Ortho-novum 7/14-28 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ortho-novum 7/14-28 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone; norethindrone)

Moodiness, PMS, Anger, Depression

controlled periods and bleeding well when taken regularly; didn't work well when taken as continous BC

Side Effects forortho-novum 7/14-28 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone; norethindrone) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Please do not take this drug!!!Especially do not take this drug if you are going to be moving around and awake....this is a dangerous drug..I took it for a couple of days and the last time I took it had a severe reaction to the drug..it is not a consistant drug..stay away from this drug...i beg all of you not to give it a chance to do this to you!!!!

Mild nausea for a couple hours after taking. Tried taking at night but couldn't sleep, so now I take it in the morning. Other than that, no side effects.

Extreme mood swings, especially during the 3rd and 4th week, enough that my boyfriend noticed, and friends. I got extremely irritable and unhappy about the smallest things that would NEVER bother me before. Had my first panic attacks on it. Awful, never going on it again.

in the beginning, maybe 2-3 wks my sleeping was worse than usual. took a really long time to fall asleep & then woke up about every 2 hrs the rest of the night. Dry mouth & shakiness if taken too much to start until you get used to it.

Originally, Dizziness, Flatulence, Loose Stools, then Asthma like cough last 3 years.

I have been on adderall XR & instant. We tried to switch it up with Vyvanse and It was awful. I was open to this medication and had high hopes for it based on what information I was given. However, within days this medicine had me in a full blown depressive episode with no motivation to even take care of myself or do anything. My brain was quiet but numb and dark and my body was physically in pain. I felt weak and the jaw pain was EXCRUCIATING. I had to stop on the 6th day. It was 6 days of hell and the first day not taking it - I feel like a completely different person. Stay self aware on this - that's the only reason I didn't try to push past symptoms. I strongly say RUN from this drug. It may work for some but the damage it did In a matter of days seems absolutely insane.

I have had slight nausea but thats all.

If this medication did not have addictive qualities, I would take one every day. I have not experienced any side effects. This medication calms my nervous system without making me depressed.

The first 2 days I was a bit irritable, headachy, tired, and flushed, and had a sore throat. Day 3 and 4 added very sensitive skin and a tiny bit of tingling and numbness in my left arm, an inability to sleep much, bad dreams when I did sleep, paranoia and depression. I couldn't imagine how I'd get through the next 3 days - they just seemed insurmountable and I was crying about everything. At the end of day 4, my headache was a lot worse so I took 2 ibuprofen gel caps and as soon as they kicked in, all the other symptoms disappeared and I felt calm, positive and got a good night's sleep. It's the end of day 6 now. I'm still taking a few ibuprofen every day and apart from being tired and napping I feel okay. The paranoia before I used the ibuprofen was awful, though. I don't know if the two are connected but the change in how I felt was almost immediate. The side effects were so bizarre I don't think I'd take it again.

Insulin Resistance, Thyroid Disease