Prempro (estrogens, conjugated; medroxyprogesterone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prempro (estrogens, conjugated; medroxyprogesterone acetate)

Hot flashes and night sweats are gone!

Increased hot flashes. Back pain. Severe hip and pelvic pain.

Extreme fatigue, I didnt have the energy to even wash my kods' clothing. My leg muscles became so weak that walking to the end of my very normal driveway made them feel like I was going to collapse. My extrememly thick & shiny hair fell out and became thin & dull. Chest pains any time I got my heart rate above resting.

It took care of the mental status changes and hot flashes I was having, but cost me everything else. Totally not worth it.

Only day 2 severe headaches, anxiety, moodiness, no appetite and stomach pain, will this go away and after how long of starting this med?

Lol I'm ready to kill someone, help!˜

Breast tender sometimes cut back on caffeine. Leg cramps drink pickle juice.

Feel better than I have in years. I had been on another hormone for 3 years it helped a little. Dr tested me and put me on prempro!! Getting better every day!! Even lost a few pounds!!! Yes!! I've been on this for 3 months!!! Thanks!!!!

Weight Gain 8 lbs, increases depression, headache, visual changes

Yes- no doubt hot flashes Gone, but the price is too high. Don't recommend.

Bloating, leg cramps, breast tenderness, dark spots on face, weight gain(7 lbs) which is bad because I'm only 5'2. Mood swings, headaches, nausea. At first I didn't know what could be causing all this but after reading reviews, I will stop taking Prempro.

I had originally thought it would help with weight loss but not for me. Prempro had the opposite effect.

Headaches, bloating, severe stomach pains, alternating constipation/diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, acne

Started taking this 5 days after surgery. Still having brief hot flashes on this medication. Have a follow up appointment with dr next week, going to discuss other options for HRT. Since I have endometriosis I have to very careful about estrogen dominant HRT, and also having my hysterectomy before the age of 50 this is to help keep osteoporosis, heart disease, dementia at bay. But reading about others experiences and this causing breast cancer I want to switch. Maybe even try bioidentical hormones

Hot flashes due to ovary removal

I had my left ovary removed and an ablation that set me into menopause at 42. In the first few days it did make me slightly nauseous and had some leg cramps, moodiness and bloating after several weeks. However, the hot flashes are mostly gone! I will stay on this for as long as possible!

I stopped a few years ago based on the articles that I was reading. It was a disaster! I had major excema on my hands and feet, I am talking about red peeling skin! I was drying from the inside out! My crotch hurt, forget intercourse I begged my doctor to put me back on it once I figured out what was going on with my body!!

Menopausal food allergies, insomnia

Red flushing face, nausea, headaches, fast heartbeat / palps

Prescribed the lowest dose, Got heart palps within the hour after taking first pill. Racing heart and nausea that day, and headache that evening. It took one day after for the nausea to go away, 2 days for the flushing, and 4 days for the racing heart / palps to go away after taking only one pill.I know this works great for some, but the side effects were terrible for me.

Heavy periods, hot flashes, mood ch

I have taken prempro for 15yrs and thought it was a miracle drug. Prempro was advertised to reduce heart failure and osteoporosis. However, after years of taking prempro I have found it is dangerous and poisonous to your body. I have experienced paricardial damage and multiple heart attacks due to Prempro. Prempro gives you a false sense of well being while destroying your heart. Weakness, tiredness, shortness of breathe are common signs of Prempro and can also be an indication it maybe damaging your heart. The benefits of Prempro do not out weight losing a life from heart failure. Prempro should be banned from the market.

No hot flashes anymore. I have been on it for a month then my personality started to chance I became moody not depressed but I don't like myself and my husband does not like it. So I wil still go on with it. The most remarkable thing is I have so much energy now and losing weight why would I stop using this med. forgot to say when I first started this med for two weeks I was in pain with my breasts. They became larger and very uncomfortable but after the second week everything calmed down also I lost the eight I gained. It was just about 3lbs

So far slight weight gain. No other side effects.

My hot flashes were unbearable and non-stop. Since taking this drug I no longer have them but I am greatly concerned with the possibility of breast cancer. I'm high risk (mother, aunt, grandmother had) and considering getting off the drug. Also, I workout alot and weight gain is not an option I will accept.

Sever hot flashes very moody !!

Headaches bloating and weight gain, achy joints! But my hot flashes are gone!!

Not to sure about this medication yet!

Since March 2015 weight gain 7 lbs,breast enlargement.

Slight bloating that went away after a cpl of weeks. I wish I started it sooner. My energy level has returned to normal & I feel more comfortable back to myself.

This is out of character for me to leave a comment. Honestly this has been my saving grace, no more hot flashes,anxiety,headaches, hungry horrors, or emotional roller coaster. I'm glad I made my own decesion. Ohh and I have alot more energy.

