Nordette-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nordette-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

Low sex drive, headache itching vv, sharp pain inside my vv, vaginal dryness

Painful cramps and headache so far

I have not had even one side effect. No nausea nor vomiting. No abnormal breast changes, nothing. I only have Abdominal pain which I'm not sure if it's the pill or the vaginal yeast infection cream I use.

I am loving it, but am quite worried about this Abdominal pain and the fact that I have no symptoms at all.

Having non stop periods, i hate them and stopped taking them

Sore boobs, sinuses, stomach cramps, fatigue, increased heightened smell, bv yeast infection...

All those things were only experienced when taking the active pills-whenever on the inactive ones, my body felt so light and jolly but they definitely work

2 months
1×daily 1X day

3 months on this pill and by the second month no period, slight brown spotting. now the third month still no period. Extreme weight gain, fatigue, heart palpitations, it's been two days now and loss of appetite. No sex drive and the list goes on

Worse choice in this pill!! Good luck to anyone starting

Nausea, terrible headache,brown discharge, spotting, terrible abnormal pain, vaginal infections, inching, feeling like commuting, bleeding, fatigue and depression, terrible irritability

I continue,it light up my body and it boost my weight

I get migraines vigina irratation such as constant itching and burning vigina bloatedness breast pain nausea blurr vision now and the can't really say if it's from nordette as I suffer of diabetes low sex drive constant mood swings sometimes depression

I get migraines vigina irratation such as constant itching and burning vigina bloatedness breast pain nausea blurr vision now and the can't really say if it's from nordette as I suffer of diabetes low sex drive constant mood swings sometimes depression

Extreme abdominal pains, extreme headaches, bloating, fart alot, yeast infection two times in a month, chest pains, mood swings, food aversion, irregular periods.

Even though it helped me with my skin and gained weight its not recommendable

Bloated ,anxious, fatigue, fart alot, stomach growling ,seem to be getting alot of discharge ,disturbance in sleeping especially at night

I used to use oral on so this is my first time I'll see after two months

Nausea, short breath, abdominal pains, breast enlarged, and heightened sense of smell, painful nipples, increased a appetite lol... Pregnancy symptoms at its best

I've stopped taking.... Good luck

I bled non stop and was given this

I'm still a virgin and not sexually active, I'm moody all the time and sleepy, should I consider changing my contraception was given this after Oralcon wasn't available any longer and it helps me regulate as I bled for every day of the month with only 2 days off

Constant headaches, increased food intake, intense nausea, feeling sleepy constantly then not being able to sleep when i do get to sleep.

I'm just thinking of stopping it but don't know what pill to try

Regulate my periods and prevent pregnancy

I was using Oralcon nd I had no problem with it and then I was given Nordette. I started getting brown discharge with some blood accompanied by abdominal pains for 2 weeks until I stopped using it. Wouldn't recommend it


I am starting to love this contraceptive. Diane use to make clots in my breast

Well, I am noticing myself that I am always getting abnormal pains, Sharp pain. Moody, very dry vagina. Not interested for sex at all.

I think I will need to change it after 3 months if I am still getting the same results...

Terrible mood swings, very bad fatigue, sinus, no sex drive, pimples, nausea and lost weight.

I never had pimples and sinus since I was born. Nordette is not a good pill for me.

Bloating, breast pain, weight gain, increased libido BUT impressively helping to keep a regular period and thus far no pregnancies ^_^

No particular side effects ....gained a little weight due to increased apetite .... thereafter lost everything is clear and brighter ...period is regular nil issues... nil pregnancy

Side Effects fornordette-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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Think long and hard before giving this one a shot. Although it cured my sinusitis in a relatively short time, I didn't care the psychological side-effects that occured. I NEVER had anxiety/nerve issues until I took this medication, and I had no idea that an antibiotic would cause this... Overall, not a good experience.

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Since there is a benzodiazepine phobia in the country, Z-Drugs (eszopiclone/L Lunesta is one of the best medicines a patient can get. Do not eat for at least 2 hours prior to talking it for best effect. Taking with food at all can render it ineffective to a degree.

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I was very tired and sick for the first two weeks. I had to take it at night so I could function at work during the day. After the two weeks, I felt fine and started taking it in the morning as prescribed. I experienced a great deal of weight gain.

I started with 10 mg per day, suffered 2 bouts of bronchitis, asthma was worse. After 2 mos. Rheumatologist decided to up dose to 20mg per day. PA pain under control and felt great for 21 days. Then acute diarrhea. I couldn't leave the house. Urgent care doctor put me on 2 doses of strong antibiotics no relief. I finally made the connection with arava/leflunamide. I have been advised to stop taking it. That was yesterday. Diarrhea is still acute. Hope it ends soon.

Speedy feeling, drowsiness, decreased appitete.

worst cramps of my life, horrible nausea, breakthrough bleeding and lots of clotting, depression, non-stop crying, messing with my hormones like nothing has ever done before.

i am getting addition therapy for the migraines (botox) and it has mostly eliminated them. tapering off the lyrica is not enjoyable. i am taking it very slowly because i was taking it for so long.

hallucinations, memory lost, bitter after taste, chest pain