Premarin (estrogens, conjugated) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Premarin (estrogens, conjugated)

I'm still taking this medication. Still no side effects. Still feel good.

I have reduced my dose from .625 mg/day to .45 mg per day since you do need less estrogen as you grow older and there's no sense in taking more than you need. Still running and not on any other medications.

Leg pains and cramping, increases white hair everywhere, rages, irritability, sleep issues, liver enzymes elevated, lower number of bp elevated, a bit erratic behavior at times

However...nothing helps my brain like Premarin. I've tried every hormone, pre-hormone, supplement out there. And nothing turns my brain back on like Premarin does. And libido - without it, I have none. I think it raises dopamine, but IDK why this does and others don't or if that is what is helping things. Its been a love/hate relationship, for sure. Started out at 1.25, drs lowered and its been awful since. Up and down. start and stop.

I had a medically necessary hysterectomy at age 19. I have been on Premarin 0.625 since I was 19 years old. My surgeon told me he was putting me on 0.625 so that I could take Premarin the rest of my life. It has worked for me with no adverse effects. I have osteoporosis that I would not know but for bone scan. Otherwise in perfect health. My new doctor wants me to stop taking it, says a 57 year old woman has no business taking Premarin. I know if I stop I will spiral into bad health. You'd think I was asking to continue on a truly dangerous drug like opioids or something (again I take no other meds). We know our bodies better than anyone, doctors should really listen to their patients - health is not a one size fits all.

2 yrs meno/12 years partial hysterectomy

2 years menopause. 12 years post Hyster with ovaries retained. Hot flashes came close to killing our relationship and were destroying me mentally. Who knew the top of your fingers could drip with sweat! I had to rely on air con or fans and he couldn't cope with them, resulting in sleeping in different rooms. Meno weight gain was 20kg in 15 months. Skin appearance is leathery and can't wear moisturiser or even sunscreen because it'd feel like wearing a wetsuit. Brain fog was starting to get to me and my fuse was getting shorter. Saw my doctor yesterday who is getting me to do bloods and a boob pancake for a reference point. First tablet yesterday. 2 very small hot flushes during the night that only involved kicking the sheet off instead of having to move beds due to sweat. Today, could dry my hair and do my makeup without being under the air con. Instead of a hot flush every 30-60 minutes, I've had 3. My meno belly has a tiny bit less jiggle with the scales reflecting similar. I've tried Happy Mammoth, Remifemin, Previtalise & Provitalise as well as countless herbal supplements that have cost me a fortune. This little box of 28 days goodness is off to a stellar start. I'm truly hopeful it'll help me get back to my pre meno body and I won't be scared of eating food like I used to be. Might even restore the intimacy in our relationship!

Anxiety, jittery, forgetfulness, sore breasts, pounding heart rate, smoother skin.

I took premarin cream for my vaginal atrophy that is causing recurrent UTI's and my OBGYN recommended it after my hysterectomy (kept the ovaries). I am not in menopause (hormone levels come back typical for my age) or perimenopause but I thought why not, let's take this as my doctor said it could help me heal after my surgery. I think I have too much estrogen now in my system, I feel like I have drank three cups of coffee each morning (I don't drink caffeine) and it feels like my heart is beating so loudly everyone can hear it. When I told my doctor she said that is weird, but as I read these other ladies' symptoms, anxiety and jitteriness are common. My breasts hurt every day and I feel like I am close to yelling all the time at little stuff. I am struggling to remember things, probably cause I keep waking up in the middle of the night but I do have smoother unlined skin compared to before. I don't have (never did) hot flashes or depression and I am thinking that I need to stop taking this medication.

After two weeks, extreme insomnia. I couldn't sleep at night or during the day when I was tired. Always felt "wired". I couldn't stay on it due to lack of sleep. Insomnia stopped the first day I stopped it.

No side effects, Feeling great!

NauseaDizzyMigraineInsomniaSadnessShakinessUnclear thinking

Severe headache worse on a morning the on and off during the day, made me feel sick, hot flushes, pins and needles in hands and feet, depression out of nowhere, insomnia, extreme nervousness, started having panic attacks!