Hot flashes., sleep issues, sadness

PREMPRO (ESTROGENS, CONJUGATED; MEDROXYPROGESTERONE ACETATE): This medication contains 2 female hormones: an estrogen (such as conjugated estrogen, estradiol) and a progestin (such as medroxyprogesterone, norethindrone, norgestimate). It is used by women to help reduce symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. The progestin in this medication helps to reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus which can be caused by using estrogen. Women who have had their uterus removed do not need the progestin and therefore should not use this combination medication. If you are using this medication to treat symptoms only in and around the vagina, products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. This medication may also be used by women after menopause to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). However, there are other medications (such as raloxifene, bisphosphonates including alendronate) that are also effective in preventing bone loss and may be safer. These medications should be considered for use before estrogen/progestin treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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First side effect was my sleep cycle changed. I woke up in the middle of the night for a week and forced myself to fall back asleep and then I woke up for 2 weeks at 5:00am. 2nd side effect was Acid reflux. 3rd side effect was extreme moodiness. 4th side effect was acne, 5th side effect was dizziness, 6th side effect was constipation. Need i say more….

i did not have a lot of discharge or a smell but after going in for my yearly exam i was told that i had BV, i am only on day 2 of treatment but i was alarmed when i saw so much strange discharge sense the gel was clear, i am hoping that this clears up and after the 5 days i am ready for intercourse, i was severely dry (not usually a problem of mine) for about a week before the doctor told me i had BV maybe the infection cause my dryness

No real side effects. Our only complaint is that it is very difficult to find the "magical" dose. If we give too much it is impossible for him to control bowels. If we give too little he can't go. We need to play with the dose everyday.

AK this is is very bad side effects from medicine. Feel like I lost it mentally. Terrible feeling, is all I have to say. Wow

Avoid this drug like the plague. Once I identified all of my illnesses in January were because of Ativan I began a slow taper. You must not stop this cold turkey or seizures are likely. It will take months before my central nervous system repairs itself. Doctors should not prescribe this drug. PDR says it is short term use only - 2 or 3 weeks. My doctor is still filling the Rx as I taper because they are ignorant.

It cleared up my face in a few short days! My face looks a million times better! I have trued many things and have gone to dermatologists for years!!! I'm so glad I finally found something that really works!!! It's only for 6 months and I'm on my 4th already!!

Nausea if I drink too much caffeine. Aweful urine smell. Difficulty sleeping all night. Usually wake up once a night.

lumbar herniated disks/fibromyalgia

This medicine did help my cough, which was driving me crazy. It's a good product if you can put up with all the side effects. I thought when the pharmacist told me it would impair my judgement, he was just saying that as a precaution. This medicine, in my opinion is just like taking hydrocodone. If I didnt know any better, I would think it was. But, it helps the cough.

I originally went into the hospital because they found a cyst on my right ovary. After the surgery (laproscopic) it was determined that I had severe endo and probably had it my whole life. It was decided at that time that I would do a 3 month course of Lupron followed up by a full abdominal hysterectomy. I just received my 3rd shot today, and the only side effect that I have experienced at all are hotflashes/nightsweats. I have a previous history of anxiety and depression. I also suffer from a weight problem, so after reading much of the feedback from websites I was very nervous about losing my mind and gaining tons of weight once on Lupron. I am pleased to be a positive light on the use of this medication, because I have found it very beneficial. In fact, I never realized how miserable I was until I began the injections and started feeling better. As I have never tried to get pregnant and have always lived my life with heavy periods lasting more than 10 days each month accompanied by severe pain during ovulation and terrible cramps throughout, I am so glad to be rid of all of my pain and the bloated feeling that I have always felt is gone. Even though I have been conscious of what I have been eating while on the medication, because I was nervous of gaining weight, I have actually lost weight (approx 15 pounds in 60 days) without eliminating an occasional piece of cake or dish of ice cream. My surgery is scheduled May 20th and I am turning 40 tomorrow and I am feeling like I am beginning a whole new pain free chapter in my life and can't wait to find out what the end of this journey has in store for my well being. I certainly don't want to discredit anyone's personal experience on this drug, but after almost making the decision NOT to take this medication because of what I read, I felt it incredibly important to add my positive experience. The hotflashes are frequent (15-20 per day), but certainly not debilitating and they don't last for more than 2-5 minutes. I have not suffered from any anxiety, headaches, weight gain, hair loss, or insomnia, all of which I feared if I took this medication. I also had a spinal fusion 14 years ago so I was nervous about the bone density of my fusion being deminished by the medication but my doctor said that the Lupron would not have any effect on the strengh or stability of the bones. I don't believe that I am a person with a high pain tolerance or a person who handles not feeling good well, however, from my personal experience, I FEEL GREAT! I decided to take the monthly injections so that if I had any adverse reactions I could have the choice to stop after each month. I expressed all of my fears and anxieties with both my OBGYN and my regular doctor. They both took the time to give me their professional opinions related to my concerns. They told me that the potential for side effects were possible, but that the majority of the people who take the medication, either for endomedtriosis, fibroids, or prostate cancer, had no serious adverse reactions beyond hotflashes and possibily some headaches. Every person has to make their own decision, but know that there is a person out there who is glad that they took LUPRON.