Estring (estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Estring (estradiol)

Weight gain 9 lbs in 5 months. Bladder urgency was increased with occasional leakage so I moved the estring towards the back (bowel area) to prevent pressure on bladder. This was a little helpful. Only thick white lubrication which settled around the actual ring - no clear lubricant and no impact on labia and NO external comfort experienced. Removed (washed) and left for a week then soaked in hot water to clean and makes it easier to reinsert. 6 months now (2 estrings) and I still have not experienced any great benefit. Prescribed for me by GP after using ovestin (did work but you have to remember to use it frequently). 4 years ago I tried vagifem and generic form vagirux. Neither worked and both caused irritation and discomfort. Maybe back to ovestin cream for me. Ps also enlarged breasts whilst on all vaginal estrogen products so for me they are systemic.

Everyone is different - this is just my experience. Joys of being a woman !

Vaginal dryness, painful intercouse

Nothing, but I think my discharge is different. Thick and white. Was always clear and smooth. I thought I had a yeast infection but I don't, so it must be the ring.

After 3 months I now enjoy intercourse again! My vajayjay is soft and pillowy and my husband can feel the difference from even before menopause, which was 8 years ago!

I thought I would give this a try because of the dryness and atrophy. Inserting was a pain but finally got it in. Night 1 hot flashes returned and vivid dreams. Night 2 more hot flashes and nightmares. Night 3 nightmares and nausea like I was having morning sickness. Night 4 hot flashes, cramping and night terrors so vivid I jumped out of bed. Night 5 again, night terrors so vivid and so real I was hysterical. I got up at 3am and took the estring out and threw it away.

I had such hopes for this be of reviews and dr recommend but, the hot flash return, cramping, nausea and most of all the sever nightmares is not with it. I will try something less harmful.

Vaginal atrophy and urinary incontinence

It was too painful to keep in my vagina my vagina has not been used for many many years and it was painful

Vaginal dryness and discomfort

Has been very positive. I rarely have hot flashes or vaginal dryness. I have noticed a yeasty smell at times but have no symptoms of a yeast infection.

Adds about 5 pounds, increases appetite.

Does help lubrication and vaginal tissues, more elasticity.

While the ring is large I never had any issues if following insertion/removal instructions. Never feel it. Definitely works within a few days. Creams helped but are messy and hard to remember. Wish estring was less expensive because I don't plan on going off it anytime soon.

Blood clot, ring caused haemorrhoids. Obstruction. Was not worth it. And yeast infection, cramping in my legs. Lastly, too thick the ring causes bowel issues.

vaginal dryness/painful intercourse

nausea, insomnia, muscle pain, low mood, carpal tunnel syndrome, eczema, increase in environmental (respiratory) allergies, increased hot flashes

Within a few days, the side effects I listed took hold. I decided to try to make it through the whole 3 month period to see if they would improve because Estring did make a huge difference vaginally. I also increased my B6 intake which helped somewhat. However, ultimately, I never felt well using Estring and this largely prevented intercourse. So I stopped using it.

Is anyone having any nausea with this?

Vaginal dryness, painful intercours

Great results. Sex still enjoyable. Never had any side effects though Dr. wants me to discontinue after all these years.

Abdominal discomfort,rectal pressure, nausea and severe headache. Could not remove myself. Caused increased hemorroid from rectal pressure

Abdominal pain, breast tenderness

First one I used for the full 3 months, brilliant sorted my symptoms out, some abdominal discomfort at first but that wore off. The second one I used more like for maintenance, in for a couple then took it out for a while. Rinsing in water and leaving it out, I think this also helps stop the odd odour. I went back to the cream for a while but it irritates after a bit, so will try estring again

I love it! After 72 hours no more hot flashes. Sex does not hurt anymore.

I've noticed a not very pleasant odor, but no other problems.

Helps greatly with the dryness. but going back to the estradiol cream until the odor is gone. I don't think there's any infection, it's not a really bad odor, just don't like it.

Painful sex,thin vag wall,infection

It works, but I can’t get it out by myself. Husband does it. Wish the ring wasn’t so thick and stiffish

I don't know how anyone uses this. The thing is HUGE and uncomfortable.

Vaginal atrophy severe burning

Cramping at first and had a hard time squeezing it to insert. Hot flashes have increased and sometimes a funky smell. The burning has returned and it comes and goes. I’ll give it the 3 months and try one more refill. If it stays the same I will talk to my Dr about something else

I just want the burning to go away. It’s so uncomfortable and annoying. I feel like it’s a constant UTI that doesn’t go away

Ring is HUGE! It tends to "hang out" and be very uncomfortable. If I can get it into a comfortable position for sleeping, then I just use it then. Usually that is enough to relive my symptoms. If I can't, then I use my estrogen cream that night.

This stuff works. Within one day a lot my discomfort was gone. I continued to improve rapidly even only using it at night.

Ring is HUGE! It tends to "hang out" and be very uncomfortable. I tried it into a knot using dental floss and then I didn't have the problem any more.

This stuff works. Within one day a lot my discomfort was gone. I continued to improve rapidly.

ESTRING (ESTRADIOL): This medication is a female hormone (estrogen). It is used by women to help reduce vaginal and urinary symptoms of menopause (such as vaginal dryness/burning/itching, painful urination, frequent urges to urinate). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. When treating only vaginal symptoms of menopause, products applied directly inside the vagina (such as this medication) should be used first. Estrogens that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected may have greater risks of side effects due to more estrogen being absorbed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Am on 7.5mg once a week with folic acid two days before dose. Started to work after third dose, initially with relief next day after dose, now most of the week following dose nearly symptom free, but feeling extreme fatigue, occasional nausia,(reminds me of preganacy!) and generally off my food. The most serious side effect has been the slow onset of a feeling of hopelessness and depression. Have been on methotrexate now for 6 weeks and am going to talk to my doctor about these feelings. My RA symptoms are hugely improved, but the depression is overwhelming.

I took Klonopin only three times on an "as needed basis." Each time, I only took 1/2 of a .5 mg pill. Each time, it took my body 5 days to get the drug out of my system. For example, I took a 1/2 of .5mg pill on Tuesday and it is Saturday and I am still in a fog. I threw the pills away. The situational relief of 1 or 2 hours is not worth 5 or 6 days of feeling drunk.

Nausea,upset stomach, diarrhea, now having severe burning sensation

Makes me alert, awake and able to focus without hyperfocusing on little things. i was on Adderall XR and was WAY too jittery and there was a HUGE peak and then crash and if i missed a dose, i would be super sleepy all day. Strattera was next and it zapped my sex drive and did absolutely nothing for me. Concerta has changed my life. it helps you focus all day without the jittery side of effects of other stimulant drugs.

migraine and tension headaches