Ovcon-35 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ovcon-35 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone)

Dry vaginal issues, heart burn, Breast discharge

Am I the only one getting a dryer bingo all area? I went from Manessa and having to can change a pantie liner 6x a day to zenchent ( Generic) haD absolutely no discharge. Also I have acid reflux and this is the worst it has been in years. But I am not experiencing any breaking through bleeding like I did with the Manessa. I go three months without a period. (Everyone should do that. )

I am taking Zenchent. I have had many bad side effects and my ob is finally switching me to a different pill after this pack is completed. I have a brown spot on my forehead, unwanted hair growth, weight gain, changes in the way my fingernails grow, cysts on my ovaries, and sometimes I start spotting a few days before my period actually starts. I cannot wait to get off this pill.

birth control, heavy period, moodin

This is the only birth control that I've ever been able to take without becoming intolerably moody (about the tenth one I've tried). Increased libido. Fuller breasts. I do have some nausea, and slight break outs which I've never had before, but I also have extremely light periods that last four days instead of extremely heavy nine day periods. Very pleased.

Ovarian suppression, cystic acne

Worked well for first 4 months then 6 lb weight gain. Feel depressed, irritable, bloated but am scared to stop due to cystic acne.

None. I've been taking this pill for over 12 years now.

regulate period and mood swings

I am extremely happy with this pill. I was having very bad mood swings, breakthrough bleeding, heavy periods, bad PMS that lasted all month. With Ovcon, I almost feel like my old self. Due to my age, my gyno is trying to wean me to something lighter but I tried HRT and felt insane and went back on Ovcon for another year. Now I am trying something new but it has less progesterone and I am starting to feel hormonally crazy again. Ovcon has the right mix of hormones for me.

When I first started taking Balziva (generic form), I didn't experience any side effects at all. My cramps were gone, minimal flow, it was great! But little did I know the drug was building up in my body and causing severe depression. After about 2 years, I really started to notice the depression seeping in, it was getting worse and worse by the week. I tried anti-depressants which didn't work with my body. I finally just stopped taking Balziva and within a week I felt like the dreadful cloud of depression was going away. It snuck up on me so quietly, I almost didn't think about the possibility of it being because of the pill. I'm so glad I'm off the pill, nobody's body should have to endure that kind of torture.

I'm taking the generic (Zenchent). I'm bloated, I have tender breasts, and have gained weight and I'm still cramping pretty bad-I feel miserable. I may have to try the brand name though. I feel like I have a tire around my belly and think I would rather deal with the pain then to feel this way and get fat. I no longer have a period because I had an ablation but I feel like I'm on my period all the time.

Birth control, control heavy period

(Balziva) Occasionally have break through bleeding if I take a pill even 30 minutes to a couple hours late, worsened cramps, lighter periods, fuller breasts, increased/same sex drive

Breakthrough bleeding to the point my Dr recommended taking two pills whenever this happened. However I have been on several types of birth control pills, some of which caused extreme anxiety, and this has been the only pill that has worked for me. I do have frequent digestive problems and lack of energy but cannot say whether this is due to the pill or not. Would recommend


Positive: light periods, clearer skin, little to no cramps, birth control, no weight gainNegative: irritability, easily crying, "dull" mood, low libido

The brand Ovcon 35 is the only pill that didn't cause negative side effects & it made my breasts fuller.

GOOD SIDE EFFECTS: Extremely light period. Major improvement in menstrual cramps.

I have tried 3 different birth control pills before this one and had nothing but bad side effects from them all, including extreme mood swings and depression. I am taking the generic version of this pill (Balziva) for about 2 years now and have NO bad side effects. Different bodies react differently to every type of pill so only way to find out if this pill is for you is to try it.

I use the generic, Balziva. I have had no issue with this bc. I take it non-stop for three months and then off for a week. When I'm off it for the week, my period is so light that I can wear just a panty liner and it usually only lasts two days.

I was on the brand name Ovcon for 3 mths ( pks from Dr) and when the pharmacy filled my rx, they gave me Balziva..this is the worst pill ever. In the last 9 days, yes, just 9 days, I've gone from perfectly fine to a wild raging hormonal freak! My breast are tender, my uterus is killing me, I 'feel' bloated, and I feel like I'm in the middle of the worst PMS ever and I am a full 2 weeks away from a period. I called the pharmacy and they are sending out Ovcan asap, they gave generic because it was free. My sanity is worth whatever they are charging and I can't wait to get my hands on that pack!!!!! Avoid using this pill if at all possible..my dr's office has said they've had many complaints about Balziva and can't figure out why it's still out there. It was on about day 5 I noticed some of these things but thought it was stress from work and the holidays......nope..it's the damn pill...today was the worst day I had in years

When I was on the actual brand name Ovcon 35 I never felt better!! I was back to the person I used to be..it was great. But, on Balziva I am a raging bitch from hell with some of the worst PMS like symptoms ever. Thankfully I am getting the brand name in a couple of days..hopefully I make it till then.

to lessen cramps, menstrual regulat

horrible stomach and bowel issues, middle of the night nausea, constipation

i really liked it at first, less bloated, lighter and regulated periods. at the start of my second month i had to stay home from work one day because i had really bad constipation and i felt really off for a week (constant rumbling stomach). at the start of the third month i experienced the same rumbling stomach but had severe diarrhea instead of constipation. i haven't consulted with my doctor, but i stopped taking it a few days ago and i feel a lot better.

mood swings during first two weeks, headaches, breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting during first week, heartburn, severe cramping during period.

