Nordette-21 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nordette-21 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

MOOD SWINGS, Nausea, slight weight gain, migraines, hair loss

Since starting taking Nordette, I have had severe mood swings. I feel 'off' ALL THE TIME, but worse in the week before I get my period. I feel literally crazy. I want to scream one minute, then cry the next. I know I'm being irrational, but can't control it. I am not like this when off the pill. When I initially started taking it 6 months ago, I was nauseaus for 2 months straight. The nausea still comes and goes.. maybe I've just gotten used to it. I've also had two terrible migraines which effected my life and work functionality. I've gained approximately 10lbs since being back on the pill. And recently I noticed hair loss. This is a new 'symptom'. I'm switching to loestrin this month... although they all seem to be awful. Maybe it'll be the lesser of the evils.. wish me luck!

Side Effects fornordette-21 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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mood swings, irritailtiy, violent, leg pains, night terrors, depressed, senstive, drinking like crazy

I have experienced decreased infections

Mood swing was certain from the first week, constant crapms and pain, headaches, blurry vision...not a good feeling for the 1st month.

Racing heart just 30 min after taking lexapro. Extreme panic attack. Felt like a heart attack. Heart palpatations will Not go away. This after only one dose.

Been taking Diovan 80 for 6 months. I have joint pain in my hips, knees, shoulders, and back. I used to walk several times a week about a mile. I can't walk anymore. I'm lucky if I can walk in the grocery store holding onto a cart. Around the house I often have to use a cane. The doctor tells me its osteoarthritis and just gives me anti-inflamatories that make my bp go up. Dr. said they all do that. My blood pressure is usually around the 130's over 70's but I often have a rapid heart beat and have developed severe insomnia. Sometimes bp goes to 150's. I definitely want to get off this medication. I have never had this kind of joint pain all over my body before.

As of today and after reading these comments from others, I am taking myself off Avalide to see if these symptoms subside. I will consult my doctor.

other than the bleeding this drug was great. i didnt have to worry about taking a pill every day and i didnt gain any weight at all (in fact, i lost weight). but the bleeding was annoying and unbearable. i put up with it for an entire year hoping it would go away because the other people i knew who used this said they didnt have a period at all (which would have been nice).

Diahrea, extreme depression, hopelessness, anxiety, inability to concentrate, no motivation, strong desire to sleep, lots of guilty feelings. Weird stuff!

Increased mood, energy & libido almost immediately. (I seriously didnt realize how much my sex dirve was hurting until it fired back up)! It also helped me to quit smoking even though I was only smoking about 3-5/day. The strange part about the smoking benefit was that for me, it had always been more psychological than physical, but for some reason, smoking cigarettes after starting WBXL became physically not enjoyable. I know that sounds strange and I'm not able to fully articulate how it made me feel but I almost want to say it made me feel very jittery and wired. Remeron helped stabilize me for three solid years with longevity & consistent effectivity that no other drug was able to provide.. *BUT* when life hit me with a couple big stresses and I fell back into the darkness I couldn't shake- WBXL snapped me out of it and within the first couple of weeks.

weight loss, clear skin, regular period