Megace (megestrol acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Megace (megestrol acetate)

Made my period come I haven't had a period for a year, dry mouth, thirsty, swollen feet, shortness of breath

The only side effects I had was hot flashes

Abnormal and excessive menstrual bl

Extreme irritability leading to depression

Stopped the bleeding immediately

My mother was put onto this drug rather than her continuing chemotherapy, she started feeling breathlessness and within 3 weeks was more difficult to walk long distances, after her oxygen levels were too low she needed to carry an oxygen tank to help her breath, while the doctors confirmed she had developed blood clots in her lungs through a side effect through this drug, my mums life was cut short because of this drug as the blood clots were too big to be treated. Be very careful people, please be careful. After asking for this drug to be investigated my response i received by the medical department was " we learn by our mistakes " Please be careful, i would never want anyone to go through what i and my family did because of this drug. X

Heavy bleeding due to fibroids

Had issues with heavy bleeding and cramps due to fibroids dr put me on this medication until I can have a biopsy the end of the month...took 3 tabs yesterday and the bleeding completely I read all the ladies side effects I close attention..praying that o won't have any side effects being as though I am leaning towards have a hysterectomy

I was on Megace for uterine cancer. I was diagnosed early with stage one uterine cancer when I was 34. I had not had children yet and was hoping to conceive still. My doctor said we could try this medication before doing a hysterectomy since my cancer was a low grade. I was also in the middle of a weight loss journey so the side effect of weight gain freaked me out. I was on Megastrol for 6 months and beat uterine cancer with this drug. Additionally, with a strong mental attitude, I was able to work out and lose weight on this medication and did not let myself over eat. I highly suggest taking Megace on a full stomach. I am almost 36 now and currently pregnant with a baby girl. I was desperate for stories like mine, but could not find any when I went through all of this. If you are in a situation like I was, do not give up hope. You got this!!

Leg cramps/Tension in calfs, tiredness, nervousness, cramping, increase hunger, excessive night sweats (literally waking up soaked), slight increase in blood sugar and blood pressure, irritability, insomnia

I'm supposed to be on this medicine for 3 months and I'm not sure I can do it. It is really interfering with my quality of life. The side effects suck. I really don't want a hysterectomy, but I am leaning that way due to the side effects.

Hunger, headaches, frequent night urination, fast heart beating, extreme thirst, extreme low sex drive, mood swings

Taking megace 40mg (4 tablets) twice a day. I do not want a hysterectomy. I want a baby. I've been married for 6 years now. I just turned 30 years.

Side effects no sex drive cramping bleeding sometimes. Cramps occasionally.

Megrace has actually helped me get rid of my endometriosis .

No period, very thirsty and hot flashes

I started taking this medicine 6/23/2020 I was 115 now Im 134 on 7/17/2020

The only side affect i am having is bloating after i eat, period havent came on yet and eating like a pig. And alot of stomach cramps

No side effects that I've noticed besides being hungry all the time. I have to be careful and eat in moderation otherwise I'm bloated from eating too much food.

I absolutely love this medication as I've had colon cancer and from that I've lost my appetite for 3 years. I've gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks and I'm so thankful this is working.

Bad cramping big clots fast heart beat shortness of breath

Night sweats, chronic fatigue, severe headaches, low sex drive, increased appetite, insomnia, moodiness, anxiety, irritability, shortness of breath and increased heart rate

I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometrial cancer ivb and was prescribed Megace after 6 rounds of chemo and remission

Extreme night sweats, urinating frequently into the night. My hair is coming out by the handfuls. Now I need to find something for my hair and quit taking

Undiagnosed excessive uterine bleed

Severe depression,muscle cramps,tiredness,fatigue,no sex drive, mood swings, abdominal cramping.

After 30 days of very heavy bleeding /clotting ,the doctor prescribed and the first week it slowed it but it has come back and for the past three weeks, due to the horrible side affects I decided to stop taking it yesterday calling the doctor today to see if I have other options. I have never in my life felt this depressed and it is due to this medicine .

Fibroids causing Heavy bleeding

Extreme weight gain; 4 sizes larger in 5 months.Back aches, sweating, hot flashes, increase in blood pressure, shortness of breath, insomnia, depression, isolation, always feel bloated, headaches, stomach upset, muscle aches.

Extreme weight gain infuriates me! I was always the girl with a nice figure, completely changed my body type in 5 months of use. Lead to hurtful comments and criticism from people.I believe this drug slows down your metabolism. You could very well become obese if you're aleady over 150 lbs.I'm very dissatisfied and disappointed in the doctor for not better informing me of the trade off to stop the bleeding. Not worth it!! Will probably take me a year to drop the weight gain. I cry everyday because i miss who i was before Megase ruined my beautiful figure. Even my relationship with the guy i'm dating is in jeopardy because of my appearance i avoid seeing him.

