Ortho tri-cyclen (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate; norgestimate; norgestimate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ortho tri-cyclen (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate; norgestimate; norgestimate)

It helped boost my libido and helped with vaginal dryness. My acne is also a ton better and i am losing weight. However i'm extremely depressed and i cry daily. My anxiety has also worsened and i feel overwhelmed by the slightest things.

This pill didn't work for me AT all, made me super nauseous all the time, headaches and ACNE!!! I'm a person who never got pimples, always had clear skin except for a break out here and there and this made me break out horribly.

extreme nausea, fatigue, headaches

walking around all day feeling like I'm going to vomit on my shoes doesn't work as a full time employee/student/mom. I have a busy schedule and need to feel like I can function.

This made me feel like s*t, gave me severe headaches I stopped taking it. After I stopped taking it my head is still hurting. I would not recommend this pill

Hair loss; depression; vaginal dryness; insomnia; fatigue

Cleared up my skin. The Lo version was making me constantly bleed so went up to the normal version but planning to get off it due to hair loss :(

I’ve had exteme weight gain, my appetite since starting taking this pill had been through the roof but I’ve continued eating healthy and the same amount of food as I did prior to taking the pill, yet I’ve gained 14 pounds in three months. It cleared the acne on my face but has caused me to get acne on my hairline, neck, chest, and cystic acne on my back. It’s regulated my periods but made me very self conscious about everything else. My moods have been terrible and I am very emotional on this pill.

Muscle weakness, sore muscles, pain and cramping in calf, occasional cramping in other joints, severe heartburn at the end of the week, mild headaches every day. Improved mood. Lower libido.

Doctor I saw thinks I had a strong reaction to the estrogen or to one of the filler ingredients, also told me to get off it due to the persistent calf pain and risk of blood clots. I couldn't even last two weeks, I started needing to lift things with two hands because of the weakness. Would not recommend if you experience persistent pain or soreness when starting. Leg pain persists even after discontinuing the drug.

I absolutely loved Ortho Tri-Cyclen when I was on it before. I took it for eight months before I finally decided to come off of it. The only problem I had was occasional headaches and nausea (nausea was within the first few months) but everyone's body reacts differently to different hormone levels and treatments. I took it to help regulate my periods and I had 29 day cycles on point and I could always predict when I would get my next period. I just got off of it because I wanted to see if hopefully my periods would remain regular while off the pill.

Nausea, Extreme Mood Swings, Acne

I started this pill in October 2015 for my acne and it actually made it much worse, cystic acne. I stayed on it for as long as I could manage and then went off and my face cleared right up. I also had 2 periods a month while on this pill (one when you're supposed to and one right around the middle of the pack). This also stopped when I went off the pill. I decided to go back on it in August 2016 and I could only manage 2 months on it before all of these side effects came right back so I know it's the pill and not just normal hormonal changes. I cried for no reason several days and started having 2 periods a month again as well as my acne returning. I wouldn't recommend this at all.

I am now 45, but began taking Ortho Tri Cyclen at 15 to regulate long, heavy periods. It did work for that reason. I can recall knowing the exact day I would start and end. I also recall that I had very clear skin for a teenager. I believe I was on this for maybe 7 years and had no issues (that I noticed). I have 2 healthy boys, 19 and 20, and I was always athletic and energetic and organized, blah blah. BUT, during a random check up in 2010 something was off in my blood test that lead to a CT scan, then and MRI, that eventually led to a liver biopsy. I have a monster benign tumor in my liver (and several other smaller ones) known as FNH Focal Nodule Hyperplasia. That's where it all started. Since then, it was discovered I had monster gallstones that led to my gallbladder being removed, huge fibroids that led to my uterus being removed, and huge nodules on both sides of my thyroid that led a total thyroidectomy. Also recently found small benign cysts on my right breast, but I understand this is common for women at 40. So now I'm a hot mess with no thyroid and my digestive system and hormones are a disgrace. Synthetic hormones can't help me b/c I have no gallbladder and my liver is consumed with these tumors so I cannot process the T4 to T3 for metabolism and whatever else it does. Something to do with bile. My body will not digest food properly so it just kinda sits there and all I want to do is sleep. I have gained almost 20 lbs since this past August. I sleep 10-11 hours a

NauseaBloatingMigranesSevere dry skinRash !!

I started taking Trinessa( generic of Ortho) to regulate my hormones after having my 7th child 2 years ago. So the 1st month I had some nausea and migranes which is normal for starting out to regulate my system. Towards the end of the 1st month I started to notice my face was dry and wrinkles by my mouth going up sideways. It didn't click that it was the BC until the 2nd week into month 2. My body hasn't been able to retain moisture at all and that's why my face has wrinkles going sideways up my face. This pill helps with severe acne but it overly drys your face and body out! My boobs occasionally felt heavier and appeared that way, but didn't stay that way. Period became regular, acne went away face and back. But it sucks all the moisture out of your skin& I drink a gallon of water a day everyday! I didn't gain weight or lose with this pill. However, at the end of my month 2 going into month 3, I developed a rash bumpy and very itchy rash on my right forearm. Each day for 2 weeks the rash became worse from wrist to my bicpes and now it's on my face ( by my eyes, on my eye lids, forehead, cheeks, neck, inside my ears, behind my ears) I have been to the ER twice for this, I was prescribed a very high antihistamine to help with the rash along with a steroid cream. So far it hasn't helped! Oh my face swelled up around my eyes and on my cheeks and still is like that today ( 02/05/216) oh and it gave me dry scalp too. It took me almost three months to develop an allergic react

Some weight gainSlightly worsened acne2-3 days each cycle of depressionOverall introverted feelingsLowered sex drive

The pill obviously worked as intended, because after 1.5 years of taking it every night, I'm not pregnant. The side effects took about 3 months to calm down and become predictable (I knew when my bad days would be as far as minor depression or mild cramps just before period). I'm a naturally introverted person, but I think this pill made it even more pronounced. I didn't mind being on it, and I'm only changing pills because of insurance purposes. Everyone's body chemistry is different, so I can only say this pill worked for me; I recommend giving it a couple months to adjust your body's cycle before dismissing it.