I would not recommend this medication at all. I've been on this 7 weeks and I've never felt so poorly and my anxiety is through the roof! Steer clear!

Vaginal atrophy pain postpartum

Insomnia, severe depression, heart palpitations, panic attacks

Only used once and had awful neurological side effects. Praying it leaves my system quickly!

Migraines, headaches, weight gain, back pain, body aches, hair loss, tired throughout the day

I would like to know if there is an all natural product that I can take that will help replace the hormones I need, with less side effects of Premarin.

Great at first,been taken them for 3 or 4 months but i feel i need to up the dosage, they dont seem to be working as well now.

Nil side effects. Now aged 72 yrs gained weight.

1.25mg for 45yrs now .625mg occasionally flush at aged 72yrs.I look years younger and have no wrinkles and smooth skin... Premarin is a wonderful estrogen drug..Gynecologist says stay on it because of the long period of 46yrs..when I reduced dosage had slight side effects example flushes.

Insomnia, painful sex, urinating co

I gained 5 pounds in three weeks. It did help with the insomnia. So the choice is being overweight and no sleeping. I do not know what to do.

Massive weight gain, enlarge breast, starting to get chest pains. This medication is made from horse urine and pregnant mares have their babies slaughter, so this medication can be made. I am getting off this medication before it kills me. Going to ER now.

extreme migraine daily, hair falling out and contact lens problems.

Premarin is an terrible dangerous pill and causes severe migraine .Waking upwith a migraine early hours in the morning, at least every second day. it took me a while before I realized that it was Premarin causing all the problems. I have been off this pill for 10 days and I haven't had a headache since .I feel so much better after I have stopped drinking this pill.

I have had to stop taking it for surgery in 9 days. My blood pressure is high, chest pain, irregular heart beat, tingling in fingers. Went to ER and they couldnt figure out what was wrong. The worse hot flashes at night now and cant sleep well. Not sure if this is because i quit the premarin cold turkey. Help!! Anyone else feel this way? How long before u felt normal??

I had a full hysterectomy ( they kept my right side ovaries due to osteoporosis) I’ve been on these pills since. My hot flashes and mood swings were off the charts. Since then I’ve been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. It’s inoperable and they have no cure. In sight. I’ve recently been reduced to 0.625 mg .

I’m positive if I didn’t have this drug my family and myself would not have been able to handle me and my moods .

Complete Hysterectomy at age 35

No side effects for 35 years. I felt wonderful. I had a DVT last March and tested positive for anticoagulant. Was advised by 3 Dr's to go off cold Turkey. It's been 3 months off premarin and I feel horrible. Chronic pain, fatigue, and all the symptoms that go along with menopause. I have not been able to work since March. I want to go back on it but scared of the risks. Please email me at with any suggestions

Took 4 weeks to finally ease my hot flushes which were occurring nearly 5 to 10 minutes apart. Persisted with the tablets over the next 4 months. However, after deciding to go off the tablets, my hot flushes reappeared after only 4 weeks.

Although this medication did work, albeit after 4 weeks, it did cause serious bloating and weight gain despite the fact that I stepped up my dieting and exercise regime, seemingly it made me bigger, causing me to see a doctor to verify that it was indeed the tablets causing the weight gain. After ceasing the tablets, my weight returned to normal. For this reason I will no longer be taking the tablets.

PREMARIN (ESTROGENS, CONJUGATED): This medication is a female hormone. It is used by women to help reduce symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. If you are using this medication to treat symptoms only in and around the vagina, products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. Certain estrogen products may also be used by women after menopause to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). However, there are other medications (such as raloxifene, bisphosphonates including alendronate) that are also effective in preventing bone loss and may be safer. These medications should be considered for use before estrogen treatment. Certain estrogen products may also be used by men and women to treat cancers (certain types of prostate cancer, breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body) and by women who are not able to produce enough estrogen (for example, due to hypogonadism, primary ovarian failure). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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