Ortho cyclen-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ortho cyclen-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate)

The only positive thing that came from Ortho cyclen was I have no acne what so ever. But I have been bleeding evryday since I starting taking this pill. Over 8 months ago!! And I don't mean spotting or break through bleeding I mean 24 7 bleeding for over 8 months. In sain nausea I have to run to the bathroom and puke every morning around 7. Horrible cramping and uncontrollable moodswings. I wanna cry and in ball and also kill everyone at the same time. I would have rather gotten pregnant Tha put up with this ridiculious side affects.

Taking this birth control was one of the worst mistakes I've ever done. I would never recommend this. Ever.

My periods are heavier than they were on my last pill, not bad though. Sore breasts, increased appetite, bloating, and fatigue - typically way more noticeable around my period.But! I take this every night (when I took in the mornings my emotions were out of control) and I'm very pleased. My acne had a small adjustment breakout and is now gone! I'm regular (finally!) Except it doesn't fall on my placebo week - I've synced with the lunar cycles... Which is a week earlier. I'll adjust things to match, however. I hardly notice any moodiness, I'm much more lively and happy on this pill. I can tell I'm on a birth control; I'm not quite me emotionally. But it isn't bad at all! Definitely found my match!

Bigger breasts, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, increased sensitivity to smells (make you feel sick), tired

So I'm coming off many years of depo, and just switched to this pill. My boobs look huge, nothing looks appealing to eat and I feel no hunger at all...all day. When I do eat, I rush to the bathroom with diarrhea and then I get extreme nausea. I'm going to stick with it for a while and see what happens.

I became a moody b****! I already have depression, which I take 2 anti-depressants for. Within 2 weeks of starting Previfem (generic), I noticed I was REALLY quick to anger & cry. Just when it seemed to get better, I'd flip out over nothing & feel so despondent for hours/days. And even if the crying isn't happening, I'm still always negative & irritable. I have had some sensitive tummy issues, but I never considered that this could be the cause... After reading reviews, it likely is.

It *did* regulate my period (I was having it twice a month), so it did it's purpose. I just can't handle the mood swings. Starting next week, I'm switching to Loryna. Hopefully that'll be better!

Moodiness for the first month or so and headaches

I loooove this pill!! Yes at first I was moody and I had headaches every week but once I reached the three month mark it all leveled out. Now I honestly feel better on the pill than prior to the pill. My periods are a breeze and my face is clearer than ever! I has crazy pms before the pill where I would be major emotional, get horrible migraines, and break out like crazy! Now I feel normal and under control. I never want to go off of it...but I will when I want kids!

I have been sick and just started taking this birth control a few days ago..I have been feeling nauseated, tired, and awful headaches..thought it was cause I had been sick till I noticed my breast being sore so I done some googling and found out it's this birth control making me feel like this and not because I've been sick! &I've always had bad headaches to begin with&knew the birth control would make them worse as it always has&thought just maybe my headaches were so bad they were making me nauseas..wrong! I've tried every birth control possible and this is by far the worse I've felt with any my spouse has even asked if I'm pregnant from the way I've felt and acted..good luck to whoever uses this!

From someone whose coming from the Depo and has been taking the Depo for a whole year.. changing birth controls has probably been the worst decision. These pill suck and made me feel horrible. At first they were great, my period only lasted for about 3 days BUT the cramping was unbearable ! Not to include the EXTREME nausea .. It really didn't start until the beginning the second month of taking them. I literally thought I was pregnant, which was the complete opposite of what I wanted. The side affects were not worth it and I immediately quick taking them once I figured out why I was soooooo nauseous. Additionally I started having severe headaches, and my breast were swollen as well. As I said the only good side affects were the period lasting for three days and the weight loss, other than that I really did not like these pills at all.

The only major problem I had with these pills were the nausea. I had to continuously drink sprite to settle the nausea and take about 4 breaks at work because, I was so tired. Be mindful of the side affects because they only affect certain people and other have the good hand but when all said and done pleaseee be mindful. I've seen that I am not the only one dealing with these side affects .

A lot of nausea the first couple of months so I would normally take it at night before going to bed. It took a while to get used to but eventually it wasn't bad. My skin cleared and my period was light. However, my insurance changed and I had to get the generic brand Sprintec. I started to get more nauseas in the mornings and I thought I would get use to it again but it's just gotten worse. I finally decided to stop taking it.

