Lunelle (estradiol cypionate; medroxyprogesterone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lunelle (estradiol cypionate; medroxyprogesterone acetate)

Pain at injection site, mania, hysteria, crying, depression. Onset of these symptoms were about 24 hours after the shot. My poor husband thought I'd gone nuts. For about 4 weeks, I was a mess! I filed a report with the FDA, and I think this drug has finally been taken off the market. I have used birth control pills for years, with no problems, but tried this one time at the recommendation of my doctor. YUCK! Never again!

One dose lasts approximately 4 weeks.

soreness at injection site, some acne

I had a good experience with lunelle, but they recalled it due to so many women having circulatory problems because of the drug. I suppose a recall is a good reason not to take something! I didn't have any troubles with it personally.

i heard this one got a recall on it because women were getting pregnant! glad i wasn't one

birth control, control heavy period

A lot of breakthrough bleeding, It was like constantly having a period. Going to the Dr. once a month to get a shot was a pain.

This did not work for me but every woman's body is different.

Side Effects forlunelle (estradiol cypionate; medroxyprogesterone acetate) - User Comments


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I have gotten so freaking fat on this drug. I have gained about 4 inches around my waist in 3 weeks. I can't fit anymore of my pants anymore. Plus it makes me so tired I am basically non-functioning at work. I had to leave early one day this week for exhaustion and light-headedness. My Depakote has just went in the toilet, and I will request a new drug for my condition.

I started taking this medication after my son was born. I developed high bp after weight gain. I was ok for the first 3-5 years on it with little side effects. But last year I began to experience fatigue, dizziness, stomach problems, asthma and eczema. I feel like my whole body has inflammation. I see know that it's likely caused by the only med I'm on, Diovan! I have made a choice to ween off of it by excercise, nutrition and vitamins. I'm going to a Naturopathy to get off of these pills once and for all.

Started at 30 mg and dose was increased to 60, which I found totally intolerable; prescribed in conjunction with 1 mg of Klonopin, which was too much together. Asked Dr. to decrease dosages of both, and now I'm back to 30 mg. after a month, Klonopin .5 mg as needed. Just yesterday I started feeling somewhat normal again. I was just about to call and request to be taken off and go to back to Celexa, but I'm feeling much more optimistic after going through quite a bit of negative side effects, lasting about a month. I also say 'hang in there', if you can.

everybody is different. please consult your doctor of your sudden mood swings!

I was taking this for a clinical trial with another drug to see the interaction on the liver enzymes. Knocked around my gut a fair bit, diarrhea, nausea and headaches.

I'm so glad I had these vaccines because I was with friends or family members the day before they got Covid ( all vaccinated too) and I have not gotten sick. I have been lucky.

Within days of resuming Claritin for seasonal allergies, I started to develop an irrational anger toward little things. I was becoming frustrated when confronted with multiple issues, even though they were easy to resolve once I regained my composure. I had the same feelings last year during the couple months I took Claritin, but did not connect the dots until starting it again.