Frequently peeing, gain a lot of weight, hot flashes, night sweats.

I have gained 23lbs in 3 months. I'm 4"11 and I weighed 88lbs at 43yo. I needed to eat more daily and my doctor put me on megestrol and it's been a life savor for me due to gaining the weight. I eat all day long. It's a great medication but I'm scared of what's to happen when I stop taking megestrol A

Bleeding would stop then I would spot then heavy bleeding with large clots. Dr. Has to be unqualified because she would tell me take more went up to 350mg per day. Ended up with blood clots in my lungs and legs and chest pain now I’m on 40 mg twice a day along with injection of blood thinners fearing for my life at this point 3 hospital stays in a month the first in icu. I just want to live and I’m still bleeding heavily with clots some days. Praying for a miracle to save my life at this point😢

Do not take this medication but everybody is different

Needed progesterone after surgery

Gas, bloating, fatigue, weight gain of more than 15 lbs., Swollen hands and feet, indigestion, heart rate and no both increased. Had some feelings of pregnancy too.

Wish my doc had been upfront with me about this drug. I was told I was being put on progesterone.

MEGACE (MEGESTROL ACETATE): Megestrol is used to treat loss of appetite and weight loss in people with AIDS. Improving your appetite and gaining weight may help you feel better and be more active. Megestrol is similar to a natural substance made by the body called progesterone. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

The main side effect which is bothering me is joint pain and severe backache. I have also suffered from frequent headaches.

It took a while for me to get the full effect. It helped right away with the anxiety, but the depression slowly lifted over about 2 months. It continues to improve. I have never felt this good, emotionally.

Nausea by the end of the first day on this drug. Second day nausea was much worse with vomiting. Third day nausea and vomiting. Had to discontinue because I could not keep it down.

I have tried just about every med for depression. The only one that did any good was Paxil and it wasn't enough. I would come home from work and scream at everybody.i didn't realize, my husband pointed it out to me, as well as other family members. I just want to feel some sense of normal. It did however, make me a lil more assertive

Acne like I hadn't experienced since I was a teenager. Acne sores took weeks to heal, acne scars on temples, chin and cheeks, dizzy, confusion, tired.

After being on the medication for 3 days, my heart starting racing. I thought maybe I was having a heart attack. I called the Doctor and they said to go to the Hosipital if I thought I needed to. After looking this up on line I now realize the heart racing was due to the medication. Unfortunately I only have 1 more dose to take and will definitely stop taking this medication. I also developed the rash on my leg below my knee. I recommend that no one takes this medicine ever again.

The pain relief was pretty good, but the itching made it very scary and unpleasant to take and I stopped after 2-3 doses. Changed over to Tylenol #3 which worked fine without the side effects. This is the first time I've taken Lortab, unfortunately it's not for me.

Gastro esophageal reflux disease

1. A helluva charley horse, which I unwisely ignored and kept climbing with. The next day I was blue and purple from knee to toe and at the ER. But I had been taking 2 aspirins every day, which exaggerated the ordinary muscle injury to hematoma.2. It produced a lousy taste in the mouth not conducive to kissing.3. I worked into a pattern of taking just 2.5 mg, rarely 5 mg per day, every day. After almost 2 years of this a severe heartburn developed, and wouldn't go away despite 5 days off Cialis. Others report this heartburn. What is causing it? Has Cialis caused a stomach or esophagal ulcer? Lo, life isn't a perfect experiment, I've been taking 2 ibuprofens daily since quitting the 2 aspirins, and this could explain the heartburn (and an ulcer).

This medication worked very well for me taken daily for about a year and a half for very serious allergies.progressively I began having severe headaches and nausea about once a week, this continued for several months.symptoms became very severe in December 2015 when I was taken to the emergency room for severe headache nausea vertigo and fatigue so bad I could barely lift my head or get out of my own bed in the emergency room they wanted to do a spinal tap thinking I had meningitis but decided not to symptoms would peek then lighten for a day or two and peek again this went on for about six months going back and forth to the doctor and finding nothing two months after the first ER visit I had another one even more severe and in the months following was in the emergency room three additional times with the third time having a massive seizure I was so ill during this one year of symptoms that I stopped working could not get my own self out of bed lost weight from not being able to keep food down had such bad fatigue I felt like I was a 90-year-old woman symptoms culminated when I was out shopping alone and had a stroke at 48 years old otherwise completely and totally healthy and fit young woman I was treated in the emergency room and taken off all medications ...the only thing I was taken off Allegra-D and at the time was not taking any other daily medications. within two weeks of stopping Allegra-D every single symptom disappeared it has been a year and a half and I