This birth control seriously caused me some health problems. I had been on the pill for 2 years with no problems, suddenly I started to experience vertigo,dizziness,nausea and extreme double vision. I have since then gave my body a break from birth control pills. I know every one has their own experience with pills but my experience was one that makes me want to deter from most pills.i just would not recommend this pill.

I started taking this prescription about 30 days ago, I think I've decided today not to take it any more I have five left,my side effects have been increasing all month,extreme breast tenderness, breast enlargement like when you're on your period, my skin is tender to the touch all over my body,headaches nausea at night,my doctor said that, it would help me drop weight but it has not I have not gotten on the scale because I'm extremely bloated have a hard stomach and just feel like crap, I've gained at least 5 or 6 pounds in 30 days.horrible acne, I've always had clear skin so I know for a fact that this is from the pill,headaches,which I have never had before,cramps all month long,no sex drive,I'm stopping this pill to way too many side effect,I was put on this medication because my period only last a day and a half which means I haven't hormone issue, well I know to all that's probably a good thing so to me too I'm not willing to have all these side effects.

birth control, regulate hormones

Before any of this. I am pretty average without these hormones. I'm not emotional, I'm not crazy, I don't have depression, or painful cramps or extremely heavy periods.Ok so the side effects I experienced: Change of breast size. Sometimes larger. No change in emotions. No nausea or diharrea. No change in pain of cramps. No change in body hair, I have thick dark hair and it has stayed the same. I feel like it is affecting my weight. I haven't gained any weight. But it feels like it is hard for me to lose weight. The few times it was late due to not having my pill with me, I would see side effects like spotting (sometimes for a long period of time) and some cramping. I have had a slightly lighter flow than before using ortho cyclen. The two biggest side effects are my sex drive. I almost don't have one. I went from depo to this pill and thought it would change but ever since being on any birth control my sex drive is gone. And the other side effect is darkening of my upper lip. I have pale skin, with a yellow undertone and I have a permanent redness on my upper lip (look it up, it happens with hormones) that appeared a month in after starting ortho cyclen. It is like a skin mustache if that makes sense. My boyfriend says he can't tell but I can. It bothers me but I will be staying on the birth control for a bit longer.

Weight gain, acne, bigger breasts, severe cramps, extremely heavy periods, always on period.

Acne Pregnancy prevention Regulate

Gastrointestinal symptoms,Breakthrough bleeding in the first 3 months,Change in menstrual flow Breast changes: tenderness, enlargement i was a 36 c now im like 38-40C, Some times i get headaches but if you take Tylenol it goes away. Weird discharge sometimes like a light brownish red.

Mine was ortho cyclen- 28 not 21

birth control. pregnancy prevention

I have been on Depo Provera before and I hated it. I thought this time around aftet having my first child that I would try Ortho Cyclen and at first I didnt notice I was on it but after about a month I started feeling the symptoms. And I dont like them at all. I wake up in the middle of the night now aching from head to toe so bad that I have to take medicine to make ot bearable enough to fall back asleep. I get sick to my stomach over everything and I cant bend over or properly wear my seat belt without feeling like Im going to lose my stomach contents. I get more headaches than I usually do. And my periods have stayed the same as usual. Just a few days ago I began getting lower abdominal discomforts and they havent gone away yet. Im normally nice and calm and easy going but since taking this I am out of my mind emotional and upset all the time over nothing. It makes me feel depressed when I know I have no reason to be. I dont like the side effects of this at all. It takes a toll on my relationship with my boyfriend and it makes me feel crazy.

My skin: Completely clear by 3rd month but had an initial break out in 1st month.Weight: Same as before. Lost my appetite and had food aversions the 1st month.Mood: Horrible. I've never felt so depressed in my life. Extremely moody and I cry over the stupidest things. Very negative and easily annoyed. I've never been like this and I can't control my feelings anymore.I got headaches the 1st month but now they're gone. I'm switching pills because I ran out and the country that I'm studying in right now stopped selling all pills w/ norgestimate. Otherwise, I might have continued in hopes that my mood would improve.

Severe nausea & headaches, insomnia most nights, appetite loss, tender breasts, mood swings, hot flashes.I have been on these pills for four months and I just started feeling the side effects. The nausea is unbearable at times, if I smell something I can't eat it most of the time now. On the plus side my periods are almost nonexistent, but it made my cramps worst.

regulate period pregnancy preventio

Worked great regulated my period so well in fact that even though i never missed a pill i got pregnant on it after two years of perfect use. Before i only ovulated every couple of months or so but it caused me to ovulate during the 7 days of the placibo in the pack and my period only lasted 4 of the 7 days.

