Evamist (estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Evamist (estradiol)

Numbness is arms and hands, very lightheaded and unbalanced, nausea, hot flashes, migraines, indigestion, stomach pain.

I've been on hrt for 6 years and I just can't find a happy balance, patches were awful and didn't stick, estrogel I used the longest which definitely got rid of the hot flashes but didn't help with anything else, so last try at evamist before I quit altogether with hrt, I had high hopes for this I love how easy it is to use and it sets super quick compared to estrogel but jeez my hot flashes are back at an unbelievable level, drenching night sweats too, horrible nausea, my hands feel numb which travels up my arms non stop indigestion and the migraine is debilitating, I think some of this maybe changing from estrogel and adjusting to evamist but I can't take the it anymore, I so wish this had worked because I love the ease of use but it's like I'm using nothing regarding sweats and I can't live with the migraines, I feel drunk every time I get up due to the lightheaded feeling.

I am still with lots hot flashes on night

Sprayer is horrible—very inconsistent. Dropped off nightstand on carpet but that made it stop working! Waste of a very expensive drug. Way too expensive, unrealistic, insurance won’t even cover it.

I had a full hysterectomy in December of 2105. I have started evamist 3 weeks ago. Yesterday I began having cramps similar to menstrual cramps. Today they are awful. Any thoughts?

ovaries removed before menopause

Love Evamist started at one spray per day but had to move up to 3 per day to get the best results. Have used this since 2008 along with prometrium 100mg due to still having uterus. No problems in ten years. Some hot flashes but rarely. In last year have cut back to 2 per day and just recently cut back to 1 per day trying to see if I can stop, so far so good, but have experienced some hot flashes. Evamist has been a life saver, best product tried.

May have to up dose to 2 sprays/day. Hot flashes much better, but still get a couple a day and hot at night. Take with 100 mg or prometrium. Curious if anyone else takes prometrium and how much. Dr. said if I increase to 2 sprays, to take 2 prometrium (200 mg).

Total hysterectomy with bilateral

I am a mother of four and fairly young saved my sanity and my sex life

Hair loss.....too much. My doctor told me to stop immediately before I become bald.

I had to take 2 shots in each arm to get my hot flashes and uncontrollable sweating to stop. From the very first spray, I got a numbing in my fingers. I NEVER had that before. Even after stopping, the numbing continued for years. I'm an artist and I work with my hands. That was very scary!

when I took too much of it I was experiencing anxiety.

I went to see a natural hormone doctor on suzanne somers website from her latest book called i'm too young for this. your body obsorbs the natural hormones in a water soluble cream much better than the alcohol based delivery system and it is healthier. Because of this you have to take much less mg of estrogen.

low estrogen symptoms of worsening arthritis/headaches/chills/hot flashes/muscle aches/

Revising my review of 3/22/11. Within a month after starting it, I noticed it wore off after about 8 hours. At 12 hours I had to spray it again (per doctor's okay). The bottle only has 75 sprays and if you are doing 6 sprays a day it gets very expensive, and it didn't relieve all my symtoms even at that dose and the arthritis in my fingers worsened to where they are now bent and deformed from lack of estrogen. Plus, I couldn't hold my pets without long sleeves on (to protect them from the estrogen spray). Currently, back on the estradiol pill taken twice a day (only $4 month out of pocket cost) and not happy with the weight gain and dizziness on the generic estradiol pill, so will be looking to start Premarin soon.

No side effects. I had horrible hot flashes that were once an hour at least and terrible insomnia. It does not work instantly. It took about three weeks to fully get rid of them but now I am fine. I too lost about 5 pounds and have good energy again. It's a lifesaver to me!

Started this after having rashes from vivelle-dot and climara patches. It is considered low dose (each spray equals about a .025 patch, so 3 sprays are equal to a .075 patch). The patches gave me migraines, headaches, rashes, extreme bloating, hunger, dry eyes and weight gain. So did the estradiol pills. Evamist caused none of those problems, and I felt like I was 25 y/o again! Brain working right, sleeping great, no bloating, no hot sweats at night, did not gain weight and in fact I lost weight on Evamist because I wasn't feeling like I had to have brownies and potato chips all the time (like the patches and pills caused). The downside is how expensive this spray is. But I love it and am going to start it up again. I had stopped EVAMIST to try the pills (estradiol) to save money. The pills (estrace generic) were the worst for side effects. Love my Evamist!

Tender breasts during the first week of use

Evamist is a wonderful bioidentical estrogen that has totally gotten rid of my hot flashes and allows me to sleep at night. Started on 2 sprays a day and had to go up to 3 to get rid of symptoms. After 9 months, went back down to 2 and am doing great. You may want to consider using some natural OTC progesterone cream (like Progest)to oppose the estrogen if you still have your uterus.

EVAMIST (ESTRADIOL): This medication is a female hormone (estrogen). It is absorbed through the skin and enters into the bloodstream. It is used by women to help reduce a certain symptom of menopause (hot flashes). Symptoms of menopause are caused by the body making less estrogen. If you are using estrogens to treat only vaginal symptoms of menopause (such as vaginal dryness/burning/itching), products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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29 yo female, taking ambien for chronic insomnia. My PCP claims that I experienced extreme side effects. I was not on any other Rx drugs other than ambien. Went through a variety of tests to determine there was no underlying reason for my hair loss and nothing out of the ordinary was detected. About 4 months after I stopped taking it, I lost weight and my hair started to grow back. I would NOT recommend this product.

Don't do it, I only has one shot and feel like shite wish I had never taken this drug it should be banned, Doctor never informed me of any side effects.

The inhaler helps a lot with my breathing but I have put on 30 pounds while using it.

This worked like a charm and eliminated all sypmtoms.

I have been taking Lipitor for two years and have experience leg pain, soreness in muscles and tiredness. I am otherwise a healthy person. Recently, the pain in my my left leg is so bad that I can't sleep on that side at night. My doctor suggested going off lipitor as of today to see if that is the culprit. I will post another message when I stay off of it for awhile. I really do believe that it is the Lipitor though, as I had never had problems prior to being put on that particular medicine.

Wierd feeling in my left leg like it's cold but it's not, A long unquenchable thirst. I have IBS and this caused constipation. A constant dull headache and really dry eyes. Friends reported I was slurring my speach and was like in a daze. But I suppose that was a positive with my usual being the opposit and on extreme highs. It is causing me to be more paranoid hence im looking this up here and spending hours looking for things that are not their !