleep after hysterectomy, it made me extremely depressed and exhausted and angry all the time. I am now using estrogen only and feel like my old self again .

When I told my Obgyn about my problems on progesterone he told me it is the pms hormone so it can cause bad symptoms in some people. I wish I had known this sooner .

I kept thinking it'd get better!

When awake in morning felt stiff all over, caused horrible Anxiety, crying all the time mood changes.

Only good thing is that I slept great! Made me feel kind of drunk when I first started taking it ... not a depressed person, but became depressed ... gained 5 pounds and felt swollen! Def didn't need that ...I also felt sooooo tired all day, which isn't normal ... boobs very sore, like it hurt to wear a bra ... never taking that crap again!

I do get BioTe pellets and I love them ... I thought the progesterone would only add to them, but nope! Also was out on NP thyroid and it made me feel weird also... only had "borderline low" labs, so I don't think I need replacement ... stopped taking that too!

Hot flashes, Sleep disruptions

Greasy hair, bloating, weight gain

I took the cream form for 7 years. It seemed to help at first-the hot flashes and mood swings decreased, and I slept better. Since I went off of it cold turkey in July 2020, here are the benefits I have personally seen:- better mood- MUCH less bloated- less hungry- more energetic- weight loss- can go two days now without washing my hair (prior, it got greasy after a few hours)I am so glad I decided to stop taking this.

This cream made me dopey. Like baby brain in pregnancy. Progesterone suppressed my immunity, constant herpes, colds, sinus and shingles outbreaks (like I had in pregnancy), nausea, mid section weight gain, double chin, forgetful, anxious, DEPRESSION, exhaustion, lack motivation, suicidal thoughts, worse fibro flares. Causes PMDD in me. Crazy dreams. Sweating. Dehydrated. Headaches. Low libido. Hairy arms. How long until this junk is out of my system? I feel poisoned.

Progesterone is depressive in some people.I cannot tolerate progesterone or progestin. Estrogen makes me feel great.

My mental health has suffered on this poison, I has stuck with it because my ginocologist said I'd feel great on progesterone, I have been depressed, have anxiety, palpitations, gut issues, a feeling of dread, I was prescribed this post D&C to protect my uterus, at this moment my mental health is more important to me.

panic attacks, crying, fatigue, hot-cold (from sweating to teeth chattering, without fever), body aches, nervousness. onset of symptoms after 2 weeks, from time of ovulation, persisting for over 1 week.

Mixed doctors' interpretations: GP thought progesterone gel could explain all symptoms. GYN thought gel is local, progesterone is associated with positive mood, and hormones can only modulate preexisting mood. Even if mechanisms are not so clear to medical professionals, I think symptoms should never be disregarded!

Weird Vivid dreams continuesly every night.

Slept better immediately. Lighter period. Then I had a gall bladder attack which I haven’t had since I was pregnant 22 years ago. Then terrible heartburn and gas which I never have. Then a week later I had an episode of strange numbness in arm and leg. Very scary. Before this I was very healthy. Feel like within one month I am sick and falling apart. I stopped cream right after fall bladder attack. Never again.

PROGESTERONE (PROGESTERONE): Progesterone is a type of female hormone (progestin). This medication is similar to the progesterone that your body naturally makes and is given to replace the hormone when your body is not making enough of it. In women who are not pregnant and not going through menopause, this medication is used to restore normal menstrual periods that have stopped for several months (amenorrhea). Progesterone is also used as part of combination hormone replacement therapy with estrogens to reduce menopause symptoms (e.g., hot flashes). Progesterone is added to estrogen replacement therapy to reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus. This medication is not for use in children. Progesterone must not be used to test for pregnancy. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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You name it..horrible drug. No need for it. Balanced electrolytes, keep them balanced. No problems.

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I get classic migraines where I can't see out of 1 eye and everything is hazy for about 20 minutes and I have no pain. Then it feels like someone hit me in the head with a hammer. I've taken prescription migraine pills & they make me sicker than the headache. If I take EM when I start to lose my vision. the headache hardly manifests & starts to go away in about 20 min. If I take it when the headache has already started, it still goes away in 2-3 hours, otherwise I can have it for 2 days. Wish they would hurry and bring it back.

I've been taking this for maybe a little over a year and the dreams I have are ridiculously vivid and strange. It has come to the point where I actually have trouble getting up in the morning because I don't want the dream to end or want to hit the snooze button and slip back in. It doesn't leave me feeling hungover like other sleep meds, but I definitely don't feel energetic in the morning.

Extreme anxiety, panic attacks, unable to think clearly, unfounded fears, cycling mood swings