I don't like this pill. It makes me extremely fatigued and exhausted, my eyes constantly feel tired, I look horrible like i haven't slept in weeks, always have bags under my eyes. It hasn't helped with my hair loss and skin is minimally better but it has been way better on other pills. I really want to stop this pill. Sick of feeling exhausted all the time i think it might be too estrogenic for me. I may give Yasmin a go but scared of the side effects. But really need my hair to stop shedding.

I was unemployed and needed to stay on birth control to regulate my periods. I went to planned parent hood and they suggested this brand. I thought everything was going fine until I started having really bad mood swings. I'd Starr crying over nothing. I would get upset over the stupidest things and its really taken a tole on my relationship.My bf goes out of his way to help me and I turned into this crazy person over him breathing wrong. I'm so glad I came across this site!I hope I just have enough time to save what's left of my relationship.

I didnt like the side effects, i started getting a lot of cramps and headaches, but the worst part was my mood, im a very camled tolerant person, and after i started taking it, i would flip out on people, i was always angry and mad, it got to tge point in which i would cry every time i had sex, for no reason. Changed to another brand becausevi can't take it.

Side Effects forortho cyclen-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) - User Comments


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A few years back, there was a big issue about my wonderful Premarin. I decided to come off it. Talk about the blahs!!!! I went back on after 2 weeks and am feeling great and I only take a low dose 2 times a week - it's truly my "Fountain of Youth."

This pill is a lifesaver. It really calms me. The only side effect is a little drowsiness, but I only take .5mg.

It seemed to help with my reflux but I need to get off of this to see if this is causing my symptoms. I have had MRI's, many blood labs... all are normal.

1. Dizziness2. Confusion3. Pain all over in muscles and joints4. Exhaustion5. Dry Throat6. Nausia7. Difficulty Swallowing8. Insomnia9. Ringing in ears10. Twitching all over and inside stomache area.11. Panic Attacks12. Popping in joints13. Forgetfulness14. Lack of concentration15. Loss of Appetite16. Pain in arms when under stress17. Severe Food, Drug & Supplement Sensitivity.18. Severe Hallucinations after taking Meletonine.19. Weak mucles/Skeletal.20. Foggy Brain/Deminished Mental Awareness.21. Difficult to deal with stress. Pain in arms and left shoulder gets worse when under stress.22. tachycardia/high blood pressure/rapid heartbeat23. Excessive sweating, especially at night.24. Withdrawn.25. Symptoms come and go, peaking usually between 2 and 8 pm.26. Sluggish thoughts, moods, memory, ect.27. Blurred Vision28. Seizures Petite Maul29. Photosensitive30. Itchy, dry skin.31. Pressure in

Allergic reaction- ( itching )

I take the generic lamotrigine. For the most part, I like it. I don't have my mood episodes entirely under control, but they are much milder and shorter in duration. I don't think I'm quite as intelligent as I used to be, but I can concentrate for the first time in years. I tend to think that objects are closer than they are. I can still safely drive. When I'm tired, I feel dizzy instead of sleepy. It took me awhile to figure that out! I would not recommend drinking while taking this medication. Maybe alcohol is fine in small doses, but binge drinking is incredibly painful and I believe it contributed to me being suicidal.

I was prescribed this because i have excess hair growth on my face an body. However there has been no noticeable change whatsoever.I was taking two tablets a day or 200miligrams with no good effects, only side effects.Im now taking myself off this drug; gone down to 1 tablet for a few days then i will stop completely.Would not recommend this drug

Hot flashes, anxiety, stuffy nose and no ejaculant

This drug has and is still making me very lathargic, and weepy. I literally want to constantly sleep, when awake I am dizzy and disoriantated, I have to be honest I just feel constantly smashed and it's a pain, as I have things I need to be doing eg: going to work, looking after my kids, but theres not a lot of hope of that. I had no real appitite whilst on it, but then I have just had my wisdom tooth out so it would have been hard to eat anyway, plus I've had an infection in the area where the tooth was, hence being prescribed the drug. Mid week, this week my throat was extreamly sore and so was my tounge, this has gone now, but I am very thirsty and have a dry mouth. The only symptoms left are the lathargy and disoriantion, which are pretty extreme. it was my last day of the course yesterday so lets hope they pass asap.

Vision Blurry! One eye only but its scary that a drug can do this!