I am sticking it out! I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, with little to no periods. This BC has made me finally regular with a period! So, i will definitely continue taking it!

mood swings, heavy periods, misery

Stopped my heavy, clotty periods. Restored hormonal balance. I used to feel miserble all month long, mood swings, very irritable, mentally fuzzy and out of it, was overeating and depressed because of peri-menopausal hormonal swings. Now I feel like my old self- alert, happy, no PMS and I lost 30 lbs and kept it off.

I was prescibed ovcon-35 to regulate my cycle and it did do that. However,in the 2yrs that i have been taking it i have began my cycle on or before day 14.I will continue to have my cycle until I start a new pack. I have lost 50lbs in the last 6 months but thats because I've choosen a healthier life style.I'm not sure if my cycle came early twice because of the weight loss and all the changes that goes along with that.I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem.

I did not have any noticable effects with this medication until now.

Marked decline in energy, low-grade fevers in the evening, awful mood swings, lack of enthusiasm for activities I normally enjoy, breakthrough bleeding beginning on day 13.

I'm so glad I only have to take these pills for a month. I could not live like this for an extended period of time. I am counting down the days until I finish this pack. I know every woman is different and these pills may work wonderfully for many, but for those experience the same symptoms as I this is confirmation that you are not imagining them.

Side Effects forovcon-35 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) - User Comments


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No one should have to drink this much liquid. I can barely drinkd 4-6 ounces of soda or 6--7 ounces of water in 6 hours so this was horrid.

I thought I was dreaming when I saw a big tunnel on the TV monitor in front of me. A massive cramp a moment later as the camera in my colon was moved told me I was not. I was given this drug in combination with fentanyl for my colonoscopy and promised that I wouldn't feel or remember anything. Unfortunately, my memory of waking up came back in a flashback well after the procedure (I already suffer from medically triggered cPTSD from inattentive medical "professionals" in early childhood). I gave it two stars since at least I wasn't panicking when I woke up during the procedure. I definitely DO NOT recommend this drug you have any reason to think mere "twilight sleep" will not suffice for your procedure.

Drowsiness, reduction in mental alertness.

Aches, pains, wild dreams,felt slightly depressed.Deminished short term memory.Ringing in my ears.Felt tired and dozed-off a couple of times on the days I took a 5 mg tab.

A few people mentioned having used it multiple times. I'm interested in hearing peoples' experience with reoccurring breakouts. I'm on my second in a span of three months.Quick backstory: Not sure where I got it. My ex and I we were together 9 months (stopped using condoms after a couple weeks) and were both orally-inclined. If she or I had any visible warts, we definitely would have noticed. We broke up in September. Guess who pops up in October when I'm ready to jump back in the dating game? Four lil homies at the base of my penis. Went to the doctor in October and got condylox. I used it and it cleared up. Notified my ex about it--she's got an appointment with her OBGYN coming soon. (Should have told her when I first noticed them and maybe I wouldn't have burned the hell out of my penis applying this stuff incorrectly the first time.)It's early January now. Guess who's back? Three more lil homies.How many of you using this product have experienced reoccurring warts? Are any other products better than condylox? Has anyone gone a solid year without another outbreak? And, I realize this isn't a forum, how do you disclose it to past/current/future partners? Please message me and share here if you have any insights.Thanks for reading, and may you never see these little f-ers again!

Bile GERD, hiatal hernia, ulcer

I have experienced the flushing and burning and very red skin but it usually happens about once or twice a week. It lasts for approximately 15-20 minutes. It can be very uncomfortable but I know it is working for me!

Leg cramps and tingling at night numbness in legs..feel sick, very ired

Fosamax was pure hell for me. I was only on it for two weeks. I had burning pains in my left leg which lasted for a week. I also had higher liver readings and BUN Creatine results - very bad.

Sounds like bad side effects, but my lungs feel so much better, it is worth it. I chew the cinnamon gum. I have read that the sucralose can cause your stomach to ferment, so after this pack, I am quitting (I hope). Am planning to replace the gum with Trident whitening cinnamon, since it tastes the same, to wean myself off. This gum also has sucralose, so may not work for me-- cuz the 9 months pregnant look is not making me happy!Anyone else have this problem???????