Doc recently switched me to this BCP due to spotting on my last one. Well week one was great. Now I have break through bleeding!! Talk about a libido killer. I will be going off this pill completely once this pack is used up.

Severe headaches, pelvic pain, bloated, sore breast, increased vaginal discharge.Estrogen can promote cervical cancer with people who have HPV.

Off the pill for 4 days I immediately felt better but now am experiencing side affects. cystic acne, pelvic pain, severe headache, fatigue.DONT TAKE THIS MEDICATION!!! THE SIDE EFFECTS ARE NOT WORTH IT.

Very sick.Once I started to take it my sex drive left,I couldn't hold any food or liquid down and very snappy andvupset

Not for me.taking this medicine I thought something severe was wrong with me.Ive never felt so sick all the time in my life!

Uncontrollable bleeding during cycl

Sever mood swings, depression. Last night started bleeding slightly now heavy with huge clots. The color is of fresh blood

-Horrible cystic acne on face, chest, hairline, shoulders neck, and back (worse than without the pill)-Period was late-Breasts were severely sore-Crazy mood swings-Muscle soreness-Felt nauseous and feverish-Felt hungry all the time-Felt weak, crabby, mean, and very needy-No weight gain has been documented but I do feel heavier and like I have a gut.-Felt cramping around the time that my period should have been-Also felt pelvic pain/pressure

Hoping to get this medicine switched soon. I wish I would have read these reviews before starting this medicine because all of the reviews I've read have been about negative side effects/experiences. I stopped taking this medicine 4 days ago and still haven't had my period. Hoping that when I start taking another medicine that my cycle will be regular again and my acne will clear up. I don't recommend this medicine.

bad periods, wanted birth control

I've only taken this for a week, and after tonight, will not take it anymore. Since starting the pill, I've experienced insomnia (I almost fell asleep driving home yesterday). I've also experienced sexual dysfunction for the first time in my life. My sex drive is normally sky high. I had sex earlier this week, and it took me a lot longer than normal to orgasm. Today (3 days later), I couldn't feel any stimulation...absolutely nothing. Also, I started cramping afterwards. My skin has been clearing up...but who cares? Having a healthy sex life and normal sleep cycle are SO much more important to me!

Weight gain, irritability and ZERO sex drive.

The medicine did its job as a birth control and cycle regulator. Prior to taking the pill, I had very irregular periods. Though my periods are normalized, I have sever mood swings, depression, weight gain (not just blaming the pill here, nothing has changed about my diet and I exercise even more to counteract the gain!), and total loss of sex drive. Total. It's very noticeable. Symptoms started about 3 months into taking the pill.

No sex drive, mood swings, increased anxiety and depression, shorter/lighter periods

This medicine does its job- prevents pregnancy, but the emotional side effects and decreased sex drive are not worth it. I'm currently looking into a non-hormonal IUD to use instead of Ortho Tri-Cyclen.

ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; NORGESTIMATE; NORGESTIMATE; NORGESTIMATE): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: a progestin and an estrogen. It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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When starting off on remeron I felt great. When the initial happiness wore off I was bumped up to 30mg. For about a year I stayed on that. It was only until very recently I realized how different I was because of this drug. In the past week I stopped taking it, I felt I really needed a change. Since I stopped taking it I feel like im out of a cloud. Im more happy not so freaking moody and want to do things I just wouldn't have wanted to do a few weeks back. My sleep is back to bad but not horrible like it use to be. To ensure I wouldn't get bogged down again I started running, this is also helping me loose some of the weight I gained. I AM SMART AGAIN! Too bad it's summer. Avoid this drug its not worth it (based on me). I hope to never take anti depressants aftee this. It may have helped me for a short time but is not a good longterm solution.

It helped control migraines while on my period, and went from 6 day long periods down to 3 days. Helped with the major cramps.

I would never ever take this drug again!!!!

migraines cluster headache bipolar

I am four days from being 3months since I received Kenalog. I still am suffering from sever side effects to include: Extreme hair loss, depression, anxiety, night sweats, sever muscle spasms all over body, weight loss(which was the only benefit) cystic acne, insomnia and periods all month.

decreased sex drive, weight loss, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, unable to sit still

i only used once and i notice a terrible headache, ear pain and the most terrible thing is the loss of smell. i would not recomend this medicine at all. it can change your life in a very bad way.

At the beginning was ok, then mood started to changed, more crying, felt hopeless, unwanted, worthless, was blaming husband for everything, lovely man pulled up with all crap I put on him, depression went worse, and anxiety attacks with panick attacks coming suddenly from nowhere, in last two weeks I end up at ER, I'm booked for tomorrow to take this Implanon out, I'm so done, I want my life back....

STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRUG ITS BAD NEWSdrowsiness for the first 5 to 7 days,mood changes bad news,depression comes later,nervesness it's bad to the bone,and your sex drive man look out you don't know if you got off or not you look at it and its small and u say any1 have a air pump.ALL YES COMING OFF THE DRUG IS HELL ON EARTH...

these symptoms occurred after a day of taking 2 tablets 4 times a day. I have never felt pain like it & have stopped taking it- i'd rather ride the virus out!