Nuvaring (ethinyl astadiol; etonogestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nuvaring (ethinyl astadiol; etonogestrel)

I have used nuvaring in the past for about a year. It was excellent at preventing pregnancy. My lifestyle is different from when I used it the first time. I am more into fitness and health. I would not recommend this if you are trying to lose weight or struggle with depression or low energy. Ive had it in for a week and it's made me have no appetite except for junk food, I feel bloated, my mood is low, energy is low and I just don't feel like myself. I will be removing it! Like I said, it's good for someone without active lifestyle and wants birth control but I don't recommend for anyone who it highly focused on their health goals.

Decreased sex drive, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, obsessive thoughts.

First note, I have had depression and anxiety since I was a teenager. But while on generic Nuvaring, it seemed to worsen. I had been off the pill for about 2 years, over which my mental health seemed manageable during stressful periods in my life. Once I got on generic Nuvaring, my mental health gradually took a decline. My anxiety and obsessive thoughts have been uncontrollable. When I take it out to have a period for a week, my anxiety and mood lightens up and my sex drive begins to normalize after it's been out for at least 4 days. Once I put a new one in after 7 days, within 24 hours my mental starts taking a decline again. It's very noticeable now that I've been on it as directed for 6 months. Considering taking it out and reevaluate my BC methods, like the patch.Side note; though it's not an issue to take it out, during sex, it is very painful while it's inserted.

Prevent pregnancy, skip periods

stomach issues, low energy, super emotional, increased appetite, lack of sleep

I haven't been myself since putting the ring in. I genuinely thought it had to do with my diet, but my stomach was completely messed up for 10 days straight.... I hadn't had a normal bowel movement until yesterday. I was bloated, passing gas constantly, had so much brain fog, low motivation to go to the gym (I love working out), and overall just felt very off. I was supposed to start my period yesterday, and I'm not bleeding because I kept the ring in, but I have been uncontrollably crying, sad, angry, irritated, can't stop eating, and feeling like I am insane. I don't know if I should wait it out until my period week is over but this is very concerning. With being one of the lowest dose hormonal BC methods on the market, I don't think I could handle anything else besides the hormone-free copper IUD....idk what to do.

Extreme anxiety, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, extreme discharge, headaches

When I say this MESSED ME UP, I can't even start. Couldn't get out of bed, couldn't stop crying, absolute misery. I do have a history of depression and anxiety, but nothing like the experience that I've had over the past two weeks.

Severe anxiety, depression, weight gain

I started Nuvaring to regulate my cycles. It did that, but it was accompanied by severe anxiety, depression, weight gain and a complete loss of sex drive. I really noticed the effects a week into my second ring. I debated for a couple days and realized I didn't feel at all like myself. I finally took it out and felt relief from the anxiety and depression within q2 hours. I've had issues with other birth control methods, but I never experienced anxiety and depression to that degree. It just wasn't a fit for me and my body chemistry.

I have been on the NuvaRing now for a month I have had severe, bloating, trapped gas for no reason I don't know if headaches, extreme tiredness, brain fog, irritability breast, tenderness, lack of sex, drive, insomnia, no appetite, mood swings, galore, crying for no reason, body aches, and pains I could keep going, but I think you get the jest. I do not recommend this to anybody.

Do not take advice from the GYN or pharmacists claiming to be one of the best safest birth control stay away horrible should be pulled off the market

Regulate periods, birth control

I began the ring in order to get rid of my periods and having started off with no side effects, I was very pleased. But starting 2 weeks ago from today, I have been experiencing heavy breakthrough bleeding outside of my period, the worst cramps I've ever had, plus nausea and stomach aches. It's difficult getting to sleep through all the pain. The only mood swings I'm experiencing are attached to pain responses, so generally my mood is stable and personally my sex drive has seen an increase, but that could be my antidepressants working with the NR.

Professionals say the breakthrough bleeding only lasts for a few cycles, so I'm sticking with the NR in hopes for good results.

EXTREME ANXIETY, increased depression, back pain, nausea, mood swings, no sex drive, vaginal irritation, insomnia

Nuvaring is horrible for me. I already have anxiety but it made it 100x worse. I am constantly having panic attacks to the point where it is debilitating. My depressions has skyrocketed and I have lost all motivation for things I used to love. I no longer have a sex drive. I cannot sleep, and when I finally fall asleep, I wake up 5 times through the night. I often feel flush, which could be from the panic attacks but I never felt like this before Nuvaring. I had enough of it and finally took it out today. I would say around day 5 is when the anxiety really started to kick in, and I wish I would of taken it out then. Hoping that everything returns back to normal soon because I feel like I am losing my mind.

NR worked great for me for quite a while and recently I've taken a nose dive with my mental health and Im almost positive it has something to do with it. I'll put the new ring in and within about 24 hours I am a complete basket case. I've cried more in the last 3 days then I have all month. I have these horrible horrible thoughts going through my head all day and my anxiety is through the roof. I've been reading a lot of reviews and apparently I'm not the only one. I'm surprised that I was fine on it for so long and now not so much. I'm wondering if other women have also had this experience while using NR for years like I have

I no longer want sex. I'm an emotional mess, often really depressed. I'm giving it 2 more months and I'm done.

I will not recommend Nuvaring to anyone-I personally almost died from it. I had Pulmonary embolism caused by huge blood clot that travelled from my right leg to lungs. Please do not use! This contraceptive is extremely dangerous-there have been reported large number of deaths from it, and also terrible side effects-including strokes, amputated legs/arms due to blood clots stopping and blocking blood flow.

Severe itching all over my body. There was no swelling but the last two days my body was itching like crazy. I am not an allergic person, as far as i am concerned i have no allergies and this drove me crazy.

