Ortho-novum 1/35-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ortho-novum 1/35-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone)

Bloodclot in the leg from estrogen. DO NOT TAKE ORTHO NOVUM

Pregnancy prevention, regulation

I have been taking Necon (the generic version of Ortho-Novum) for a little over a year now, and I can honestly say that I have had no problems with it, whatsoever. In 5 years, I've been on 4 different types of BC pills, and this is the ONLY ONE that has not given me any of the usual side effects. I have not gained an ounce, nor is my skin breaking out (two things that happened with other pills I've taken in the past). The best thing is that I NEVER notice any spotting while taking this pill continuously (instead of taking the placebo pills, I go right on into a new pack, thus skipping my period altogether). I feel as though I've finally found the pill that works for me!

Side Effects forortho-novum 1/35-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) - User Comments


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severe joint and tendon damage, liver damage, kidney damage, vision damage,photoxicity,severe insomonia,facial swelling, swollen lymph nodes, brain fog,hair loss, severe rash, anxiety,depersonalization, increase white blood count, hyperglycemia, magnesium depletion, increased calcium, severe pain, and on and on and on and on and on.

If you have used it for 1-2 days STOP IT IMMEDIATELY. I did and I survived (28 years old) although I it was terrible. I used seroquel to help with sleeping thought.If you have used it for longer periods of time. I don't know. You maybe doomed. God bless your soul.

To anyone in general but ESPECIALLY to people with sensitive stomachs or recurring nausea, spare yourself from this. Worst taste I’ve ever had from a medication (fish oil pills don’t even remotely bother me for comparison) and it lasted most of the next day. The duration of the taste increased every night I took it. I found myself getting up to eat sugar free frozen yogurt or ice cubes in the middle of the night because freezing my mouth was the only way to lessen it (and it would be back within 15 minutes). The final straw was when I was on antibiotics my second week taking it. I had to stand over the toilet multiple times a day at work, would start to gag during meetings, and had to drive to work with a plastic bag in my lap. One day I got sent home early because everyone was so scared I’d puke on them, and before I left I took an antacid (since the taste was so acidic). I threw up several times into a bag on my lap while I was on the highway. Even months after I stopped taking it I would get this phantom horrible taste when I thought about going to sleep. I can taste it now just thinking about it and I’ll probably never forget it, sadly.

I took this pill yesterday and a little over an hour later I thought I was going to lose my lunch. I got severely dizzy (I'm still dizzy today) and sick to my stomach. I got home from work at 3pm and had to immediately lay down. I slept until 7pm and still felt bad. I was hoping this morning I would feel better, but no such luck! It's taking all I have to get my job done. I don't know if I would recommend this medication. I honestly don't even think it's helped my yeast infection.

All Calcium Channel Blockers can cause Heart Blocks, in my case a Right Channel Block, which is the inability of that that portion of your heart to conduct electrical impulses.

In reading these comments, I had no idea that Versed had this effect on some. I only stumbled onto this after doing some reading up on what Versed actually was, as I'd never heard of it before. Based on my experience, if the opportunity presented itself again to require this medication, I would do so without hesitation.

I didn't connect the joint pain and insomnia to the flonase for a long time until I noticed that the pain and insomnia came and went as I started and stopped the flonase. I am now trying switching to some other medication for my allergic rhinitis. I think my sense of smell may be gone forever partly from flonase partly from years of allergic rhinitis.

I was fine for the first three days. The morning of the fourth day (I was taking the medication in the evenings), I had a sudden onset of severe abdominal pain, cramping, and diarrhea --it's a good thing I was home at the time. I only experienced the one bout of diarrhea, but the pain and cramping lasted for two days; the first night the pain was so bad I considered going to the ER. During those two days, any food I ate other than dry toast upset my stomach. It's the fourth day now, and although my stomach is still unsettled it's not nearly as bad as it was; at the same time, I have eaten only bland foods today: oatmeal and banana. I stopped taking the medication when I started having the abdominal/intestinal problems (i.e., I only took it for three of the five days I was supposed to) and I will never take it again. I still have my sinus symptoms; whether that is due to the ineffectiveness of the meds or because I didn't take the full dosage I cannot say, although I did read an a

This helped me distract my thoughts and focus them on something more logical, like my work. Still have some depression symptoms (crying, etc...), but it takes the edge away for the most part. The diarrhea and sweating really bugged me, though. Surprisingly, this strengthened my libido and orgasms.

Appetite loss was my only side affect. After I came off of concerta however; I have ADHD far worse than before. Trying to get back on it. I literally cannot handle day to day activities now.