Nausea, vomiting, headaches, cramping, irritability, intensified anxiety, worsened depression, horrible mood swings, etc.

I couldn't trust myself to take the pill every day so I figured switching to the NR would be the best option for me... absolutely not. After 5 days, I noticed my anxiety had gone sky high. I was having panic attacks that were debilitating day after day, and they worsened at night. I lost every ounce of motivation I used to have to tasks I used to genuinely enjoy. I was crying all the time for no reason and the cryingfits were literally inconsolable. Some days I also couldn't even eat. I would take a bite of food and Id immediately want to throw it back up for no reason. It even got to a point where my boyfriend said to just take it out. After 9 days of literal living hell, I took it out and tossed it in the trash. 0/10. I dont even give this a 1. I absolutely do not recommend.

Vomiting, nausea, migraines and severe depression.

I started this in 2014 and quickly stopped taking it about 4-5 months later. After I took myself off of it, it somehow kept going with the vomiting and I now have CVS. I never had this before and I'm pretty sure it's because of NR. While on NR, I was sick, had migraines and I was depressed. I couldn't take the agony anymore so I then, immediately, took myself off of this horrendous drug. I started taking this birth control when I was 29.

Nausea, throwing up, headaches, sadness, anger, bloating, shaking, always crying, depression

I got on NR and it was okay the first couple days but around day 4 I started getting extremely sick. I couldn't eat anything. I became very shaky and always got very emotional. I got sick for a couple hours everyday and became very tired and unmotivated...

Nausea, throwing up, headaches, sadness, anger, bloating, shaking, always crying, depression

I got on NR and it was okay the first couple days but around day 4 I started getting extremely sick. I couldn't eat anything. I became very shaky and always got very emotional. I got sick for a couple hours everyday and became very tired and unmotivated...

Terrible mood swings, anxiety, irritability, depression, non stop crying for no reason- stated at day 3 and decided to take it out at 8

1st time used BC - did not work for me

I wish I would have found these reviews before taking the NR. I was on it for 4 months (just took it out today) because it had gotten out of control and my husband couldn't take it anymore. I experienced extreme mood swings, depression, and just over all sad days. I'm naturally one of the nicest people, always happy. This turned me into a completely different person. The mood swings are horrible. I experience extreme rage and anger, mad at everyone and everything. I also suffered with terrible self talks and thoughts in my head. All this was something I've never experienced before. My husband stayed patient the entire time but after the 4th month he couldn't take it anymore and told me I need to take it out.. Now!!

I do not recommend anyone taking this. Ever. It's evil in the medicine, I'm convinced lol.

Vaginal sensitivity, decreased sex drive

Every time I have sex I tear. I didn't used to have this problem. I took a month break from the ring and sex was back to normal (no more burning from tears). I put the ring back in and that same week the burning and tears reappeared during sex :(

Nausea, mood swings, VERY LOW sex drive, dryness, pain during sex, no motivation, cramping, lack of focus, headache, trouble sleeping

Did make my periods much lighter and steady, i didn't do well with the pills and i dont want an IUD

NUVARING (ETHINYL ASTADIOL; ETONOGESTREL): This product is a vaginal ring containing combination hormone medication and is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: a progestin (etonogestrel) and an estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. Using this product does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This drug has changed our sweet, happy little boy into a depressed shell of himself.He's been telling me for a couple of weeks now he's sad and doesn't know why. He's been disengaged and distant. Most recently waking each night hysterically crying saying he's sad and doesn't know why. He says he has scary thoughts of things hurting him.It wasn't until I found this forum that I see he's not the only one.I'm so upset for him. Paying it wares off soon and we have our sonshine back

My 2y old son went from being normal 2yr old with the usual moods to a child with no interest in playing, aggressive `I'm cross and angry`, 3hr tantrums. He was like a different child.He no longer needed steroids but did still need ventolin. We got to a point when we couldn't cope and stopped montelukast. Within 3 days our happy playful little boy was back - singing and not being cross. Now is a normal 2yr old having tantrums still but 10mins not 3hrs. He's not going back on it. We felt awful for having put him through it. He couldn't express what was wrong so we don't know if it was psychological or physical.

have been on micronor for 3 years or maybe more. was told i may not have a period, and hey, i dont. great. have had weight gain, but as i have read on another comment probably to do with me also not leaving the table, micronor suits me fine, no side effects whatsoever

severe back pain in the mornings. Extreme fatigue. Mentally in a daze.

As you can see i wasnt even taking the meds a full 24 hours yet and i started feeling the discharge then came the diarrhea and light headed and nauseous i had to go and lay down i went to sleep immediately for about a hour and a half crazy DO NOT TAKE THIS MESS.

Severe depression, unable to concentrate, loss of libido, yeast infections (I never got a yeast infection when I took Desogen for 7 years).

DON'T TAKE Coumadin or it'll take you!!!! One of the poisonous reactions I've ever had on a medication and cant believe the doc's or pharmaceutical companies don't acknowledge these potential side effects!?#@! Until I found this website everyone was making me feel stress was causing my symptoms...or maybe I was overeating due to stress...I in fact have cut my food intake and the weight keeps adding. Just so bad.. Taking myself off of this "wonderdrug".

Relaxes me and takes away my inhibitions. Memory loss. Now able to sleep. Husband thinks it is a god send.

Most recently in order to get approval for the med as my current insurance companies deny it, I have to be off of it for two weeks to get a sleep study during the night and day. I've been off for three days and all I do is sleep. It's a bit ridiculous because when someone has hypertension, he or she isn't asked to discontinue a blood pressure medication long-term to "prove" it. I barely function and sleep most of the day off of it. Also, you can order from Canadian pharmacies online and they obtain it from India for a way cheaper price if your insurance company disapproves it, just make sure to have an Rx.